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Posts posted by Runeman

  1. 12 hours ago, Gepan said:

    After speaking with the Development Team they didn't want to add a 200m Skillcape per skill however there was an interest in a 200m max skillcape.  Would this be something of interest? 

    I think this actually makes the most amount of sense. Would it just be a cosmetic change and still preserve the identical functionality as the max cape?

  2. I agree, we do need some unique benefits to actually sinking gold into your POH, since most of them are rendered near useless due to the conveniences of other existing features.

    Would it be too extreme to include a bank chest in the POH (with a high con requirement)? I was just thinking because if you teleport to your POH to use your pool, you'd likely teleport back to home to re-gear and teleport back to your task.

    If there was a bank chest it may justify using your POH for not only re-gearing but also improve prayer/cons/etc training in the POH too.

    Edit: I supposes there's the issue of making the server home feel less populated by encouraging people to use their POH instead.

  3. A RuneLite plugin that displays a timer for when you can use the box of restoration at home again would be very helpful. Arriving at home realizing you have to wait a minute until you can use it again is sometimes frustrating.

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