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K 0

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Posts posted by K 0

  1. I think this would be an overall waste of development time. We have forums the admins overall have the last word on what goes in on Zenyte not players as players of RSPS can sometimes want things that could hurt the server in the long run.

    Good suggestions just don't think it would work on Zenyte.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Draxed said:

    im okay with how it is now, it litterly takes like 5 minutes to buy the vessel

    Only reason I'm recommending really is that as all other fishing equipment is at home why not this and players who don't know much about rs don't know this and have to ask I feel it would just help everyone moving it to home store.


    I appreciate what you're saying though as that is a fact.

  3. I think it would allow people to make a bit easier cash to just have the vessel buyable from the fishing shop at home. I think this would help a lot of people want to complete the diary too. I know it's in a shop with a guy in the village but adding it at home would just be a nice small QoL update.

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  4. 6 hours ago, CIA said:

    Explain why it wouldn't work because I believe the exact opposite.

    Not saying that you're wrong but I'm just interested to hear since you didn't bother explaining but instead only said "it won't work on an eco"

    Because 80% of money makers on the server are 1m/hr or less not many people would risk that many hours of their lives to gain a few mil it would overall be more beneficial to do a safe money maker such are crafting blood runes then having the chance of losing 5m lets say in the wilderness due to rng luck. ECO severs only ever have high wilderness players due to either huge over powered money makers there which Zenyte doesn't really want or promote or they have massive PVP clans who normally RWT anyway.

  5. I like the shop changes you have suggested. I'm not really sure on much else as it's already used in full PK servers and it only works there because it's a spawn/pk server. It wont work on an ECO.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Ironyte said:

    I'm sorry but your thought process is completely wrong when it comes to playing Zenyte. This is not the type of RSPS where you should get "guaranteed" drops or anything in that nature. It is SO easy when you are on 50x/25x rates that maxing could come extremely easy. You are acting like items aren't coming easy? There are literally people getting drops left and right..

    Zenyte is built as an easier OSRS and it proves to be just that. Whatever issues you are running into trying to solve med. clues is your own personal experience, not everyone runs into that issue. Collecting items and improving your ability to gain new content is the goal. You shouldn't be given any guaranteed loot ever, that defeats the whole purpose of Runescape in general.


    I never said maxing was hard or long compared to RS. I can see how many people would have a problem with the guaranteed drops. But the key problem is you can max quickly but will still be using very basic gear for the 'Regular' player. I have 3 days playtime in game now and only have around a 20m cash stack, I can't afford any viable bossing equipment so forth I cannot boss 'well'.

    Along with that a clan runs Revs so you cannot do the basic money maker, I can't do zulrah because it is legit 4-5 minute kills as I have to use mystic with black d'hide. The gold per hour on most method is lower if not the same as rs as a lot of drops mean less because you don't need to use them for anything. I think some things should come easier I just said the guaranteed drop thing as an Idea so at least you know you're gunna make a little cash for all your efforts, sort of like a challenge reward or something?

    Call it like in-game achievements or something along those lines.

    500 kills at bandos for that you get 10m as a reward maybe not an item like I said.

    1000 kills at bandos 20m cash.

    This is just a boost for players that can't do 'Raids' 'Zulrah' or experienced bossing as they are making hardly any cash for long playtime. Not too much of a reward but a reward for their efforts.

  7. 47 minutes ago, Iron Melee said:

    I feel like COX rare items should be a bit more common as it is a common theme on the server, having reduced drop rates. Raids are quite inactive, it's hard to find teams and most of the raiders do them solo. I feel like a slight boost to the rare rewards in comparison to OSRS should give raids more activity.

    The overall problem is that the server doesn't provide easy access to making money, for example you basically can't do medium clues without begging for items or spending 5m for a crappy cape for the clue.

    They need to sort this out and allow people to get more basic items easier so they can play the game and earn money a little easier at the start. Raids etc should be harder as it's a chance for 100m+ loot but other stuff in the server should come a bit easier it's a rsps after all. Not everyone wants to skill 24/7 to get 40m for a blowpipe or the other route do 4 minutes kills on zulrah and hope for a drop.

    I think the way to fix this would be guarenteed drops on lower level bosses for example after 300 kills of zulrah you will 100% get a random high end drop or a 1m cash stack or something to make it worth wild and to aim for that.

    Another annoyance I have realised is that you can basically only do PC when a admin hosts a PC event, this isn't fun for everyone and not everyone can be on at those times. 

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