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Posts posted by CIA

  1. 14 hours ago, Cresinkel said:

    Mostly because i think the wilderness equipment is already stupid rare to get. Lowering the rate from slayer monsters would make it even more rediculous to get the items on an ironman. My view on this is strictly ironman related, i do not pk nor do i sell items to get the wilderness equipment so getting the items with these rates you are proposing would be a cba from my part. That is just my, very tunnelvisioned, opinion though. I see why it would be a decent idea for mains, the drops get more exciting, and more valuable due to lower rates.


    Okay, understandable. However there's always the option to unlock bandos gear (slightly worse than statius/vesta)

    PVP arm are BIS which is why I personally think they should be very rare.

    I personally don't want them coming into the game too fast and too easily with 0 risk and making them too cheap.

    The PVP arm are already quite common at least between the slightly wealthier players.

    Thanks for your feedback!

  2. 3 minutes ago, itzdeath said:

    Hey Ashi 🙂 Just wanted to reach out and say that despite any emotions that have been flowing throughout the community based on the poll yesterday and feeling like you guys haven't been heard, you have been heard. Loud and clear. I have a list of 58 individual items that I pulled from within your thread, the poll comments, and #server-suggestions polls that have good feedback from players from within the last four months, and we will be polling them on a larger scale to the community on a weekly basis. Doing so will give us time to implement the suggestions that pass in these polls and hopefully achieve some weekly updates with the things that have been asked for, while also giving Grant as much time and support as he needs to focus on the massive projects he has taken on. 

    I see your passion, I see the communities passion, and I love it. I feel the same way about our community, and I look forward to working closely with all of you, to compromise and build Zenyte into the place that we all know it can be 🙂 

    Thank you, great attitude. I truly appreciate your words and the fact that you're willing to listen to the community even if it's not only positive feedback.

    • Like 1

  3. I just want to make one thing clear:

    I have 0 problem with updates taking time but what I have a problem with is if dev time is being wasted on updates that doesn't improve the game. 

    If it's dead content or useless update that makes Zenyte less Zenyte then it's a big problem for me personally. 

    If you bother putting dev time into something make sure it's actually having a positive impact on the game & community.

    That's why I said if Grant needs break from TOB & if Matt+Itzdeath wants to do something useful these could be the following things: 

    - Wilderness updates (demonic gorillas deep wildy with 25-33% boosted drop rate) a 2nd location with revs (posted in my wildy suggestions) & more stuff there.

    - Vote shop stuff

    - Donator shop stuff

    - BH shop stuff

    - Slayer shop stuff

    - Making boss pet drops easier, having 1:1 07 pet drop rates on a rsps doesn't make sense.

    + maybe some other stuff

    And as I said if you need help with ideas around these things I have no problem with providing ideas & suggestions, just let me know.

    I'm sure there's other people willing to help as well.

    Also I'm not trying to dictate what any of you have to do but I'm only giving you advice on if you want to make this game better. 100% your choice if you want to listen or not.

    Your choice if you want to focus on negativity and think I'm being a dick and an asshole for saying how things are in my eyes instead of actually taking this as friendly advice and the fact that I'm offering my own time to help you for free. If you think I'm wrong and just stupid then go ahead and ignore me but this isn't anything else but advice on making the game better.

    So if you're willing to give me a chance and hear me out and try my plan I'm here ready to work and make this happen.

  4. Hi and thanks for your reply @Grant

    Good to hear that the things are being worked, I don't doubt that. I'm just hoping that they will be the main focus as well rather than stuff that was polled.

    If I would've been negative towards you or anyone else I wouldn't have a problem admitting & saying it but I haven't. 

    I wonder where you're taking this from because you're mistaken, I haven't been doing anything else but supporting and appreciating the work that has been done and if you'd bother reading my comments in update posts you'd see that evidence yourself. I've also been defending you & Gepan many times in-game and on Discord (not that you need me to defend you) but simply because I think the majority that are complaining about something aren't being realistic or paying enough attention to the bigger picture.

    As I said I'm aware that only YOU are able to do TOB and that's fine, take your time. That's what I've been saying all the time BUT in case you do happen to need a break to do something that isn't TOB related then it that case I've been suggesting to focus on stuff that are important such as wilderness/revision upgrade/group iron etc.

    This means Gepan & Itzdeath will work on other stuff but that doesn't mean that they have to waste their time on dead content like wildy resource area that doesn't provide anything useful for people to bother going there. As I said nobody will go there to fish crabs, cut yew or magic logs and so on. I can assure you I'm 110% correct about this.

    If there's a way to get crystal shards x2 faster then there's a good chance it might be an update that is useful and worthy of doing.

    Again Gepans call since he's the owner but based off my knowledge & experience if he's capable to dev the following stuff then he should be doing it:

    Donor perks/more vote shop stuff/donor shop stuff/bh shop rework etc instead of the stuff in that poll. 


