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Posts posted by One

  1. Hey Darkness, Welcome to Zenyte :) 

    Glad to see you joined up with us, and glad to have more experience joining the server! I'm no where near maxed on OSRS and do not know higher level content very well, so it would definitely help our beta with your knowledge on the game :)

    Hope to see you on the beta, and putting in the bug reports. 

    Thank you also for taking the time to register on our forums!

  2. Hey Delta,

    Thanks for the very care-free introduction! I'm doing about as well as I can get in my current situation, which is about what everyone can say probably. We're all looking forward to the release and eventually playability of the server definitely!
     Hope to see you ingame as well :)

  3. Love the signature work, cant wait to see the community's work when we have an active forums and people making art!

    I'm all about having MOTM, Art of the Month, ect.. All if the community would like it :)

  4. On 4/3/2019 at 9:41 PM, Panda said:

    Thanks for taking the time to make these suggestions, Storm!

    • I think this is a good start for missing teleports and I'm sure there are a few others missing that more people can point out as well. One thing I will point out is that QBD wont be in the game as it is an RS3 boss, but the other boss teleports should fit well in the teleporter.
    • I am definitely for a beginner training spot and I think the spots you pointed out would fit well. Im curious to see what others opinions are on something like this.
    • As for barrows gloves, I would like to see a quest system for these eventually. However, because it wont be possible on launch, we will have to consider some other options. Below is an option that we have been talking about in #beta-chat on Discord:
      • Basically the current idea is that because quests aren't going to be implemented immediately on launch, we were discussing the possibility of starting out with the first tier of gloves (Bronze Gloves) in the starter kit, in order to upgrade the gloves up to barrows, you will have upgrade scrolls that are found in the slayer shop and rare drop table. You use these scrolls on the gloves and they will upgrade to the next tier one-by-one. In the event that you lose them on death, you can go back and buy the highest tier gloves (and all the lower pairs) that you've assembled in the lumby basement where the gloves usually are.


    I'm fully in support of the current suggestion for ways to progress the gloves idea. 

    Regarding teleports, I know we are trying to limit the amount of 'ez-scape' type teleports from the system, or implement a way you still have to earn to the boss teleport/not directly bring you to the boss.

    Beginning training, I'm definitely in support of having lower level, intermediate type training areas for the beginner players. I'm always for something unique as well, tired of seeing rock crabs on every server as the beginning training.

  5. Yes, as Hexae graciously answered most of your questions!

    We're currently in private beta, with expected release of "Soon(TM)". Hope to see you in the released game! 

    And, join our discord for conversations about the current game, the state, and possibly the beta if you are invited to join it.

  6. Hey Monk,

    Welcome to the forums, thank you for taking your time to sign up. I agree, our forums are definitely light right now, as there is not much to talk about since we're still in a private beta phase. Our Discord is definitely more active, with people talking on that daily. I hope to definitely see the forums pick up more once we're closer to release, public beta, or however we continue.

    Thank you for your feedback, and I'm glad to see you join us. I'm pretty sure I've played a few servers where you were staff, if that is the same Monk. Hope to see the same dedication here.

    Also, why end your RSPS days? Seems like we've all taken breaks from RSPS, but somehow find our way back :)

    • Like 1

  7. On 9/16/2018 at 1:44 PM, Tom said:

    I disagree, one of the main reason why wilderness dies out so quickly isn't because people don't want to train there accounts up, it's because its so god damn annoying being a 'hard mode/ironman account' and having someone who can log on and instantly have max stats/gear so easily, it's miss matched, all server pking is killing the unarmed/skillers, if people had to train there accounts and earn there items, people would risk less and pk more, making for a more fun/less toxic environment. 

    I also like this explanation, because the ironman/HC are sharing the same game and resources. The wilderness is definitely a resource that is going to be shared, and an HC going into the wildy to fight a wildy boss will definitely be at an disadvantage against someone who just set their XP to x100 and can essentially destroy the HC.

  8. On 9/8/2018 at 4:19 PM, Clown Fetish said:

    Whilst I understand and sort of agree with both I think the server is more attractive if we offer multiple rates. One for the more casual player and one for the more hardcore players. Highscores can be seperate so a rank 1 in a casual gamemode means a lot less then on a more hardcore game mode. 

    Just my 2 cents :)


    I disagree with multiple rates, simply because of exactly what you posted in your content. I do not like opening a high-scores and seeing 5 tabs for different games modes, and then you have to go and find your name. Other than of course, ironman/HC ironman, everyone should be on the same plain and it looks much more organized, and has a more sense of accomplishment I believe.

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