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    3h 16m 43s

Posts posted by Password

  1. 11 hours ago, Hxrdcore said:

    Welcome to Zenyte, Password! 

    Thank you! @Hxrdcore

    9 hours ago, Pirate said:

    Welcome to Zenyte, @Password! I wonder if anybody has taken the username, 'Username' yet. I shall see you around!

    Thank you and haha! C ya around @Pirate

    6 hours ago, Hide said:


    Thanks! @Hide

    3 hours ago, Jop said:

    Welcome to Zenyte, fella!

    Thanks mate! @Jop 

    2 hours ago, Cheung said:

    Aha, we joined nearly same time/day. We are beast! Password, lets run it up together! :D


    -What a great person to have joined with.

    Yes sir! let's do it bro :) @Cheung

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  2. Hey guys, I'm Password. Been playing rsps for many years. Interested to see what this becomes. I'm always super helpful and willing to answer anything I can. Good luck everyone!

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