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  1. 1 point
    Difficulty: Medium Location: Taverly Dungeon Requirements: 91 Slayer Hellhound Slayer Task Setup: Slayer helm (i) → Black mask (i) → Helm of Neitiznot Amulet of torture → Amulet of fury → Amulet of glory → Amulet of strength Fire cape → Ardougne cloak (4) → Skillcape Bandos chestplate → Barrows body → Figher torso → Proselyte hauberk Bandos tassets → Barrows legs → Dragon platelegs → Rune platelegs Abyssal Bludgeon → Zamorakian Hasta → Tentacle Whip → Abyssal whip Dragon defender → Spectral spirit shield → Dragonfire shield None Barrows gloves → Dragon gloves → Rune gloves Primordial boots → Dragon boots → Rune boots Berserker ring → Ring of suffering → Ring of gods → Ring of wealth (Enchanted versions) Dragon claws → Dragon dagger → Saradomin godsword → Crystal halberd Inventory: Special attack weapon (e.g. Saradomin godsword or Dragon claws) Spectral spirit shield and a one-handed weapon alongside it Zenyte Teletab or Max cape 1-2 Super combat potions 6-9 Prayer potions or Super restores Sharks or better food for remaining inventory space Mechanics: Use Protect from magic as a default prayer, as Cerberus uses Magic as his main combat style. Every 40 seconds Cerberus will attack with a Magic Ranged Melee attack no matter how far you are from her. This mechanic has a cooldown of 40 seconds When below 400 health Cerberus will occassionally howl Aaarrrooooooo, spawning 3 ghosts. You must pray accordingly to each ghost. Spawn order is random, but they attack from East to West (e.g. Green -> Blue -> Red). If the right protection prayer is used, 30 prayer points are drained in the absence of 30 damage. If you use a Spectral spirit shield, 15 prayer points will be used instead. Blue is Magic Red is Melee Green is Ranged When below 200 health Cerberus will occassionally howl Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr, throwing out three exploding markers onto the ground: one under the player and two nearby. 10-15 damage is dealt from the marker if the player is on top of it. Seven damage is dealt if the player is next to a marker. After a short period of time, the markers will explode (dealing more damage if you get hit by them), after which it is safe to go to those tiles again. Media: Full credits to the team of the Oldschool Runescape Wikipedia
  2. 1 point
    @SilverNovayou did it again, thank you for this awesome guide, you truly are a credit to yourself and all the people you are helping with these continued guides. Big thanks for all your hard work!
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