    I've given feedback for your wildy updates if you'd bother to check my wilderness related posts over forums.

    You're the one here that isn't paying attention right now and making assumptions.

    If you don't want to take your time to read my feedback and suggestions that's fine but at least be decent enough not to accuse me of ignoring your wildy updates because that's false information. I've appreciated your wilderness updates along with many other players but that doesn't mean that the job is done.

    You've taken the first very important steps to improve wilderness but the show must go on.

    I'm not mad at you either, I look up to you & your work and I only hope it will continue to be as good as it has been so far.

    I'm not mad at Gepan either, I only want what's best for the server.

    We can argue all day we want what's best for the server and that the opinions may be different around it. Your choice if you want to listen to me or not.

    Ever since the wildy updates the wilderness activity has grown at least a little and it would grow even more if you continue the right path all the way to the end.

    It will also balance out the economy & demand for pvp items which lead to more profit for pvmers that kill bosses for those items.


  5. One more thing to add:

    1) I give you credit for how well you did when you were the only one developing this server, things weren't easy I'm sure.

    2) I know Grant is a human being and I've never expected him to push updates like a robot but what I care about is that when the updates come they are actually something useful (which they have for the most part) but the latest poll is what I have a problem with.

    I know you said that Grant is doing TOB and that you (Gepan) will be doing things that are easier but those things could be for example:

    Vote shop, donator perks, new donator rank, slayer shop stuff, bounty hunter shop rework & so on. Those would be useful and I'm not sure what is too difficult for you but I'd assume those are tasks that you can do without having to drag Grant out of TOB project for assistance? 

  6. @Gepan


    If you're so sick of seeing the same feedback then maybe you should be asking yourself why is the same feedback coming and then do something about it.

    I'm not sure how it's going to benefit you or the servers future by saying that you're "sick of the same feedback" meanwhile you're the one who can actually do something about it and that's only if you want to do something about it because you're the one in charge & carrying the responsibility for it.

    If the rest of us were able to develop and had access we probably would be working on the stuff rather than giving the feedback but since we're not the developers of Zenyte then our job as players is to give the feedback whether you like it or not. I personally think you should be glad that there's actually players that bother to do it at least as long as it's constructive feedback which is something I'd like to think that is exactly what I've at least been doing.


    I've made several arguing points for why wilderness can be useful not for only pkers ("certain members of the community") but also for pvmers & skillers and the whole economy itself. 

    Quite many people seem to be open to this because I've actually taken my time to explain why I believe what I believe so that others may understand my thinking behind it.

    Also what I suggest isn't only based on the happiness of current players but also opening the door for new potential players that may find more interest in playing Zenyte if certain updates are done. So it's 100% pointless to complain that the ideas are only coming from a very few people, that's completely irrelevant.

    Also I've never been against making the game more enjoyable for skillers and just because I don't have many ideas around that area it doesn't mean I'm against it & them or that I don't care about skillers. I'll think about ideas around that piece of the Zenyte puzzle when the right time comes and I might need help with that from other skillers because the skilling area isn't maybe what I'm best at but that doesn't mean I can't try or that I won't come up with ideas for skilling.

    I just don't think it's a priority right now until we get more relevant content that 07 has which we don't have because you can easily ask yourself which will bring more players to the game?

    Construction is an exception though, wilderness skilling (crystal gathering) & maybe Zalcano skilling boss.


    Making everyone happy:

    You say that we need to be doing updates that make everyone happy rather than one group, true but almost impossible or at least won't give any flexibility with any updates.

    That's why you focus on the bigger picture: By doing many different updates that in the end will benefit everyone. (Content from 07 that isn't on Zenyte)

    That still means that you should keep Zenyte as Zenyte.



    I personally haven't seen disrespect from anybody the last 24 hours, I've only seen extreme frustration from many different players and if anything you should be more understanding towards them because many of them did play during the old management that let them down many times and yet they're still kind enough to give this game & new managers a chance. 

    I believe Zenyte is a game but I'm sure it's also a business at least for you and a business usually thrives if the customer service is good and in this case the customers are the players that are giving you feedback which you don't seem to like because they're repeating the same thing over and over again well maybe you should be asking why?

    A good business or at least one that wants to be successful usually listens to their customers because they're the ones that keep the business alive.

    Instead of seeing me as a dickhead for posting what I've posted & even this post maybe you just could take the feedback seriously & take advantage of it and focus on that rather than spending time on the forums and getting on the same level of the people complaining about updates meanwhile you're doing the exact same complaining about their feedback. Just something for you to consider, be the bigger & smarter man and do something about it for the sake of Zenyte.

    Oh and feel free to hate me as much as you want for saying this, it doesn't bother me. I simply want what's the best for the server.

