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Posts posted by Biggsy

  1. For some reason when you create an instance at corporeal beast, and one person leaves and tries to go back in, it won't put them back in the same instance. It just asks the person who left if they want to start their own private instance for 200k when they try to rejoin. I'm not sure if this is how it's supposed to be, but it would be awesome to be able to rejoin an instance for specs etc. Thanks in advance for all the work yall put in.


  2. On 7/26/2020 at 8:41 PM, 200M Dancing said:

    The patience you have is very commendable. Congratulations!
    What's next? 🙂 

    Whew, well..now time to finish up Arma (still need ACP + hilt), then it's on to raids. I've basically been focusing on doing raids since I learned solos. Incoming tbow soon 😉

    On 7/27/2020 at 2:53 AM, Hxrdcore said:

    Congrats, Biggsy! 

    I knew you'd get them eventually. 

    My man!! thanks so much ❤️

  3. FINALLY GOT THE BOOTS!!!!!! wow. No exaggeration, I've used over 200k+ blood runes, probably had a kc of somewhere in the range of 8-10k, and been hunting these boots since August of 2019. Final log, wow lol.



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  4. I'd like to suggest new drop rates for infinity pieces from battle mages. I think it's far too rare for all infinity pieces to be 1/1000, considering that the only infinity piece that's good are the boots. Make the mages book & master wand both 1/1000, but the infinity pieces should all be 1/200 or more common than that. 

  5. Here's an update on how my infinity boot hunt is going. I have used close to 90k blood runes at this point and still don't have them. If i had to guess how many battle mages, probs 6.5k-7k killed, I've honestly stopped counting. Here's the loot so far:



    If you ask me that's pretty whack - having 3+ of everything and still no boots? I'd literally trade all of this just for boots...man I'd do a lot of things just to have boots now. Like honestly killing battle mages is the most boring/afk thing I have ever done on Zenyte. I would have rather done mage training arena 20 times than sit here and afk battle mages all day long. There honestly needs to be a way to trade in x infinity pieces for other ones, like it's kinda absurd how I can't get the boots but I can get all these other worthless pieces that are the same exact drop rate.

    Can I propose being able to trade these worthless items in for boots to a mod or admin? Like I honestly just cbf to keep killing these and wasting time when I could be enjoying the game. 


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  6. Yeah it actually happened. I'm afking steel drags on task and walking around my apartment messing around b/c steel drags drops are garbage. I'm thinking..."I wonder if I come back to my computer and there's a visage on the ground." I get back to my comp and see the orange text on the ground signaling a big drop...sure enough it's a visage. Unreal. Never thought I'd have a dfs on my iron lol but wow. I'm stoked.



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