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    14h 58m 11s

Posts posted by Grant

  1. 54 minutes ago, HC Tuoppi said:

    What about the death mechanics like in osrs, but add a practice mode also.


    53 minutes ago, Jaden410 said:

    I would love to see this! If this is possible than this has my vote 100%


    That's the plan if Option 1 passes. Is to add a learner mode with safe deaths, nerfed boss stats, but no rewards at all. It would also not count towards the normal killcount.

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  2. My reasoning for picking option 2: It allows those who get good at ToB better chances at rewards than not-as-good players, but still allows the not-as-good players to earn some small rewards for playing and learning.

    After a certain death count, that player would become ineligible to receive the rare rewards and would only get the tertiaries. This would be more akin to the reward system for The Gauntlet in OSRS.

  3. 9 hours ago, CoX Prodigy said:

    Dear Grant,

    Thank you very much for your reply and interest. We are honoured to have you in our staff team. As long as our suggestions are taken into account, we will do our best with our ideas to make Zenyte better and better each day. 



    CoX Prodigy

    The feeling is mutual 😌 ill see how fast I can get this implemented in.

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  4. 5 hours ago, Big Qanso said:

    Hey Grant,

    First of all, amazing attitude. In Matt's and your position, you're usually on the receiving end of complaints/verbal punches.
    I like how you're dealing with that, absolute +1 respect.

    Thanks for reaching out and being so proactive.

    I appreciate the love Qanso. I know there's been some animosity between some members, but thats not going to stop me from doing my best for you guys. No matter what words are said im here for one reason, and that's to put Zenyte back on track with development. Some people won't believe, some people will hate, but we will get through this weird transition and soon will be back to greatness.


    BTW, @Gepanand I had made the decision to poll the next content because we wanted to show players we were listening to them and wanted to give them an up front choice to be able to show that we care, and it backfired horribly. I'm not pointing any blame, but it does go to show just how passionate people are about it


    On 6/25/2021 at 2:20 AM, Big Qanso said:

    Add the ability to use the following commands with information gathered by the Zenyte Client's MySQL.
    !layout (displays scouted Chambers of Xeric layout)
    !kc ABC (boss killcount chatcommand)
    !pb ABC (boss personal best completion chatcommand)

    1 Small QOL update.
    2 Gives endgame players something to strive for (PBs).

    Tip as to how to implement (easily accesible code for the Zenyte client):
    - As the Zenyte client is basically RuneLite with a different server ID, in my (ignorant) view, this should be easily accesible for the client.

    Option A
    1 Download a recent version of RuneLite
    2 Find the code in the logs of the RuneLite folder (jar. file)
    3 Implement into the Zenyte jar. files

    Option B
    1 Download recent RuneLite version
    2 Convert this recent version for Zenyte like how it's done now


    I can add those commands in quite easily. Thanks for the suggestions! I will consult with @Gepanto make sure it's okay, but I don't see why they wouldn't be. You have my support. I'm sorry I haven't seen this sooner, I don't visit the forums often, I'm mainly either in-game or on discord. I do the best I can to keep up with bugs/content suggestions as much as possible, but if I happen to miss you (or you feel your suggestion is being ignored) feel free to DM me on Discord. 

    I'd like to also add, for @CoX ProdigyI understand your concern that your suggestions aren't being heard. I appreciate your passion for the server, and I can promise you those suggestions ARE being addressed! I may not always have the time to update you, but I have went through a good 200+ bugs/content suggestions in the past two days and have read every single one. We take your suggestions seriously, and hope you can understand that I'm still getting settled in, but when I start putting out updates, they will be on a consistent basis. So if you don't see your suggestion in an update, just ask and I'll let you know what I can tell you about the status of it. Hang in there, we are all listening to your suggestions. We'll get back on track shortly! 🙂


    P.S. Don't give up on suggestions! 

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