    I may have 0 experience in running a server but I'm sure I've played more RS & RSPS than anyone else here and I'm not saying this to be cocky but simply because when I suggest something for the server it's based off my experience not on my personal emotions & desires even though certain things that are good for the server do go hand in hand with my desires as well which I'm willing to admit with 0 shame.


    In your defense:

    You asked me why I returned to Zenyte? I told you it was because of YOU.

    I also told you that Grant was the reason I also decided to stay.

    I've seen with my own eyes what the two of you are capable of, right now with this poll & resource area (without crystal shards) is the wrong turn so get back to the right path and continue the good work that you've been doing and everything will be fine again. 


  7. 6 minutes ago, Hexae said:

    @CIA: As long as this topic remains respectful, I will leave it available. This community should have the right to raise their voice and explain why they don't agree with things; it doesn't have to be necessarily inside the last community poll. Bottom line, happy brainstorming! 🙂 

    Thanks and it's meant to be respectful, just punish anyone who isn't or remove their comment.

    Don't punish me and my post by closing it simply because I care about this game & community.

    I'm against anyone that is disrespectful towards owner/dev/manager/staff of zenyte.

    • Zenyte 1

  8. Not sure if everyone will agree and I'm sure I will be called a dickhead for this but someone has to do it and I don't mind being the dickhead.

    Why don't we fix zenyte and make it great again?

    Why focus on weird polls & custom pet updates & holiday events that will either make people quit because no real content being added or then it's dead content after a day or two.

    Just do what is needed to keep your players & get new ones?

    Not in any specific order/priority:

    - Theatre of blood

    - Construction

    - Group iron man

    - Wilderness updates (revs single +, demonic gorillas deep wild 25-33% easier drop rate, buff larrans keys+chest & much more

    - Revision upgrade

    - Nightmare boss

    - Fix accuracy for ags/claws/dbow/gmaul/bolt spec (dmg for bolt spec as well) & dding under other players

    - $10k donator rank, more vote rewards, more stuff to donator store, more stuff to bh shop, more stuff to slayer shop & more donator perks.


    The previous management didn't do updates or then they did updates that weren't important enough to keep players interested, don't do the same mistakes. BE SMARTER THAN THEM!

    To defend you: So far you have but lately it isn't looking good with TOB delay/weird poll/custom pets & holiday events that will be dead content in 48h. Waste of dev time


    Don't take this as hate but instead take it as feedback to sit down and have some serious thinking about this because I'm afraid Zenyte is about to take the wrong turn and it can still be stopped.


    Have problems with votes? not enough items coming into eco? need more donor perks? whatever it is let me know and I will find you a good solution for your problem as long as you're willing to pay attention & listen. Thanks

    • Like 9

  9. 4 hours ago, Cresinkel said:

    i like all your suggestions besides this one. good threads!


    Thanks! May I ask why you don't like that one?

    My argument for that would be the fact that the non bosses are so fast and easy to kill with a cannon and low risk gear yet you can get pvp items 1/2500 on task same as bosses doesn't make sense to me. Of course the bosses also have their separate drop table but still I believe the +70 combat monsters having same drop rate will hurt the game in the long run by flooding too many pvp items into the game too fast.

    Also bosses are more dangerous since they are in hotspot locations that are checked by pkers.

    So the question is: Why should you get same drop rate chance from killing a lesser demon vs callisto?

    Lesser demon can be cannoned, you could bring basically 0 risk meanwhile you'll risk ether from your rev wep at callisto. Lesser demon also has by far lower def+hp.

  10. 1 minute ago, Fe Simon said:

    I also realized that there's quite a few items on the revenant drop table that simply has really no value in-game simply because nobody has use for them and since we're also looking to add more raw cash into the game it could be done by giving the useless items a realistic automatic sell price to general store:

    - yew log 200-300 each (I'd prefer 250 since some but not that many come into the game outside revs)
    - magic log 500-1000 each (I'd prefer 600-750 since some come into the game outside revs)
    - coal 200-300 each (I'd prefer 200 since some of these do also come into the game outside revs)
    - law rune 200 each (I'd prefer 200)
    - black dragonhide 2000-3000 each (I'd prefer 2500 each since not that many come into the game outside revs as far as I know)
    - Manta ray 800-1200 each (I'd prefer 1000 since not that many come into the game outside revs as far as I know)
    - Battlestaff 5000-8000 each (I'd prefer 7000)
    - Onyx bolt tip 5000-8000 (I'd prefer 7000)
    - Dragonstone bolt tip 250-500 each (I'd prefer 300-400)

    You suggest this because 70% of Zenyte players are iron man/self sufficient players or because you actually believe this would be a "fix" ?
    This seems like a short term solution because, if these prices come through, this will bring more cash into the game than ever before. (think of all the current yew logs, dragonhides, ... in game)

    Single + is something I'm craving for, would be dope to see it happen.

