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Posts posted by Jop

  1. 2 hours ago, HC JB said:

    Is there a way to view the drop rate for the granite maul? Also, what is the tablet with the furnace image in the middle in inventory slot #27?

    We have an in-game drop viewer for every monster in the game. Type the monster's name in and it will present you with every item and it's percentages.

  2. Good suggestion(s). I'm not opposed to implemented an EP system — that has always been something that allows the wilderness to appease everyone from all aspects and we need to ensure there's a consistent amount of dopamine flowing through all areas. 

    The Ancient Artifact suggestion is good and it once again allows Player Killers an extra incentive to stay in the wilderness, what EP determines the drop? I'd prefer we have set EP rates that allow a high type of artifact to drop, allows a risk-for-reward factor. 

    I'm not a fan of the Brawling Gloves because it doesn't fit into the OSRS world and the XP boost(s) are extremely controversial. That'd have to be a discussion for a later date in my opinion. 

    The free-pass emblem tier is a good suggestion. What would the be the exchange rates for them? We'd need to ensure they're balanced as emblems can be sold for an extreme amount of money. 

    The ELO system is something I've always wanted to see done right. I'd also prefer the player(s) are allowed to differentiate presets for the fight. I've always found hard-capped presets are the opposite of determining skill-sets as it's the same fight. Adding a system which allows the player to pick their play style will not only test skill but adaption to every fight. We'd need to sit down and figure out what preset(s) we want to push out. 




    I'd prefer we have a set list of tournaments dependant on ELO for each individual player to climb. For example:

    Beginner Tournament's ELO would be 0-300

    Intermediate Tournament's ELO would be 300-600

    Experienced Tournament's ELO would be 600-900

    Master Tournament's ELO would be 900-1300

    Grand Master Tournament's LEO would be 1300-1600

    The GM tournament would be the high prize tournaments which (hopefully) will appease competitive players and essentially push a very amateur e-sports vibe. The best of the best compete. Thoughts, opinions?

  3. 2 hours ago, Tonic said:

    Nice, do you keep everything from beta upon release? Or it's just a fresh start? Let me get in into beta i can't wait to play.. :/

    There's going to be a full reset when the server comes out of beta testing!

  4. 14 hours ago, SilverNova said:


    • x1.2 XP for 5 to 15 Minutes (Non-stackable)
    • 1 Vote Point
      • This is to be spent on a vote store
    • 100,000 Gold

    That's OK. I'm fine with above and I'm sure it'll appease players and push them to vote. We definitely shouldn't be going over-board with rewards as I'm sure we all know there's going to be hundreds of players and it'll eventually even itself out. @Kris Thoughts and opinions? Is this something you'd be in favour for?

  5. 6 minutes ago, Hxrdcore said:

    As long as we make voting worth it, via a decent vote shop for items that help with in-game content (Gricoller's can, Ectophial...etc) then we'll get enough votes imo. 

    Are the items you've mentioned confirmed to be in the vote shop? If so, that's the most feasible avenue we should venture through to make voting relevant. Items like that are what should be in there and what we should enforce throughout the store. Players are always looking for an 'easier' way to do something so if we're offering items like that in which gives slight boosts or advantages, sure. 👍

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