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Mma c0n

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    12h 49m 54s

Posts posted by Mma c0n

  1. Hey guys, I really enjoyed meeting you guys. I had a lot of fun. I am glad I was able to help some of you out, with information, items, or bonds. Unfortunately I am quitting. I have put so much money in this server I donated over $500 for myself, and I gave $100s of dollars worth of bonds to the community to try and get everyone to interact and have fun. I busted my ass on this server but was miss treated, what reason was I miss treated and not given the respect that I should have received? Well my sister was playing this server with me and she lives in the same household as me. i was accused of pretending to be another account, and it was just drama i offered multiple times that i could video call with whoever and prove it lol, but yeah after that i was miss treated. For some reason noone wanted to notices how much i was busting my ass to help the server and community and how many people i actually helped, but yeah this is my goodbye goodluck everyone.


  2. Hey guys, just a slight suggestion, if not I can just make a guide for this instead.

    There is a chef hat in store in Varrock (Example below) but it has 0 in stock, cannot buy from there.




    Only place known in game is from goblins. (Example below)




    I think maybe we should make the chef hat buyable in that store, or just take it out completely to fix any future confusion

  3. 24 minutes ago, Lvl3Virgin said:

    I don't think 2m should be mod, imo.. Dude jumps gun, an it's his way or the high way.  then eggs it on with a smile type shit letting u know u lost. ( i ain't tryna argue everyone has there own opinions<mass amount of people agree tho.)

    but daloz, an gepan are the 2 most active staff in server and most hopeful. You gotta consider gepans job. 


    but I think this post was pointless.  most likely 2m will make a new account an it'll be admin this time 

    I strongly agree!


    • Confused 3

  4. 12 minutes ago, Gpof said:

    I wasn't saying it was malicious or anything, just that it comes across really odd to say something like that. As for what the screenshots are about, the first one is just Gepan making a simple mistake. The second one literally just shows you answering a question. There aren't timestamps or anything in the chat, so for all we know you answered that right away and any server supports that may have been on had no need to answer it afterwards. And if there weren't any server supports on, that screenshot does nothing to prove it and it's a moot point anyway. Third screenshot, probably one of the most inactive times of day and there happens to be no supports on, wow. Last screenshot, 2M says "Eek", oh man better grab the pitchforks, God forbid any staff does any interactions in the game that doesn't involve helping us. Speaking of the last screenshot, I almost missed that you had to state that you were trying to help during the deadzone.

    Having to speak about your deeds, complaining about something as trivial as a staff member forgetting that a store has zero stock for the item in question, and asking somebody to "support" you, it just makes it look like you're campaigning for your server support application lol. Kudos for helping people out though, even if I think it looks like you're patting yourself on the back while you do it.

    Most people agree that we need more server supports/staff covering the less populated time zones, but it's already been stated they aren't going to drop their applicant standards just to do so which I fully agree with.

    I see where you are coming from, and I can understand you’re perspective. Thank you.

    • Like 1

  5. 16 minutes ago, Ziniy said:

    Hello Mma C0N, first of all i would like to thank you for the feedback you put towards me, i cannot speak for other staff members, but i do want to mention a few things in regards to the line of feedback you gave me.

    So i 100% agree with you, my ingame and help cc time have been really low recently following that i had 2 vacations within 3 weeks, starting from tomorrow the 12th of July that will however change, the time where there is barely any staff on recently has been because i have not been on, hence that time was my main time online, and i hope you will see that change now that i am comming back to my regular days, also i will not be having anymore vacations untill Christmas, i expect not atleast.

    And as for the staff team missing members, i can say this, i do fully believe that we have one of the strongest staff teams on the server since the release however, we do need to find each our placr within the staff team still and i can ensure you it will be great.

    As for the time from a staff app till a yes/no is picked i will tell you this, from my first staff app till i was ready it took about 6 months of up and downs.
    We do try to ensure the health of Zenyte and we want to make sure the people who gets accepted to be SS will be a great fit for the team, by this i mean no internal conficts etc.