    Whether people are iron/self sufficient or just regular players it doesn't really change the fact that these drops are fairly useless & worthless at least for the majority of the players.

    So to answer your question if it's a "fix" then the answer is: YES

    It would fix 1) Revenants being more profitable for pvmers but also the loot value is improved for the pkers = WIN WIN

    2) A ton of cash has been removed from the economy due to RWT which is why Matt & Grant have been monitoring the situation and we do need more cash flowing into the economy and what place would be better than wilderness itself. Wilderness becomes more active & we get more cash into the economy = WIN WIN

    3) I can assure you that the money that would be coming from yew logs & dragonhides is more of a fix than a problem both short & long term.

    100k yew logs would be only 25m coins coming into the economy which is nothing, it's enough to buy a bond if you're lucky. Most people don't have many yew logs anyway, why would they? Same thing goes for black dragonhide. 

    We all want single + but it isn't going to happen before a revision upgrade which could be quite far away which is why we need at least a temporary solution to support the wilderness & cash flowing into the game until we can have single +. 

    That's the whole point of this.

  11. After seeing the much appreciated feedback from Felix I started to re-think of certain things that I suggested and I also took my time to quickly consult with Carl and based off all the feedback I've received I now have decided I must continue this into part 4 sooner than expected simply because Grant,Gepan & the staff team are ready to get their hands dirty and get the job done. So this leads to Wilderness 4:


    - 1/2500 pvp item on wilderness slayer task from +70 combat monster (Currently)
    My suggestion: 1/5000 & 1/4000 if skulled.
    My new suggestion: 1/4000 & 1/3000 if skulled

    However the drops from wilderness bosses on task would be the following instead of 1/2500:
    Callisto 1/2000
    Vet'ion 1/2100
    Venenatis 1/2200
    Scorpia 1/2300
    Chaos elemental 1/2300


    Mrclawz & few other players made a wish about Blood Money potentially entering the game and this is an idea I think we could all build on together especially since I haven't had the time to think through this myself at least not yet so if anyone has any suggestions related to this feel free to post a comment below/contact me on discord or pm me in-game.

    Things I've thought about so far though:

    - Could potentially be obtained from player kills/wilderness slayer/revenants/all monsters around wilderness in general/only wildy bosses/by trading in bh emblems?

    - They could be used to buy something special maybe from a dangerous shop that is actually located somewhere deep in the wilderness?

    The shop could have an exact location or it could have either 3 or 5 different locations but it changes the location once every 30-60 minutes so that nobody knows where it is.

    The shop could maybe offer noted brews/restores/super combats, staff of light, raw cash, cheaper dragon bolts than bh shop, cheaper dragon javelins than bh shop, blood runes and maybe even dragon defender/ma2 cape? Perhaps an item/object similar to trouver parchment that protects an untradable item from being lost on death inside the wilderness?



    PVP Fixes needed:

    - Dragon claws / Armadyl godsword / dark bow / Granite maul need accuracy boost

    - Bolt special attack is quite inaccurate but also extremely weak (dragon bolts E/Diamond bolts E/Opal bolts E)
    - Dding under frozen players is a bit buggy and not as smooth as it should be
    - ice barrage can't be stacked with a spec wep, the damage isn't delayed like on OSRS
    - I feel something is wrong with prayers, they protect the player too long meanwhile switching into new prayer
    instantly protects you making it almost like you can have 2 prayers activated at the same time if you're
    quick enough.
    - Revenant weapons do NOT drop ether on death as they should drop to the player who gets the kill, this needs to be fixed ASAP to make it more rewarding for pkers.


    Feedback for the revenant update that we had:

    I wish more revenants would be added and also placed west from the northern entrance all the way until ankous

    I also wish that the coin drop would be maybe 30-50% more common than it currently is.

    I also realized that there's quite a few items on the revenant drop table that simply has really no value in-game simply because nobody has use for them and since we're also looking to add more raw cash into the game it could be done by giving the useless items a realistic automatic sell price to general store:

    - yew log 200-300 each (I'd prefer 250 since some but not that many come into the game outside revs)
    - magic log 500-1000 each (I'd prefer 600-750 since some come into the game outside revs)
    - coal 200-300 each (I'd prefer 200 since some of these do also come into the game outside revs)
    - law rune 200 each (I'd prefer 200)
    - black dragonhide 2000-3000 each (I'd prefer 2500 each since not that many come into the game outside revs as far as I know)
    - Manta ray 800-1200 each (I'd prefer 1000 since not that many come into the game outside revs as far as I know)
    - Battlestaff 5000-8000 each (I'd prefer 7000)
    - Onyx bolt tip 5000-8000 (I'd prefer 7000)
    - Dragonstone bolt tip 250-500 each (I'd prefer 300-400)


    A random idea: If trouver parchment or a similar item doesn't get added to bh shop or wilderness shop then maybe it could be bought for X amount of ether to maintain their value for the long run?


