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Posts posted by Jop

  1. 9 minutes ago, Hxrdcore said:

    Half an hour of bonus experience is a long time, especially when players can choose when it starts & ends via voting. You can easily use upwards of 1K Dragon Bones in that time, craft a similar amount of Battlestaves, fletch all your Magic Logs from Zulrah etc.

    The issue I have with bonus experience, is that when servers have double exp weekends often, or a lot of bonus exp via voting, players will hoard resources during regular experience times & then (try to) sell them at an inflated price during bonus exp, which makes playing during regular exp times a not so great experience. 

    I believe that the experience rate players choose when they create their accounts should be the flat rate on that account at all times. After all, we do (or will) offer a decent range of exp modes  Take a leaf out of OSRS's book, it's worked a treat for them (not offering any form of bonus exp).

    Valid point(s). Like I said, I'm not a personal fan of it nor am I endorsing it, I'm merely looking at it from the other side of the spectrum. I'd prefer a set rate myself if we could, but alas. The problem with comparing everything to Old School Runescape is that that has hundreds of thousands of players and we'll never reach that amount, therefore the economy will be much, much smaller than it is on there and we can't mimic the entirety of that economy value as it's not possible. That's one worry I have here — the drop rates and so forth cannot act the same as Old School Runescape because it won't perform similar nor support it by our average base. 

    What do you suggest we could implement to entice voting? 

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  2. That's a good point. I've always been iffy with allowing experience to be easily obtained as it ruins the core value of the game and its progression, however, it's something that is always make or break for servers. Too slow? I'm not playing. Too high? I'm not playing. What's the middle ground? Where do we draw the line? I think there's certain boundaries we need to cross to ensure survivability and consistent activity throughout. 

    I don't think thirty minutes of twenty five extra experience  is going to severely damage the server and the economy, however, I do understand the underlying concern, it's never something that should be wrong off of the bat as it is detrimental. 

    I'm personally not a fan of double experience but we need to ensure the game (and its perks) are viable yet stable for all avenues of play and players. What does everyone else think? What type of perks are viable in your opinion (if any)?

  3. There needs to be a certain thresh-hold on what (and if) we're going to allow voting rewards to be viable in order to future-proof the economy and how it's stabilized. If we allow an extreme amount of cash and experience from the get-go from theoretically hundreds of players, it will set the tone and set general margins for items and so forth. I do agree that voting needs to appease the general public and we can't push a set of mundane, pointless rewards because more often than not — no one is going to find it worth it. 

    You have to remember that double experience and cash will dramatically effect the server and how it eventually will lead... if players are playing on x50 (for example) and they get double experience, that's an extensive amount being put into the server by hundreds of people and it will set the tone of how quick items are obtained (due to people reaching that level quicker) the economy and so forth. 

    In my opinion, the most viable options to ensure a steady (and consistent) growth of attention to the server would be: Allowing a twenty five times boost to experience for thirty minutes (not as dramatic but still something viable) and allow a boost to coin drops and possibly increased chance of herbs and so forth (remove men and low level NPC's to avoid abuse), double loyalty points (instead of 10, 20 and so forth) and this may be controversial but ease of access is important, what do people think about thirty minutes of unlocked teleportation? 

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