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Posts posted by Jop

  1. Appreciate the constructive feedback. I'll breakdown your suggestions, viability and our plans here:

    Allowing secondaries to be given in hundreds would be detrimental to the economy in every single aspect, doing that is going to saturate the economy to a point in which these secondaries are useless and reap no reward or actual cost to the player — this isn't something we can primarily endorse. However, we hear you. Players are grinding, they're skilling, they're trying to get everything their account needs first and that's why it's pretty bare as of current, emphasis on current.

    I'm not opposed to having secondaries be able to be purchased from the slayer store, that's something that the player can choose and it's up to them to grind points for, what do you suggest a reasonable price would be and what specific secondaries are you suggesting? Please take into account how it'll effect the economy short and long term. 

    I'm in agreement with buffing the herb reward(s) from Pest Control, there's no reason we need early level herbs in these rewards as they become useless instantly after a couple levels. I'll bring that up. 

    We currently have a Herb Box in the vote store too, so if we're going to boost it, it'll be boosted across the board. Can you provide me with a reasonable amount/type of herbs it'd randomize around? We want it fair and not extreme, but rewarding. 

    I'm not sure what the respawn rate for wines are as of now, but if they're 25 seconds, we could lower it to 5-10. I'm not opposed to that. I'll share the same opinion on snape grass too. 

    Wilderness Slayer (and in general) has this boost: Supply cache drops' rate has been increased in wilderness by 25%. They will now provide a total of 50% boost compared to killing monsters outside of the wilderness.

    I'll wait for more opinions before pushing this up. What does everyone think?

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