    I also agree with Grant,Carl & Felix that there might be an issue with one revenant cave especially if we can't spread the revenants properly before we:

    1) Add a new slayer dungeon in the wilderness

    2) Get single + for the revenant caves

    Which is why I'm going to offer a permanent solution or at least a temporary one:

     Add more revs & spread them more west of the northern entrance all the way to ankous, change the monsters non aggressive in the cave & make it 100% single + make an official rule that stops people from boxing revenants for an eternity in case they see a pker or need to escape one.

    You could also consider adding revenants to a new area that could be slightly more profitable but also more dangerous:

    Picture 1) Just an example of what I meant by adding more revs along the north western entrance all the way to ankous (highly recommend doing this)


    Picture 2) Revenants near 50-55 wilderness at mage bank far away from an escape with teleport BUT pirate hut, pirate ship & staircase with monsters to help tanking + logging out (Could be interesting & risky but perhaps more rewarding) I could recommend this to be worth testing.


    Picture 3) Single combat area +30 deep north of venenatis all the way to about 38-40 deep east of callisto could be a very interesting area for new revs and it wouldn't be too close 

    to 30 line for an instant teleport which might make it a little bit more interesting. I could recommend considering this as an option as well


    Picture 4)

    A)  44 maze is quite useless and extremely dangerous, the area is pretty dead so putting revs there would be an easy job. However inside the dungeon we do have some monsters but nobody really kills them there ever which is why they could also be replaced by revenants. I think this could be quite interesting since it's very far from any lever/obelisk or 30 wildy line for teleporting, people would have to rely 100% on their own escaping skills in order to survive and perhaps that's a reason to make these revenants slightly more profitable than the others!

    B) The long red line from west to east close to the 35 obelisk could be an interesting place to have some revs. I wouldn't mind this either.


    As always, thank you for taking your time to read this!

    I would highly appreciate any kind of feedback & any suggestions if anyone has the time to comment below!








    • Like 1

  12. Some new activites inside the wilderness for skillers:

    1) Rogue's castle (50 level deep in wilderness close to chaos elemental) 

    [Thieving] opening the chests there should be a thing which is why I suggest the following from thieving the chests over there: (90 thieving requirement)

    - 50% chance to get 5 crystal shard per chest

    Guaranteed to get one of the following per chest open:
    10k coins/40 blood rune/4 onyx bolt tip/20 red spider egg/2 runite ore/1 runite bar
    3 addy ore/2 addy bar/4 mahogany plank/4 bird nest


    2) Wilderness resource area: [Woodcutting, Mining & Fishing]

    - Remove all of the rocks & trees, replace them with crystal ores & crystal trees.

    - Make each rock & tree last twice if not three times as long as they do outside the wilderness.

    - Make each rock & tree give x2 the amount of shards you normally get outside the wilderness + 2k coins each time.

    - Each time you fish a dark crab you should also receive 2 crystal shards + 2k coins.


    3) Hunter:

    Black chinchompas should give 4-6 crystal shards when you catch one & 5k coins.



    My personal thoughts on current dragon pickaxe drop rate & pvp item drop rates:

    Dragon pickaxe drop rate is by far too common and there's quite a few in-game already, change the
    drop rate to 1/100 for callisto & vet'ion. 1/150 for chaos elemental.
    1/128 is fine for venenatis as it is right now.

    Right now if you're on a wilderness task you can kill any +70 combat monster inside wilderness
    for 1/2500 chance to roll random pvp item. This is very low risk and quite high reward.
    I think it should be changed to 1/5000, 1/4000 if you're skulled.
    Instead make the bosses more rewarding, why?
    Slower to kill because they have more hp+def and you can't cannon them, need better gear req to kill, 
    and hotspots that are checked by pkers on a regular basis making it more risky.
    1/2000 at callisto/Vet'ion
    1/2200 at venenatis
    1/2300 scorpia
    1/2400 chaos ele
    (Boost by 10% if player killing them is skulled)

    I also think we should have a guaranteed coin drop for the following wildy bosses:

    Chaos fanatic 25k, Scorpia 35k, Chaos elemental 35k, venenatis 75k, vet'ion 85k & callisto 100k


    This will be all for now, thank you for taking your time to read this!


    • Zenyte 1
    • Like 2

  13. Getting into the details of everything around the wilderness:


    Revenant cave:

    - Single + like OSRS after revision upgrade
    - Keep Craws/Vigg/Thamm at same drop rate to keep them valuable
    - All loot should be automatically noted at revenants
    - Double amount of Bloods/Deaths/Law runes/battlestaff/onyx bolt/rune items/dragon items
    - 50% more runite ore/addy bar/runite bar/mahogany plank/magic seed
    - Guaranteed 5000 coins per revenant kill under 82 combat, 10k if +82 combat and +105 combat 15k
    - Make statuette/medallion/effigy/relic x2 more common or x2 value when sold to npc or you could make them 50% more common and 50% more cash when sold to npc.

