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Global Moderator
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  • Time Online

    3h 57m 52s

Community Reputation

7 Steel

About Abz

  • Birthday July 25

Personal Information

  • Country: United Kingdom


  • Game mode: Ironman
  • XP: x50/x25
  • Ranked: 0
  • Level: 2177
  • Combat Level: 126
  • Clan: Help

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  1. Looks great, happy one year lads.
  2. Looking great, loving the changes and the pace you guys are sending them out
  3. Looks good, nice work. Cant wait to try these out.
  4. Looking good, excited for this update
  5. Happy Halloween everyone who celebrates it. Happy festive holidays everyone:)
  6. Results look good, thanks for voting everyone. Sad no ironman update :(.
  7. Abz

    happy birthday dude

  8. I really like this event, always in support of helping others:)
  9. Great post, looks great cant wait for our players to play on this revision.
  10. Great updates, thank you as always team:)
  11. Huge Event! Got the first ancestral piece (Hat)
  12. Abz

    8th October 2023

    Thanks for the QOL updates. Appreciate it all.
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