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Posts posted by Pixels

  1. 11 hours ago, Erza said:



    It was my job as well as Jop's to make others aware that we are accepting osrs donations. I try not to spam it too much and even if I did, no one actually complained to me about it but I will cut back on the yelling of donations and focus more on the assistance of players by directing them to our clan chat or reminding players to vote/setup 2fa - which I usually do quite often alongside other staff members.

    You also have to understand that I am also a Website Developer/Forum Developer so there is a portion of my time dealing with website/forum related issues as well that I am not always on my main account, Erza. A good 60% of my day I spend on my alt account enjoying the server.

    In light of this thread - I have taken a good portion of feedback regarding events and have applied them to myself/our staff team to run. You can look forward to seeing a lot of events during the weekend, every weekend.

    In regards to Moderators, miscommunication and the changing of rules - we had a rough patch where people were changing their minds or trying to dictate how something should be run. Eventually we came to a consensus and things were set in motion. This time has passed and, personally, shouldn't have even been brought up. This was almost 3 weeks ago. Not every team is perfect and ours is by far not even close to that word.

    I'd like to briefly touch on this topic as it's very misleading and I think you misunderstood how everything worked/how everything still works. These "friends" that you are mentioning were already apart of the staff team pretty much the same day that I was brought on to the staff team. When these members were brought onto the team, we didn't take into account "Oh they're friends with this and this person." No. We looked at general activity, productivity within the clan chat/outside of the clan chat and overall attitude towards players. Every member passed this screening and was brought on happily. There were very few issues, if any at all, with these members, very minuscule, not even worth mentioning or remembering - they were great staff members who did their job and left for their own reasons. No bad blood, no hard feelings. 

    Thank you for the honest feedback.

    They were not "picked".. They were referred to.. Stop with the smoke screens already.. It's over anyways. Their leader got the boot. Funny enough only person left from all this was Nos and he also resigned. .Go figure.. Everyone else got demoted or resigned. It's not rocket science. MULTIPLE PEOPLE said the same thing I did in this thread. Only difference is I honestly don't give a single fuck about what others think of me so I'm the only one with the balls to post about it. Yes they might have "been active" but the only reason they were even looked at was because they were referred by Python and anyone else in that toxic clan. So much that even @Panda had to step in and stop it becauce he wasn't noticing the patterns. So again, why the need to have people actually apply. But regardless this is a dead issue and I'm sure it won't happen again. Just wanted to give another 2 cents on the matter since Python got his clan to make this thread look likes it about me not being picked instead about him influencing promotions.

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  2. So as @Krisasked for someone to point out things in a more proper manner I figured I might as well come through this means of communication. Now before we dive into this, this is strictly my opinion combined with the comments of seen/heard from other members of the community including some current staff members who I will not mention by name to avoid conflict.


    Right now, being in the QA team I can see how everything is being structured as in what dev works on what. Right now it seems to be functioning fine. I can honestly say that development is not a part of the issue with Zenyte right now. Everyone in the development team should be proud of the work they've brought forth not to mention being the first rsps to successfully bring out a mobile android version. Kudos to you guys.


    Here's where we see the first of a couple problems. Right of the bat a couple staff members are very immature and not up to par with the standards set by the development team. Now most of these staff members are not in the administration. The reason i'm pointing it on them is because you guys are the ones who appointed these staff members. How did this happen? Weak screening/application process. When you have one member in the mid administration bringing in "friends" from his clan and recruiting them to the staff. Things are bound to blow up. Now at the time of this post of these "friends" are no longer staff members after being either demoted or resigned. None the less the amount of disrespect received from them and the poor work on the administration end to justify it quickly rather then just let it play out left a bad taste for a lot of people. Moving forward when a staff member is selected, it shouldn't be because he was X rank on X server. That should be irrelevant. It should be determined on what he or she has done in THIS COMMUNITY. If you were to select members that are loyal and active within Zenyte, they'd appreciate the rank more than someone who was "brought in" from somewhere else and hasn't had any sort of interaction with the community.

    Community Manager

    Although technically this rank does belong in the Administration category, i'm separating it because the following only applies to this rank. Right now there is NO COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT between the CM and the community. The CM should be the leas-ion between the community members and the administration. Right now it's just "Send a discord pm and wait for a response." That's not really ideal honestly.

    The second part which is also tied to the community engagement part is this:



    People are complaining because they are BORED. There should be weekend events every week. With the occasional random event occurring through the week days at random. This doesn't mean "Enable 2xp for the weekend."


    Do community events. Go mass corping. Do SOMETHING with the community. If you want to keep people entertained while the development team works on content, this is where you should be paying attention. 



    Right now I feel like the moderators don't really have alot of communication with the administration and or the CM. A good example is what was seen the other day when two staff members were arguing over the punishment of a rule breaker which was clearly stated in the guidelines. The difference is that one staff member was made aware of the change while the other wasn't. This actually isn't even the first time something like this happens when not even the moderators are kept in the loop of rules changes or what the rules even say. 


    Now this isn't a bash on anybody on the team and in no way am I implying to demote anyone. I believe everyone on the current staff team is doing fine, it's just small areas to improve on that help the community stay happy and enjoyable for everyone.

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  3. No support for a rank. If the staff team want to a point someone to do SOTW/M they can simply do so and use an award as a prize. A "gfx artist" rank isn't really needed. All it mostly does is cause arguments about who's better at what. 

    @Chance designed the one of the damn logos we're using and he doesn't even have a "gfx artist" rank. He has a forum award. This isn't like all the other copy-paste servers out there. Zenyte is out to be unique in more ways then one.

    You don't need a rank to demonstrate if your a gfx artist or not. The forum section is right there. Show everyone what you got. They're remember your username more than they will for your "rank". Trust me.

    I was top 5 in the invite contest. Based on your logic I should have a "Discord inviter" Rank.

    • Confused 1

  4. So after the outages from cloudfare today it got me thinking about a Zenyte Status page. We're the dev team can point out scheduled maintenance and inform about any downtime incidents. I made a mock draft which you can see below.



    Could be set to a subdomain like status.zenyte.com


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  5. Seeing as the bonds update is just around the corner *Cough* @Noele(No Pressure). That will likely be my form of payment from the gfx shop.

    I want to give a bit more attention to my gfx shop. So i'm giving away the following signature as an example of what kind of work you can request. 

    This was rather simple so I decided to give it away. Simply comment your username below and you will be participating in the give away :)


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  6. Currently players ingame have no real way of getting donator ranks through a third party as in most servers now a day have tradeable scrolls that can be purchased from the donator shop and traded to players for ingame currency. 

    This would increase the amount of donations in game as well as give an opportunity for those that for X or Y reason cannot donate themselves.

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  7. I can agree with all of what was said here except the following:


    While allowing players to reach up to 100% EP in hot-zones.

    I feel this would be a tad bit OP, my suggestion would be to cap it at 70%. Instead of guaranteeing someone a drop from the EP system if he and his friend just protect eachother(Tagging/boxing).

    A HUGE vote for the Elo system. On a previous server I was staff on I really enjoyed this feature. Especially because it gave way for ranks based off of ELO.


    1500 - Skilled

    1800 - Master

    2000 - Grand Master

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