    New drop for revenant drop table:
    - Mithil seed, amount 4-8, drop rate 1/50 (Pkers will need them)
    New use for revenant ether: If you've obtained a MA2 god cape at least once via the minigame you'll be
    able to purchase new MA2 capes for 2000 revenant ether each. This is to support ether price & make the
    server more pk friendly. 
    Reduce the Ma2 cape cost in donor store from 300 credits to 50-100 credits, doesn't make sense to pay 75m for MA2 cape. This will also lead to more people potentially buying one from the donator store.



    Larrans chest is quite useless and weak and the keys are fairly rare from wildy slayer:
    - Make the keys 20% more common than they currently are
    - Make the keys another 10% more common if skulled on wildy slay task
    - Make key drop rate 1%,2%,3%,4%,5%,6%,8% easier for Sap,Eme,Ruby,Dia,Dstone,Onyx & Zenyte.
    - Make the larran's chest drop rate 10% easier if the player opening is skulled.
    1) Add small chance to get 1,2,3 & 5m coins from the larran's chest
    2) Add 1/5 chance to get 200 crystal shards
    3) Add 1/10 chance to get 1 slayer skip scroll (Make them tradable as well)
    4) Add 1/15 chance to get 15 mithril seed
    5) Add 1/20 chance to get 1000 revenant ether
    6) Add 1/30 chance to get tome of fire
    7) Add 1/40 chance to get xeric wisdom scroll
    8] Add 1/50 chance to get T10 emblem
    9) Add 1/75 chance to get master wand
    10) Add 1/80 chance to get dragon crossbow
    11) Add 1/90 chance to get dragon pickaxe
    12) Add 1/100 chance to get staff of the light (This doesn't de-value staff of dead & toxic sotd)
    13) Add 1/125 chance to get inferno skip scroll & make it tradable as well + put it to donor store 50cred ea
    14) Add a cool custom wilderness pet with 1/1000 drop rate to the chest & only available from chest.


    Battlemages at mage arena: Remove them & replace them with demonic gorillas:
    Make all three combat styles available inside this area (currently god magic spells work only)
    Why would anyone kill them inside the wilderness you may ask?
    Risk = Reward: 
    These demonic gorillas will have 25% higher chance of dropping zenyte shard.
    - Guaranteed 25k coins per kill
    What's the catch? They aren't aggressive which means you have a high risk of getting attacked by pkers!
    If you do not like this you can just go to the regular demonic gorillas.
    You're not forced to go here but if you like the risk reward and want some excitement for your pvming
    or possibly anti pk then this is the place for you!


    Bh shop:
    - Make it possible to buy noted potions if you're a donator (any rank)
    - Add staff of light for 20m bh points (doesn't de-value staff of the dead because it's BIS with magic fang)
    - Add a wilderness key for 30m bh points
    The chest will be located deep in the wilderness and you need the key + 2m coins to open it:
    After opening you'll automatically get skulled and lose the 2m.
    Opening the chest will give you the following:
    Guaranteed 1m (so you risk something before and after opening) + money sink
    Guaranteed one of the following: Dragon crossbow/Staff of light/Armadyl hilt/wyvern shield/dfs/20m coins
    (This key isn't available for iron accounts)

    The red cross is an area with a chest, it could be used as the "Wilderness chest"

    The green cross is a dungeon with black dragons and other stuff where basically nobody goes, we need to come up with some use for this dungeon as well.

    Maybe we could remove all current monsters from there and replace with revenants because if we only have 1 revenant dungeon and one world it might be too packed and this could offer a nice variety for pvmers & pkers. This could be a some sort of "secret" revenant dungeon 2. 

    Posting wilderness 3 after this which will be the final piece of the puzzle (for now at least) will go over some activities & final thoughts there.


    • Like 2

  14. My thought process around wilderness and why it should be more relevant: 

    Firstly we need to ask the question, how do we make wilderness more relevant? Nobody is randomly going to pk or pvm/skill in the wilderness unless there's something that is worth the risk and that's what it should be rather than forcing anybody to go there against their will or simply hoping that someone might have an interest going there out of nowhere. 

    The solution that should fit everyone: Risk = reward

    Wilderness needs to be better profit for everyone to consider it as a real money making option rather than just for sake of the variety.

    The first basic changes that we need are the following:

    - Currently the revenant weapons (Viggora,Craw & thammaron sceptre) do NOT drop any ether when you die to another player making it very low risk and bad profit for pkers, fix ASAP!

