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Posts posted by Shark

  1. Hey @Tillian

    I've actually been making casual tweaks to the website and forums the last couple days so this post came at the perfect time. Going to note it down and include these in the various fixes I have on my list. 

    Just a quick touch on this, I've done the forum update cause it was a low hanging fruit, there's a bunch of changes happening to the website soon so the navigation width boundary will be a great first tweak to make sure I don't break anything for my first website update.

    • Like 3

  2. Hey again @Dee1337

    So I've looked into this and there's nothing I can really do (right now). How we handle uploaded files it would be very easy for the server to quickly become overwhelmed and flooded with attachments.

    However. I do want to make it so that you can upload attachments freely in the future. It's just not in the stars right at this particular moment. I need to setup a few things. It's actually really lucky that you're a Sapphire member because some other ranks (such as Diamond specifically) can't even upload to begin with.

    Going to put this in declined but when I have the chance you'll see an announcement for image uploading limits lifted hopefully entirely!

    • Like 3

  3. My profile photo works pretty darn well in many situations. In the context of the Zenyte website maybe not as well.

    I would love to see any updates to it that more closely match the Zenyte look and feel.

    The only requirement is the design of the S with the Shark negative space stays fundamentally the same. I do not have a preference in colors or the direction you take it. Just interested in seeing what other creative minds come up with.

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  4. This is such a good thread but it's gone a bit stale. I'm going to push this into declined but I really like the contents of what's in here. I've mentioned a bit the idea of a reworked awards system so maybe when the time comes we can loop this thread and it's contents in as a resource for new categories (or just single awards) to add.

    I feel a bit guilty moving this into declined but it's just not something actionable for me at this moment in time on the forums.

    Fantastic suggestions for sure though!

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  5. Hey!


    It's mentioned above that you can tag posts and search by tags because there's workable functionality I'm going to push this aside for the time being.  I don't fully know the scope of where topics can be tagged however so if there's any area of improvements that can be made in that front please make another topic and let me know. I'd be happy to look into this a bit more.

    As for adjusting the forums around or making guides uniquely tagged to certain ranks, I'm not opposed to but it seems like the support is a bit split so we need to find some more common ground of what that may look like.

  6. Hey! This post hasn't really received any love in the past 3 months so I'm going to move it to declined, if there's still a need and want for this I'd encourage you to make a new topic and see where things go from there.

    I'm personally a fan of this idea. Anything to encourage quality posts, guides and content as a whole for the player base will gain my support.

    However, I'm not a huge fan of the implementation from a developer stance. I do think it fits, but I'd want to look more into how we could leverage the better received posts and spotlight them, this is a bit harder to do (well) if we are also relying on the reputation system. I mentioned this elsewhere but a lightly touched on how I'd prefer to almost entirely remove the rep system as it is for certain cases because it's also used as a show for no support which means someone who makes suggestions could end up receiving negative reputation, even though they're a wonderful community member. This kind of plays into the same notion of a rework of some sort. You also mention that this is limited to staff and developers, we already have the option to pin a topic which is sort of achieving the same effect, just not providing any sort of potential vanity option.

    Going to move this to declined as it stands, but please do make a new thread if you want this to be re-evaluated!

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  7. 23 hours ago, Nympho said:

    Holy heck, who would of thought this would spark up 7 months later!

    Highly appreciate your acknowledgement Shark.

    Doing a little a bit of clean up on this forum now that I am back doing web stuff for Zenyte, although I wasn't around I must admit that a 7 month grave dig is a bit embarrasing (more on the part that this wasn't even so much as acknowledged). I can't give any reasonable dates to when you might be able to expect seeing this information on the forums, but it will definitely be something that I keep noted down and when I'm poking around on forum updates this will be one I check out.

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  8. I'm going to pop this in declined just for the purpose of cleaning up the forum, I'm not opposed to the idea but personally feel like this would require a lot more manual labour to be required or we need to consider a reworked award system -- which as you might guess would require far more community buy in that the couple of replies seen so far. 


    Not opposed, but not totally into the idea yet either.

  9. Hey! It seems like a lot of these suggestions are implemented or not really fleshed out enough (specifically member of the month based on the read through) So I'm going to close this topic.

    Feel free to open a new topic if you want to re-ignite the conversation about member of the month and maybe get more community buy in to the idea.

  10. Hey @Dee1337!

    I've split your post into a new topic because it didn't have anything to do with the original discussion taking place.

    I want to also give you a very light warning that derailing topics in the future may not just be a topic split, it is disruptive and might get you pegged with some warnings.

    I have this noted down and will be looking into it but I'm also taking the time to read through all of the current and past website suggestions so that maybe other related requests can be taken care of at the same time (or maybe there's a reason the limits exist as they current are for reasons I might miss).

  11. I kind of wish we could separate the reputation count from a thumbs up / thumbs down system. Just because you have ideas that don't receive majority support, it shouldn't negatively reflect your account status and seem like you're a community shit head.

    I like where this idea is going but the unfortunate reality is that there's a lot of additional steps that would be needed to decouple the integrated reputation system into what we're talking about. Unless I come across an easier fix for this in the future it'll be lower in the list of where the web team priorities are.

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  12. On 4/20/2020 at 5:39 PM, Gepan said:

    It would be cool if it would be able to go based upon your game-mode


    On 4/21/2020 at 2:52 PM, retro jordan said:

    your logged into your account on the forums the default mode would be your current mode.

    This is a very interesting solution to this suggestion.

    I'm going to move this into accepted for now, but the end result may be a bit different than what's described here.

  13. I'd be interested in at the very least gathering this data and seeing if it's useful as a utility in the Zentye player-base's tool belt and visual graphs like you suggested.

    Gonna keep this one noted for a later date!


    • Like 2

  14. While this is far from my call in the grand scheme of things since it's not particularly website related, it's objectively easier to use items as the incentive because you can always make a cash-sink of some sort to make the building blocks of stabilizing the economy. It's not the same for experience. We can't just have the user "spend" their experience points without setting some sort or precedent. Prestige systems aren't unheard of but that just adds noise without solving a problem.

    Zenyte is in a unique position where we can get this really right or really wrong and it will show in the short-term future. The many smart minds behind the server development aren't going to just throw it away for a couple hundred votes every month and award a moshpit of items for it. We're all here for a long-haul.

    Anything we offer as rewards -- be it voting, store or others -- will regularly be checked, rechecked and checked once again with how it effects the bigger picture.

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  15. It's always such a joy to see other forum enthusiasts floating around. I look forward to seeing your future posts.

    Speaking so many languages just means you exercise your brain much more than the average bear. I am very appreciative of your ability to do that!

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