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Posts posted by nytmare

  1. Not played in a long time and might never will but i'd say yes. This server will never be 1:1 osrs, it is so far behind that the newer content that's come out- nex and potentially raids 3- won't ready for another 5-6 years at the current pace considering you've yet to add tob, lms,wildy godwars,sarachnis, gauntlet/corrupted gauntlet, the fishing boss, then nex and the newer stuff. 

  2. 20 minutes ago, CIA said:

    Votes (no matter how they were) & if player count increased after that still can't be proven that it was due to the slayer pet update because nobody can prove the correlation between them.

    For all we know it could be the wilderness updates or TOB rumors or almost anything, take a random pick.

    Either way were getting off topic here because I'm at least not here to argue or discuss whether slayer pets were the reason for increased player count or not.

    I only wanted to correct you because I think it's unfair for someone in a high position as yourself to make such a claim without the capability to prove it and due to your position there's people that might believe what you said without double checking the facts. 

    Again, everyone's entitled to have any opinion they want & no hate on you or anything. I'd just prefer if we would stick to facts here.

    Agreed... there would be more reliability in a poll which asked players why they started playing... Looking at traffic patterns after an update is a not even a remotely accurate portrayal of how an update has affected the player count.

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  3. 21 hours ago, Iron Arm said:

    While I do agree that ToB and Construction are the two updates we've been waiting for, not everyone can code on these. Adding smaller simpler things like Slayer pets can be done with much less knowledge and still add things to grind for on the server.

    The last things being polled; I'm 50/50 on them, idc if we get them or if we don't. But again they mostly seem to be things that a beginner dev could do while Grant keeps focusing on ToB. Perhaps we just need a clarification on who works on what?

    I don't know what the coding capacities are from our current devs, but from my understanding Grant has experience, Death at least knows a few things, Matt learned here. Three different experience levels, not all of them could make ToB or a bug-less Construction.

    That being said, I am a bit disconnected from the suggestions going on but even without looking I do agree that adding community suggested updates would be better most of the time. I don't fully disagree with what you're saying, but it's not because minor updates are suggested/implemented that major ones aren't being worked on. Also holiday events are great wym!?

    You aren't going to revive the playercount by adding slayer pets 

    • Like 1

  4. On 7/13/2020 at 12:35 AM, Newgate said:


    This just goes to prove that this post was intended to hurt and bash 2m. Clueless people talking out of their asses becouse of 1 incident.

    Idk, seems like a lot of people have problems with 200m. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Newgate said:

    If you could read, you could understand I said it was my own opinion, meaning is what I see.

    As for your statement on my CC, you've never been here so I don't know why you're barking. I appreciate the opinion though!

    I understand that, and good thing they are! Never doubted it and if they have the position is for a reason! I simply expressed my opinion as someone from outside Zenyte CC.

    Just as you have opinions on staff members in other CCs I have opinions of your CC

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