    - 10% experience & 10% pet boost inside wilderness (every skill doable in wilderness)

    - 10-20% wilderness boss pet boost if the player is SKULLED when killing them

    - 10% higher chance to get larran's key drop during a wilderness slayer task if the player is SKULLED

    - 10% higher chance to get slayer skip scroll during a wilderness slayer task if the player is SKULLED

    - Extra slayer points per wilderness task for donators (sapphire 2, Emerald 3, Ruby 4, Diamond 5, Dragonstone 6, Onyx 7, Zenyte 8)


    So why do I believe it is important to make the wilderness relevant in the first place?

    1) Nice variety for making money & obtaining pets (Pking, Skilling & Pvming) 

    2) When wilderness becomes profitable then all of a sudden everyone wants to go there if they find the risk reward worth it meaning pkers will find more people to kill but also find fights with other pkers which might lead to people creating teams or clans which increases the activity even more.

    3) ^ this leads to people wanting better gear to compete with other pkers which means that the demand for certain items goes up such as:

    Staff of the dead, magic fang, occult necklace, eternal boots, armadyl crossbow, dragon crossbow, dragonfire shield, wyvern shield, armadyl godsword, ahrims, karils, ancestral, serpentine helm, Dex scroll, Arcane scroll, arcane spirit shield & many other items as well. Who profits from this? Of course the pvmers that are killing Zulrah, Corp, Kree, Barrows, Zilyana, K'ril & other bosses! These same pkers will also need lots of supplies such as brews/restores/blood runes/dragon bolts/anglerfish and many other supplies which also benefits the skillers!

    4) When more people are inside the wilderness that means there's also less people doing stuff outside the wilderness which means certain items might have lower supply which means those items may rise in price or at least stabilize (dragon warhammer, cox items & many more obviously)

    5) But at the same time wilderness is the perfect place for bringing more RAW CASH into the game which will also boost prices of items  and bonds & stabilize the economy.


    These were the basic thoughts & arguing points I had in my mind but if you're interested in reading more about actual areas, activities, benefits & profit in detail please go to my post Wilderness 2. The wilderness isn't there to profit the pkers only but everyone although not everyone wants to see it or understand it but this is my 100% honest opinion. I think wilderness can be a fun & profitable place for everyone if we just take the right steps to make it that way!

    Thank you for taking your time to read this! (Making another wilderness post because otherwise this one would be insanely long)



    • Zenyte 1
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  15. 9 hours ago, leclerc said:

    If that's the case I'm sure staff will look into it and count only the votes of active/legit accounts. I want TOB but without cheating, the whole community should be happy with the update

    I think the whole community wants both, it's just about which one gets done first.

    Both will come eventually but I think TOB should be prioritized over Construction.

  16. 14 minutes ago, CoX Prodigy said:

    @Gepan @Grant@Itzcnote100@HC Tuoppi@Fe Felix@AshihamaDear Staff management/developers. It has been 3months since we have such a good suggestion from Qanso, I wonder why the staff team is not on it? It actually indicates that we and our ideas are not valued (it has been already 1 week on my crystal seed suggestion aswell, yes ofcourse i did had positive feedback from the staff team,BUT its still not agreed by management which means it can take 3 months to get in progress) . Either positive or negative the staff team supposed to move suggestions forward to APPROVE or DECLINED suggestions because this makes us as players dissmotivated. I wouldnt suggest anything further if its gonna take 3 months to decide to agree it or decline it.


    Sincerely CoX Prodigy/Godzilla

    Edit:  Thought I was logged on Ashihama. 



  17. 50 minutes ago, K 0 said:

    I like the shop changes you have suggested. I'm not really sure on much else as it's already used in full PK servers and it only works there because it's a spawn/pk server. It wont work on an ECO.

    Explain why it wouldn't work because I believe the exact opposite.

    Not saying that you're wrong but I'm just interested to hear since you didn't bother explaining but instead only said "it won't work on an eco"

  18. 2 hours ago, WTF The Fuck said:

    I agree on red area, i do not support any items that is able to be gotten through pvm to be added to bh store like the staff and ma2 cape, i see no reason to make the game more easy scape

    SOL won't effect sotd/tsotd value (could also be no irons that can buy from BH store)

    Wym easy scape noob come try kill me for emblem upgrade 😄

  19. 6 minutes ago, Benz said:

    Thank you CIA, I really appreciate you taking the time to come up with these! Wilderness definitely needs a boost up. Some dope suggestions! 

    -1 Adding MA2 cape to the BH store would only decrease the amount of people entering the wildy, since they can just literally buy one..

    I forgot to add more information on that specific part: You must get the MA2 cape at least ONCE before you can also purchase it from BH shop (optional)

    It's really boring having to kill all three and pkers want it back fast so they can return to pking

    Another option could be getting the 3 pieces once but after that you only need to kill one boss per specific MA2 cape.