    Again thanks for the feedback man 🙂 
    I do hope you enjoy Zenyte and i hope to keep seeing you being active ingame 🙂 


    - Ziniy

    This was absolutely a amazing response, this is how a staff member is supposed to act and respond, thank you so much for this. You did not argue anything, you did not make excuses, and you did not speak for anybody else but you’re self. I look forward to seeing you in game:)

    • Like 1

  6. 3 hours ago, Gpof said:

    Glad Newgate said it so I didn't have to. Taking a screenshot just to show you answered a question, and a pm asking someone to support you lol. Sorry but I gotta be real, it's pretty cringe.

    Also Gepan, killing gobins is chef hat 101 cmon man 😜

    We were talking about something completely different.. I was telling him make sure he supports me with my events I hold for the community but, if I felt there was something to hide I wouldn’t of provided it? Taking the screen shot was not about me it was showering there is a gap of hours where no one is getting their answers answered by a staff member

    3 hours ago, ConHamer said:

    Hi MMA C0n,

    Thanks for the feedback we do read everything and try to put the suggestions into action to improve the way we work.

    Even though many people have touched on the subject of your comment about 2m making "excuses" to not be helping the community. We as moderators are constantly helping the community, just because you don't see this happen doesn't mean we don't. As he has stated we're dealing with alot of other responsibilities in this role we can't be watching over the help cc aswell, that's what the supports role are. Saying that 2m helps people when he wants to is just not a true statement he helps people when he has a spare few minutes between doing his duties as a server moderator.

    On the subject of staff giving wrong information, it happens we're human, an example is which you've touched on yourself when stating people can trade osgp for zenyte gp.
    If you didn't know or just made a mistake, it doesn't matter it will be corrected it's not the end of the world. There's no need to target specific people in staff feedback threads because they've made a mistake.

    As many others have stated on the fact that you've posted an app and you've had no word, we vet all applicants rather then just accepting because we need people, that's not the best way to go about recruiting at all. stating a moderator replies "eek" to a comment about us not caring doesn't really say we don't care. whatever is said we read it and work on the comments, we don't just ignore it.

    I do hope this clears up any feelings you got towards the mods and the rest of the team.

    Thanks again.

    Hello conhamer, thank you  For taking you’re time to reply. Again I did not to this to hurt anyone’s feelings, but these are things I noticed and I provided what I could. There is some people that’s agree with me and some people that don’t, that’s how everything works in the world. And you are correct, but hold on right there now I am confused? You are stating everyone makes mistakes, and it’s no problem it will be corrected, now how come I have a comment from 2m stating that I still give out wrong information which is referring to when I said gold instead of credits? At the end of the day, I am not the first complaint about 2m and won’t be the last, but sooner or later the higher ups will realize hmm, 2m keeps getting complains about him, maybe it’s him and not the community.

    Best regards

  7. 1 minute ago, Newgate said:

    As you said, and I quote "maybe seen things in a different perspective", have you stopped to think that maybe they're tired of hearing the same stuff, or as @200M Dancingstated above, they're super busy with other and more important stuff? All this seems you have a personal problem with 2m and you made this thread as a way to cover the fact that you wanted to publicly expose this situation.

    This is a “staff feedback” thread yes or no? Everything I have said in this thread was “staff feedback” and examples and explanations why. If I was in the wrong instead of life commenting back to it he would have either moved the thread or taken it down, You’re  response does not hold up.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Life said:

    I'll make sure to hit on these bullets next time we have a Staff Meeting. Thank you for the feedback, and I will ensure we go over this, and create a plan to improve ourselves!

    Thank you very much, I appreciate the response. I did not want any drama that was not my intention just to bring some things to attention, and to provide some screenshots to show what you or others may have missed. Of course it will be split some players say one thing some say the other, thank you again for the response.

    4 minutes ago, Newgate said:

    All this looks like you're just mad becouse they haven't responded to your staff application.

    As said above, helping in Zenytes CC for a couple days won't make you SS. Even though they're in need of staff, that doesn't mean they'll pick someone in a hurry that doesn't meet the requirements.

    Your name doesn't ring a single bell, but I haven't played in 2 weeks. Even so, I've seen people helping for weeks and only then they got accepted. You gotta build a reputation first.

    If helping is truly your goal, being Server Support should be just a extra.

