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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/23 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Construction Update Blog Hello All, Construction is progressing smoothly, and we have a solid expectation of a 2023 release. A substantial amount of content has already been incorporated, and even in its unfinished state, it could be released, allowing people to create reasonably functional houses. However, our aim is to release a product that we can take pride in. We've just finalized the beta server for our staff to evaluate Construction, gather data on any non-functional buildable elements, and determine what still needs to be added. At present, the following major features are in focus: Red - Not started.Yellow - IncompleteGreen - Complete Useful Rooms Portal Chamber Achievement Gallery Portal Nexus Superior Garden Costume Room Workshop Servants Menagerie Chapel Useful Features Entering Friend's Houses All Portals Tablet Making Wilderness Obelisk Important to remember: Typically, items highlighted in yellow are either in need of just one or two additional elements to be implemented, such as the boss liar display in the achievement gallery. Alternatively, they require a bit more testing, like the Servants, to determine the best way to implement them. We're extremely enthusiastic about releasing this feature, and our dedicated staff is diligently identifying any non-functional objects to ensure their proper integration.
  2. 1 point
    Zenyte 2 - Blog #8 The Plan Forward Hello, To start, I'd like to mention that we're currently performing exceptionally well in terms of our player count, player feedback through votes, and the number of newly registered accounts. We have been consistently increasing our weekly registration numbers since our initial reset Moreover, our player counts have also reached some of the highest figures we've seen since August 11th (reset day), and this achievement has been complemented by a continuous upward trend in player votes. In fact, we've observed a daily increase in the number of votes since our September 1st. This combination is the key to our success. Nevertheless, there are a few essential elements we need to introduce into this equation to ensure we stay on this successful trajectory. A graph of newly registed accounts since 2021 measured on a week by week basis. Revision Upgrade There's no sugar coating it — we're approaching a significant challenge in our development journey due to the absence of a revision, and it's imperative that we take proactive measures to address this issue. For those who may be new to the RSPS environment, a revision determines which client and cache we utilize. To illustrate, our current revision lacks the ability to add content like the Tombs of Amascut, whereas the newest revision would allow us to take on this project. It's important to clarify that a revision serves as a foundation, and even after the upgrade, the initial coding or content addition still needs to be completed. As a Management Team, we are presently in the process of finalizing the remaining details to proceed with the revision upgrade, and we will keep the community informed if any issues or challenges arise during this process. This impending change will have the most significant impact on our game in several years. We are enthusiastic about finalizing the details soon and will ensure ongoing communication with the community. We estimate that once the process begins, it will take approximately 60 days to complete, barring any unexpected complications. Content Developers We are presently seeking a full-time developer whose primary responsibility will be to introduce fresh content or address any content-related bugs that have arisen recently. We've taken note of the community's desire for more updates, particularly in terms of content, and we're actively pursuing this request. This role will come with compensation and specific qualifications. Over the past two weeks, I've observed these as two of the most pressing issues, and we are committed to proactively addressing them to ensure we continue our progress. Thanks, Matt
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