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Posts posted by ConHamer

  1. Hi MMA C0n,

    Thanks for the feedback we do read everything and try to put the suggestions into action to improve the way we work.

    Even though many people have touched on the subject of your comment about 2m making "excuses" to not be helping the community. We as moderators are constantly helping the community, just because you don't see this happen doesn't mean we don't. As he has stated we're dealing with alot of other responsibilities in this role we can't be watching over the help cc aswell, that's what the supports role are. Saying that 2m helps people when he wants to is just not a true statement he helps people when he has a spare few minutes between doing his duties as a server moderator.

    On the subject of staff giving wrong information, it happens we're human, an example is which you've touched on yourself when stating people can trade osgp for zenyte gp.
    If you didn't know or just made a mistake, it doesn't matter it will be corrected it's not the end of the world. There's no need to target specific people in staff feedback threads because they've made a mistake.

    As many others have stated on the fact that you've posted an app and you've had no word, we vet all applicants rather then just accepting because we need people, that's not the best way to go about recruiting at all. stating a moderator replies "eek" to a comment about us not caring doesn't really say we don't care. whatever is said we read it and work on the comments, we don't just ignore it.

    I do hope this clears up any feelings you got towards the mods and the rest of the team.

    Thanks again.

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  2. Welcome Sommer, i’ve spoken with you a few times already, i hope you’re enjoying the server so far 🙂

    if you require and assistance drop me a message either on here, in game or on discord

  3. Konar is there as only konar gives wyrms / hydra tasks, the rate on the keys is fine as it’s mainly supplies from the chest, with the odd chance for the dragon hasta.

    players are different some people prefer grinding it out just not as much as grinding osrs, and others don’t like the grind, but it’s impossible to please both parties so increasing ths drop rate on the chest would make it unenjoyable for the people that enjoy grinding.

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