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Posts posted by Benz

  1. 4 hours ago, Catanddog75 said:

    Don't think there are enough Pkers on this server, or enough interested in PKing.  Obviously some of these things would benefit a lot of normal players, but most of it seems to benefit the few people who already exclusively PK.  For that reason I'm not overly keen.

    Incorrect, there is a bunch of PK'ers, I try to do daily PK'ing sessions with all sorts of people. There's even a good number of ironmen that are actually pretty decent at PK'ing. 

  2. Thank you CIA, I really appreciate you taking the time to come up with these! Wilderness definitely needs a boost up. Some dope suggestions! 

    3 hours ago, CIA said:

    Blightened VLS 100m points + 50m cash to unlock it (money sink) & (Works only inside wilderness)
    Armadyl hilt 50m points (optional)
    Brimstone Boots 10m points (optional)
    MA2 Cape 2m points (optional) BUT (non iron accounts or at least not HCIM) unless you think it's a good idea
    Dragon Defender 5m points (so pkers can buy it back from store instead of having to go warrior's guild)

    -1 Adding MA2 cape to the BH store would only decrease the amount of people entering the wildy, since they can just literally buy one..

  3. 11 minutes ago, Creampie said:

    I texted to you ingame for 6 minutes, and you never respond but of course the mining > bank route was active.

    Well, atleast do not bot please. If you botting, the goal is pointless.

    Feel free to report any players if you have proof

    On topic: Best of luck!

  4. 100% Agreed, same with the begging. I actually encourage banter on yell/discord but it's currently just getting out of hand. 

    7 minutes ago, Ironyte said:

    We could use less arguing of who's better than the other and actually putting it to the test by having Clan vs. Clan type events such as Skilling, PvP, etc.

    ^^ Hopefully with tournament coming up 😄 

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