    Thank you for reading & replying btw 🙂

  20. 1 hour ago, 5x Fe said:

    Agree with red area, revs boost and runite ore ideas.
    Everything else sounds way too OP.
    Battle mages' drop rates displayed on the drop viewer should be fixed though.

    We need more raw cash into the game though and the 2-3m thieving an hour is only if you're 100% focused and not interrupted by pkers+ not taking banking your loot into calculation and a high chance that there will be other players opening the chests as well = having to share loot with them 

    It would be balanced before implemented you can count on that 🙂

  21. I thought of a couple more things that I decided to throw into a separate thread so here they are quick and easy:

    Hiscores for:

    Wilderness slayer tasks completed (optional)
    Wilderness kills
    Wilderness killstreak record

    Another BH shop reward:
    Trouver parchment: 3m bh points
    (Helps you to unlock & imbue certain untradables)
    For example if I were to use it on my fire cape it would be protected on death even above
    20 wilderness but it would cost me the scroll for 3m bh points & 1m coins
    (Player who kills me would receive 500k from my fire cape protection money)
    Meaning they make more money from killing me but 500k gets also taken away from the economy
    After I die I would have to get a new scroll for the item to be protected (meaning the scrolls will always remain in demand = emblems as well)
    (You can have multiple untradables protected at the same time)

    Emblem upgrade chance from wilderness slayer task completion & guaranteed emblem upgrade upon player kill in wilderness
    normal/sapphire/emerald: 50% (what it currently is for everyone I believe) & every 25th kill
    Ruby/diamond/dragonstone: 55% & every 20th kill
    onyx & zenyte: 60% & every 15th kill

    • Like 3

  22. 4 minutes ago, Life said:

    I like some of these, think they would be awesome to kick-start the wilderness activities. I’ll be in touch to speak with you more!

    I'm more than happy to share more of my ideas & get into the small and even the smallest details of everything.

    + if you have any ideas of your own that need to be improved/brainstormed or if there's something you'd like to see for example a specific money making method or a specific area in the wilderness with something then I'd be more than happy to brainstorm & figure it out for you until we find something that you'd be interested in.

    Thank you for reading & replying @Life

  23. 10 minutes ago, Catanddog75 said:

    Don't think there are enough Pkers on this server, or enough interested in PKing.  Obviously some of these things would benefit a lot of normal players, but most of it seems to benefit the few people who already exclusively PK.  For that reason I'm not overly keen.

    I think you're right but once these changes would take place there could be changes:

    1) People will actually enter the wilderness for the money and it doesn't make any difference if they're normal players because once there are actually players in the wilderness people can start pking (player killing) meaning when there are people in wilderness there's a very high chance they will start killing each other as well.

    2) ^ when that happens the wilderness simply becomes a more dangerous & active place which will also increase the chance of new players starting the server for player killing purposes because it's all a round circle.

    You first need people (any kind) inside the wilderness and that usually leads them fighting each other over a certain area for money/profit and if they do/don't it doesn't matter because someone that does (a player killer) will actually have targets to kill for money now since they will have all kinds of loot on them which also leads to bigger teams/groups/clans hunting those pkers. Like I said if these updates took place I'm almost sure we won't see 200 players pking 24 hours later but there would certainly be more people having a real reason to enter the wilderness to explore & make money and once those people enter that's where it all begins which can lead to great things.

    I'm sure some of you reading this don't like the wilderness or pkers for one or another reason but having pkers & active wilderness on a server will also make things healthier for people pvming/skilling because we will get more raw cash/supplies from wilderness and the buying power of items especially wilderness related items will increase significantly (armadyl hilts, staff of the dead, magic fang, serp helms, dfs, occult neck & other stuff) meaning the prices will remain stable/high & maybe even rise which means more profit for pvmers too because you will actually have people buying those items from grand exchange.

    Pkers will mean also more players on the server which means more people buying/selling bonds which means more profit for the owners of the server which means more money to be invested into improving the server & doing updates = everyone happy

  24. 2 minutes ago, 1actmining said:

    idk i kind of like these suggestions lol, except some items on the bh store.

         MA2 cape for obvious reasons (that's why it's optional)

         Staff of light because there are enough people in the game doing GWD that this doesn't need to be added.

         Arma hilt is unnecessary as well due to the same reason for the staff. 

         adding the Brimmy shoes ends up de-valuing the boots which are already cheap enough. just not in supply because who the fuck takes drake tasks.

    I like the VLS idea though, make sure it's a 50m on drop xd

    Staff of the dead + magic fang -> Toxic staff of the dead (+7 magic damage)

    Staff of light isn't worth making from SOTD + Sara light (+4 magic damage) just cosmetic but adding it into the bounty hunter store would give people a new staff to pk with that is also some sort of risk for people to pk it but at the same time it wouldn't devalue sotd/magic fang/toxic sotd.

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