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K 0

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Posts posted by K 0

  1. 3 hours ago, Kris said:

    I never really did it because it allows people to crash some prices more effectively. There's about 5 billion bounty hunter points in the economy right now, if we let some of the large BHP holders buy tens of thousand of potions and immediately dump them in, it could affect the prices quite a lot. I know this isn't much of a security feature but it does seem to deter people from buying massive amounts of cheap items in the store.

    I'm sure around 70% of the server doesn't buy pots from the g.e anyway and instead uses their BP to buy them or make them themselves. What does it matter if the price drops anyway, this is creating a false economy. 

    If I wanted to run back and forth 1000 times to get all the pots I could, but why make us do this when it can be made to be noted.

  2. 1 hour ago, Hxrdcore said:

    I think people have managed without it being in a store just fine for the last year. It kind of devalues some diary tasks if you can just buy it from Jackie without there being some kind of challenge to obtaining it. 

    Just my opinion, though. Items are usually added to Jackie because they're unobtainable - not just because it takes a little bit of effort to get the item. 

    The rune axe is a drop by many monsters but it's in there. Along with many other items. Lets be honest this can't be a valid argument.

  3. On 6/29/2020 at 7:29 PM, Shark said:

    This is possible with a few updates that are planned actually but getting it juuuust right might be a bit of a pain in the butt.

    I've got this noted down though so it'll show up somewhere on your forum postbit at some point. Might even be a sneaky addition.

    Better late than never. Be good to have this on the forum.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Kris said:

    It's going to be a no for the following reasons:

    - GE prices rely on people trading the items. If something isn't being traded on GE at all, it'll still have the "default" value that we or OSRS once had. This could mean that an item shows a much greater value on the grand exchange than what people are actually willing to pay for it.

    - The coins to items ratio isn't broken. It's about 115b coins to ~700b total economy wealth ratio(the latter is all items' GE mid price added together, including coins and all that). The economy has been heading in the same direction since the beginning and it's perfectly fine from my perspective. Allowing such a massive influx of coins into the economy whilst also removing items from it would cause a massive economy change, and I don't think that's good in any way. Unlike other servers, we really don't have a problem with the economy IMO.


    At the given moment, introducing more coins into the economy wouldn't really solve the issue you're proposing here. The issue actually is the significant dip in playerbase. Everything in the game is traded much, much less frequently now; whether you're trying to buy something, or sell, it'll be harder than before no matter the prices of things, or the amount of coins in the economy. The only real solution I personally see is making people able to see what's available as offers on the GE in some better fashion than having to individually search each of the possibly thousands of items out there. However coming up with a solution that could display loads of items all at once is rather tricky for many reasons.

    Good response Kris I fully understand what you're saying. The current G.E system does work well and fine never doubting that. Your point makes perfect sense and it would overall hurt the game, fully understood.

    As for adding more to the g.e would it be possible to add something along the lines of recently added buy/sell offers, searching for players names and displaying all their current g.e buying and selling offers? This would allow for more things to be viewed and possibly quicker sales and buying.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Mew2 said:

    You are right in saying there is a state of stagnancy in the market at the moment primarily caused by the condition of the player base. That being said, I don't see this being a viable solution, primarily because of the inflationary impact. The economy is only like this because we are in a slight lull with players which should recover soon. If we introduce this as some emergency fix would it be temporary or permanent? While it may be convenient now to get something like this, it poses a bigger risk to the economy from the inflationary effect. Not only would this sink a huge amount of items inevitably over inflating their value, it would also sigifnicantly undervalue gold as it floods into the market. The current scale of items in circulation is proportional to a player base roughly 2x the size of the current active base. If all these extra items sink out in masses and the player base returns,  there will be a huge shortage causer further distortions in the market down the line.


    The GE is not your only source of money. There are better solutions to this issue:

    - Doubling vote gp rewards

    - Adding a permanent cash reward to mystery boxes.

    - Adding a "xeric's wisdom" type boost to effigy drops at revs buyable in the donation store



    I agree totally with what you have said. Maybe my suggestion would cause what you have said and I actually believe it would in the long scheme of things and maybe rushing into doing something like this isn't the best of ideas on a server economy outlook of things, I just want the server to be more enjoyable at this moment but it isn't always the best for the future of the server.

    I like the three suggestions you gave and would support these. I don't want to see GP having to be bought with real money all of the time. The double vote reward could possibly be added for every weekend or something to stop people vote boting of some sort but allowing for players to gain from logging in on the weekend to vote and play for extra cash.

    I like the idea of using the xerics wisdom possibly from either the vote store or loyalty shop and call it something in turn with ghosts or the wildy. This would also improve activeness in the wildy as more people would have more incentive to be there either pvming or pking. 

    The mystery box thing is a good idea and I feel as if it would allow players to enjoy opening them more without risking the entire worth of the box at the same time.

    It would be good if the Admins took a look at this suggestion and maybe try to implement it and see what happens.