    If you truly read everything buddy you would see that was not the point. You don’t clearly read someone saying in the cc that he does not think the moderators care and all a moderator responded was eek, that doesn’t bug you?

  9. 5 minutes ago, HC Y0m0pk said:

    That is an awful example you have provided.. I can say; That's like when you're hungry, but you cook a meal that can take some time to make sure it's a good meal to satisfy you. Just how, they take time to pick their SS to make sure they're good and satisfy the needs of a team.

    Yes, they're saying they need people which is why people should apply. You can't just apply and be given the role, that thinking is crazy. If they didn't make sure someone ticked all the criteria to become a server support and just handed them out as soon as someone applied, their would be many useless staff members. I'm not saying your upset at all, I just don't think you're understanding of that you simply do not get something as soon as you wish.

    IRL Jobs, You apply, you go through interviews etc to make sure you fit their criteria, it takes times but you soon find out if you get accepted or not.

    That being said, if it has taken longer than a couple weeks, I can see where you are coming from as it shouldn't take that long. 

    Again as I stated, you are missing the main point of everything I have stated above, instead chose one thing to focus on, But thank you I respect what you have to say and I will remember that:)

  10. 1 minute ago, HC Y0m0pk said:

    You don't just put a staff application in and get a response at the click of your fingers. It can take days, weeks, it all depends on different criteria. 

    You have not been playing the server for a 'long' period of time, so they will be checking multiple. It's good seeing people help in CC for a day, 2 days but they want to make sure they at least keep up with the help for a long period of time before chucking someone a rank, with that being said, I have seen a couple of SS slip into the team somehow. 

    All you gotta do is just keep helping and stay active and I'm sure they will get around to you in a couple weeks maximum! GL 🙂

    That was not the main hit on that comment, honestly as I’ve stated, if not I will still be that same me and be a big impact on the community with doing my give always and just helping people anywhere I can. But, thank you very much for that message. Just hope you read everything else and maybe seen things in a different perspective instead of just taking it as oh he’s just upset they didn’t get back to him. It’s a simple statement why say you need people but not pick up the people that are there and showing you. That’s like saying you are hungry, and there is a bag of chips in front of you but you don’t eat them you just keep saying you’re hungry.

  11. 9 minutes ago, 200M Dancing said:

    Hey Mma C0n, thank you for the feedback that you have provided to the staff-team. Whilst I have the opportunity I would like to briefly touch base on a few points you have addressed.

    As a Server Moderator, our tasks and duties that are required of members in a position as such depends upon a variety or a wide range of different obligations, which can be quiet time consuming in occurring intervals. These obligations/tasks ranging from the following: dealing with player appeals, forum reports, bot busting, general moderation of in-game/Discord/forums, overseeing the Server Support team, handling private inquires, non-administration Discord tickets, Punishment log moderation, in-game PM's, CC moderation, and so on.

    As such in result to the heavy work load (which bearing in mind at this point in time there is only currently 2 Server Moderators) our time is very limited which internally means that there is a less of a presence per say from someone who possess a Moderator crown. Now you have to also take into heavy consideration the structure that has been built here & what rank is responsible for what tasks. I presume we both know the answer to my next statement. As a Server Support it is their primary duty to maintain the official clan-chat (& what ever other tasks are required of a Support). It is not a Moderators sworn duty to sit there and reply to questions back to back to back to back. I can't help but to think the feedback you have provided for myself (and like I said earlier to you we will always welcome staff feedback with open arms) is being strictly based of what you have witnessed as far as clan-chat presence goes. Now in addition to my presence within the CC, I'd like to think I do an excellent job as is with providing answers to each and every single question being asked. In saying that, there may be times where questions go unanswered but our PM's are always open in the event of a player needing further assistance or for a question to be addressed.

    Regarding the highlighted text in the quote above; What exactly and how are we able to take feedback from what you've stated? I'm a bit confused so I hope you're able to further elaborate for more of a pleasant understanding. 🙂 

    Once again, thank you for going out of your way and sacrificing time to provide feedback based of staff performances. 
    Look forward to your response.


    Easy response to the entire response you typed. First all i hear was excuses, dude literally all you said to someone when they spoke about moderators not caring is and i quote "eek" dude... that is not professional, you need to ask the player why and try to address the situation in a respectful manner letting the player know that you and all the other staff member care you are just a bit busy and understaffed..sometimes man all you have to say is i will work on it, Now inn regards the highlighted part. You guys say you guys need more server supports more staff, more staff that can feel the dead zones, people that know their stuff, people that show effort, and people that help players and interact with the community. Well, i put a application in, and have received no word from it, i would like to get a simple yes or no, instead of seeing in the global you guys are in need of people, it simply makes no sense to me, but that is above you, it was just directed to the staff as a whole that it makes no sense why you are saying you are in need but when prospects come to you no one reaches out to them to give them an answer.

    I would also like to say to the entire staff team, none of this is meant to be disrespectful, i am simply trying to give my opinions, and help you guy strengthen as a team.

    Thank you for giving me the time of day.

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  12. 1 minute ago, Gepan said:

    Good Morning Mma,

    First and foremost I would like to say thank you for providing staff feedback!  We really do appreciate players who take up the opportunity to provide quality constructive criticism.  The one thing I would like to mention on a more broad overview is the concern regarding "staffing levels" of Server Supports. I am currently the longest Server Support and over the past three months of my service we are currently standing at the highest level of support to player percentile during this time-frame.  For example in your bottom screenshot(s) you indicate a time when there is currently 2 staff members online however during non-peak hours there is more then meets the eye for example I am at work and I was actually on my alternative account at this time monitoring the CC.  I believe we also had a 2nd member of our team on a alternative account as well.  

    As far as the feedback regarding the situation in which you was accused I will not touch on that publicly however I believe you and I both have came to an agreement on this matter.

    The final thing I would like to touch on is the comment regarding providing "false information" - I agree 100% that I could of done additional research however at that time the player was looking for a Chef's Hat and I utilized my resources and searched the wiki and it indicates that Varrock Fancy Store does sell the Chef's Hat however I did miss the fact that the stock was set to 0.

    Example is below:


    Thank you for the feedback and for the future I personally will make sure that I have looked into the stock quantity of items and not just locations!


    - Gepan

    hey Gepan, we just spoke on discord aswell.

    So to you're first comment:

    1. Yes 2 staff members were online, now 1 of them were Admin Hide, he is busy. He is busy behind the scenes i assume he doesn't have the time to answer all questions in the help cc, he relies on his lower ranks like Server Supports and Moderators. There was 0 Server Supports online, and if they were on alts they were not answering questions i was answering all of them. Also, Moderator was nowhere to be found when people were asking questions, but the second someone made a comment on how they feel about the staff and Moderators he instantly replies? hmm, seems a bit weird he cant answer questions but when someone insults him in some way he has time to reply. That leads back to what i was saying, there needs to be more staff to fill the deadzone gaps, ive stated before when i am on most of the time no server supports are on, Moderator 2m is on but never helps people. 

    2. We came to agree that you wont accuse me, now i still find it a problem that you and 2m accused me in the first place with no prrof/evidence, instead of talking to me about it.

    3. Yes but i have been given a negative remark by 2m in the past for accidentally saying "zenyte gold" when i clearly meant credits, so with that screen shot what im trying to say is we are not god, we all make mistakes. 2m was saying Server Supports or any staff should have so much experience with the server that they should not give out any wrong information, but yet has staff members doing just that, giving out wrong information.

  13. Developers: I have not communicated with them, but i see they are pushing out content and good content at that, i think they are doing a amazing job.


    Life: I have not communicated with him personally, but he is keeping the staff team informed and in check, and doing a lot of work back scene from what i have heard and seen.


    Echo: I have seen Echo active on forums often.

    Hide: Hide is great, he is always on the forums responing to people, he is active in game daily and  interacts with people daily. I can only imagine the work he is doing behind the scenes as well. He is a amazing and dedicated staff member.

    Hxrdcore: Very active on forums, and responds to people.