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  6. The problem with the shop keeper it that is goes off the default item price not the player prices of which my suggestion is based from. For example amethyst bolt tips aren't 48 gp in the g.e they're 150 meaning I would lose a lot of my cash there. Now if there was an NPC that took into the account of current buying prices in the g.e offer viewer and -20% of that I would still be able to sell them at a good price and faster. For big items like a blowpipe that for examples sake is 40m selling it for 20% less might be a  big loss in the GP but it's instant cash for the player

    The G.E only works when there is people selling the item or buying it. What if a new player gets a good boss drop and has to wait 7 days to find out his offer is now invalid and no one has bought his item so he can't upgrade his gear from rune/dragon scim and is stuck there.

    By the trapped content I mean if I buy a zulrah setup it may take time to sell that gear to overall change to another boss, rs doesn't have this problem as the high amount of players ensures that items will always sell and buy quickly.

    Not everyone wants to think outside the box a lot of us just want to either boss or pk and do some skilling. We don't all wanna go craft ring or recoils and hope someone buys them from us. This is a RSPS after all and we should be able to sell our items for a fair price.

    The suggestion offer an item sink and allows players to get a better real value from their items rather than the shopkeeper prices which don't represent the real value that Zenyte players put on the items.

    @Dee1337 I understand where you're coming from and what you said makes sense, but think of it from a noobs perspective on the game.

  7. Overall the economy on Zenyte is decent but as I have seen over the last month is that players are starting to drop slightly which is fine in my book. People come and go and it's normal for servers to be that way until more big content comes out.

    When players stop logging in and we see less activity in the server it overall hurts everyone due to the player(us) not being able to sell items quickly and get our money out from under the items to spend on other gear we need. Which in turn either traps us into content and until we get a few big drops to sell off to get the next gear upgrades.

    My suggestion is overall to have a NPC of which we can sell our items to for maybe -10% of the G.E average to allow for an Item sink in the game to allow for a longer healthier eco over time. Also allow for players to sell their items when they want and not be waiting around for a few days for players to buy them up. Some items you get wont ever sell on the G.E due to a lot of items being useless. 

    Now if there was an NPC that took into the account of current buying prices in the g.e offer viewer and -20% of that I would still be able to sell them at a good price and faster. For big items like a blowpipe that for examples sake is 40m selling it for 20% less might be a  big loss in the GP but it's instant cash for the player

    The G.E only works when there is people selling the item or buying it. What if a new player gets a good boss drop and has t

    Some extra info about the suggestion that was posted below.

    The problem with the shop keeper it that is goes off the default item price not the player prices of which my suggestion is based from. For example amethyst bolt tips aren't 48 gp in the g.e they're 150 meaning I would lose a lot of my cash there.

    The G.E only works when there is people selling the item or buying it. What if a new player gets a good boss drop and has to wait 7 days to find out his offer is now invalid and no one has bought his item so he can't upgrade his gear from rune/dragon scim and is stuck there.

    By the trapped content I mean if I buy a zulrah setup it may take time to sell that gear to overall change to another boss, rs doesn't have this problem as the high amount of players ensures that items will always sell and buy quickly.

    Not everyone wants to think outside the boss a lot of us just want to either boss or pk and do some skilling. We don't all wanna go craft ring or recoils and hope someone buys them from us.

    The suggestion offer an item sink and allows players to get a better real value from their items rather than the shopkeeper prices which don't represent the real value that Zenyte players put on the items.

  8. Hey devs and lesbians alike

    Noticed that the crash site (location of the demonic gorillas) doesn't have the multi zone like they do in OSRS. This needs to be fixed so I can mutli them.

    Great stuff thanks lmk when I need to collect my paycheck as the server is named Zenyte and the place you get Zenytes isn't made correctly. So I am saving you the humiliation of this error by telling you and not the world.

    Peace K 0 aka Head whipper.

  9. Honestly I think the OSRS death timer is a bit over powered being 60 minutes etc. I think keeping it at 3 minutes on here allows for some of the ECO to be lost which is a good thing for the future of the server. Drops are already boosted so there is already more loot coming into the game than OSRS, keeping the death timer at 3 minutes for regular players of the server is the best thing to allow the eco to be more stable in my opinion.

    Also as a donator perk is to increase grave timer, changing this would not be fair to members of the community who have already donated. So I don't think this would happen because of this alone.

    No Support

  10. 1 hour ago, max here said:


    Cool idea. But honestly couldn't a tournement world be made to just allow practise the inferno for free.

    I feel like charging for practise attempts of the minigame is a bit against what Zenyte is as a server. Also charging real money for something of which even if you succed you get nothing apart from being able to practise just seems wrong in my opinion. Either keep it as it is or open a practise world for it. 

    Also everything isn't about money in a rsps its important not to make it that way or seem that way at least. I understand money needs to be made. But making it this way isn't the way to do it. 

    Good concept idea. I just don't agree with it. 

  11. 13 minutes ago, Gepan said:

    K O,

    Thank you for the feedback! Unfortunately during the timeframe that you and I interact I am actually at work so it does appear that I am not responding to every inquiry but I tend to stay logged in to monitor the cc for interruptions and grab questions when I can 🙂 I will try to grab more if I can!

    Thanks again,



    Don't doubt yourself mate, you do a great job. It's just an observation. You don't need to do anymore than you already do.

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