    Forum Administrator


    Senior Moderator



    200M Dancing: 2m is very informative to  players, but only when he wants to. He if very active on forums and in game. I have had a problem with 2m before and he has accused me of doing something that i was not doing, and i offered multiple times to prove it. I can prove easily, and this caused him to feel some type of way about me, and that is not professional at all. I felt almost as i was being targeted and harassed, because the next day after i thought all was clear between us, Server Support Gepan came at me accusing me of doing said thing as well. 2m is a moderator and should know you do know you do not go at someone accusing them of something without hard evidence, you should talk to them respectfully and get to the root of it. Now if one of the higher ups admin+ or life would like  to know more  about this situation and also have me PROVE it to clear my name message me and i will glady talk to you about it.

    ConHamer: I see ConHamer on for a couple hours a day


    Forum Moderator

    Gepan: Does a great job with Forums, is very active and tries his hardest. I was also accused by him for something that i was noot doing, and i was not breaking any rules. He did not come at me respectfully and try and talk about the situations. He gives wrong answers out to players in help cc sometimes, screen shot below.





    CNJYBbF.pngServer Support


    CNJYBbF.pngjasxr: Have not seen much of them

    CNJYBbF.pngZiniy: Have not seen much of them

    CNJYBbF.pngRuby: Great server support on forums/in game

    CNJYBbF.pngDaloZ: Very informative and active, helps everyone in need very accurately and quickly. Amazing server support

    CNJYBbF.pngDelroy: have not seen much of them.

    CNJYBbF.pngInformation: Very knowledgeable, when he is online questions get answered, players get helped.

    CNJYBbF.pngHexae: Good, friendly guy.

    CNJYBbF.pngV Iking: Viking is a amazing staff member, super active daily, interacts with players daily, ask them to boss with him, etc.. This is astaff member that will stick up for players if they are right and not in the wrong, he is not afraid to tell other (including higher ranked staff members) if they are in the wrong.


    All around i think most of the staff members are doing well, there needs to be some correction in my opinion, but we shall see what is done. There is still a dead time of no supports, and moderator 2m is on but hardly helps players, so i help the players(screenshots will be below  for examples) other players feel this same way. 2m keeps putting in global to apply for a staff spot but i know people who have and just have gotten no response so i am not sure what is going on there.

    Pertaining to bottom image provided, where a player spoke how he felt and said he feels server supports are not on much (he probably is referring to his time zone which is the dead-zone as explained and show in images no SS are on) All MOD 2M said was eek... did not ask why he felt that way, did not ask what he could do to help or change the way he felt. this is a problems, staff members work for the community, if the community is not happy and players quit, then devs get less donations, eventually none, then the devs cannot put out new updates and content. At that point they say what is the point of having the server up if no-one is on. Community makes the server.. I believe the staff should focus on making the community and average players more happy and excited.















  14. I think this is a great idea man! Gives people a little push to want to donate, which in return will help the devs for more future update, also puts hard earned money into their pockets. Defiantly SUPPORT this idea.

  15. 1 hour ago, DaloZ said:

    I feel the voting store needs more content, yes, but not exactly the ones you mentioned. As you may have noticed, you already get up to 225k and a random clue for voting (along the voting points) just as a little incentive to vote for the server, adding Stuff like whips, Dboots, etc would devalue even further these items (See Onyx jewellery for example, too many in game without any real sink for them).


    You know what would be a good reward, a Bxp ticket you could buy for voting points... maybe make it last 10 mins per ticket and lock it behind 3 vote points... Or something like a skilling box, where you could get Skilling supplies depending on your skills level (similar to what Mystery boxes offer, but with lesser rewards due to it being easier to obtain).


    In conclusion, Should we add more items to the Voting / Loyalty store? Yes - Should said items be Items you normally get through playing the game? No.


    I like the idea of BXP scrolls in the voting shop, and the items i listed were not limited to just those items, i'm just trying to bring something new to surface, because i have heard multiple player's concern about these things, just trying to think what we can do to boost the morale but not crash eco if that makes any sense. thanks for feed back buddy.

  16. 11 minutes ago, Ironyte said:

    I think the real reward from voting is the cash and random clue scroll box, the vote shop being just a bonus to vote toward. (staying away from the average RSPS concept) ie; using vote tickets in an overpowered store.. 🤮 Adding gear that you mentioned to the store defeats the whole purpose of playing Zenyte, those items should stay locked behind it's specific content, like Slayer, etc.

    As for celebrating a holiday such as Independence Day I can see why you would want fireworks and such all over home, etc. BUT.. we are not just Americans here. This is a holiday we celebrate in our own country, not all over the world. I think Christmas, Halloween and any other big universal holiday should be celebrated with events, etc. The 4th of July to most is just another day and we should respect that.

    We wouldn't celebrate largely Orangeman's Day or Victoria Day.. would you?

    As to you saying you think adding those items to the vote store would defeat the purpose, well if you make it a decent amount of voting points i don't see how. If someone stays motivates on playing Zenyte, and votes every chance they get, every 12 hours, they finally save up enough vote points for dragon boots, dragon  boots sell for what 300k? would not crash eco at all, is not a overpowered item, pretty casual, helps the player out and makes him very excited.

    As to you saying no to sometime as simple as fire works due to the whole server not being from america, and asking if Victoria day, well man i think that would be a great idea to incorporate something like that, little tiny simple coding to add something for holidays in all different countries and also educate us on the different holidays if the person wishes to learn. I think that would be bad ass, instead of ignoring it all together, but i guess this all will come to be up to the staff, i just think we can have a lot of fun and excitement directed to new and old players, bring a little life to Zenyte, and possible a little education as well?

  17. 20 minutes ago, Hide said:

    We're always open to adding more items to vote shop, but it is quite hard to come up with stuff that would be decent enough. If you have any items in mind let us know and we'll always consider it.

    As for event rewards I think store credits are good enough, we'll slowly get some more event ideas out and trial em, if you have any suggestions about events you can pm me on forums or discord at hide#0001.

    About a little event for 4th of July if you meant doing an event similar to Easter or Christmas one its quite time consuming for devs and I think the community would like other content pushed faster.

    Overall I support the suggestion, just need to go more in-depth with what items you'd like to be added and your event ideas.

    Hey, thank you for the comment and explanation. So a few items that could be added to the vote shop.

    1. Whip 2.Fury 3.Dragon Boots. Just things that wouldn't crash the economy, but would kinda motivate more people to want to vote more which would in return get the server more out there and bring Zenyte more active players:)

    As for Event Ideas like for the 4th, it could be something simple as adding fireworks going over home for the day, just simple little things that would catch the eye to players. And for more events like give away i have a lot of ideas. i am in the U.S Army and for my company i am actually the event coordinator so coming up with these ideas kind of just come to me. Let me know if i can help at all Hide! 

    • Like 1

  18. Hello, just wanted to give a little feedback, So i think we should add better long term voting rewards, in the vote shop add some decent things not just cosmetics, i have heard multiple players complain about this. I think we should add more events like, more bond give away from the developers, and broadcast it make fun little event's keep people interested, and excited. I think we can you guys shoulda/coulda added a cool little event for the 4th of July to get people to want to go do it. i have multiple idea's we could do to get the players of Zenyte excited and interested again if you guys would like to know more of them just have a admin or higher message me i can give you guys a ton more ideas, in specific as well. Hope this was somewhat helpful.

    • Like 1

  19. 16 minutes ago, Ruby said:

    Hey man, glad to see you here with us! I hope you enjoy the server as much as we all do.


    PS. I was stationed in Germany. USAF 🙂

    Hell yeah man, AirForce woulda been a good thought also! and germany heard its a kick ass duty station! add me in game man!

    19 hours ago, Gepan said:

    Welcome Mma C0n! Thank you for your service!



    Hey man thank you! i see thatcop logo, are you a cop? if so respect to you man.

  20. YOOO, So i keep seeing a bunch of these introductions up on here. I have decided i will do one of my own! Soo im 21, i live in Colorado for right now, because im in the U.S Army and im stationed down here at Fort Carson here in Colorado Springs. Also believe it or not i am a real life MMA fighter, ill have a picture of me in one of my fights on my cover photo. I have played RuneScape since i was like 9 years old to be honest. And probley a year into RuneScape i founds RSPS and started playing both. I am super knowledgable in OSRS. So if you got any questions message me InGame> Mma C0n

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