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Posts posted by dyll

  1. 4 minutes ago, Sir Hassan said:

    Not at all. What I'm saying is that it's such an insignificant situation that it's better to let go and move on. You're allowed to speak out, but doing it in the correct tone and through the proper channels will land much more success and will make staff and players more receptive of your comments. Just my friendly feedback on your feedback 🙂

    It also seems to me that the support staff in question is no longer ranked, so I'm not sure that it's worth pursuing this anymore than you have!

    Good to know!


    Thanks boss, enjoy your day!

  2. 8 hours ago, Sir Hassan said:

    Being kicked from a cc is hardly a punishment, it's more of a warning itself. In any case, you're back into the cc in an hour, no harm done. Also, arguing about scamming is pointless anyways because video recording is a necessity in every gamble for a reason. I respect that you acknowledged the good experience you had with Dragonic as well!

    If it's true that you initially got kicked without warning, then yeah I understand your irritation, but staff don't have the time to check each server name that has been mentioned so I'd ask that you accept the mistake and move on, because poorly reacting to an otherwise calm situation definitely leads to punishment. In any case, if staff have to repeatedly tell you to stop causing drama it would be in your best interest to listen, you continued at your own risk and it didn't turn out well. 

    It sucks that this all had to happen in the first place, but miscommunications happen all the time and it's better to understand the mistake and move on than to give it any more time than it deserves. I hope everyone can walk away happy from this one.

    I'm fine and could really care less. This section is for a players feedback on staff not back seat player moderation.  Did you just say the accept staffs mistakes and if I speak about out than that leads to punishment...? whoa



    and yes,

    I was a little angry for being kicked for no reason but if you're staff, you're selected to be staff and to investigate 'crimes' and come up with an outcome......not just kick because you can.

    & ty synyster but i'm not "reporting" staff.. i'm just saying the attitude staff has and the way they go about things are terrible. Maybe they were just having a bad night themselves, idk. All I know is this is my feedback.

  3. 1 hour ago, Great Chaos said:

    Interesting opinionated feedback for your first interactions with Life and myself. Thank you for the feedback. 

    Oh, am I not allowed an opinion on the forums either? Interesting. You ever heard of a first impression? and you kicked me for something that literally is not against the rules. Thanks mate 



    P.S the other player in the screen shots said it best...power trips....I'm off to bed, goodnight 😉 

  4. So, where do I start? negative or positive? hm.. we'll save the best for last.. literally


    - 'Great Chaos' - "helper"

    This staff member kicked me from CC 'help' for advertising a RSPS that has been non existent for years upon years. I had just joined the server a few hours before this and was loving it, donated and all. EVERYBODY in the clan chat was talking about how this is a great server with a large number of players. I simply said something along the lines of "I haven't played a server that I have liked this much since Frugooscape" and then my next chat directly after was "(Don't ban me I'm not advertising, frugoo hasn't been a RSPS in YEARS)" and then I was instantly kicked my great chaos and then in DMs he was very unpleasant and pretty much said if I have a problem to deal with it myself.. > 1st of all, you can't advertise a server that doesn't exist. 2nd, kicked with no warning, no remorse for me being new, none of that. TERRIBLE staff member and completely rude. (unfortunately, I was not expecting this to happen nor thought about it on the spot.. so I don't have screen shots) but I did instantly message one of the more pleasant helpful moderators in-game "DRAGONIC"


    - 'Life' - "Admin"

    My run in with Life was also VERY unpleasant. 

    In CC 'help' a player had said something like "blank was just scammed during fp and staff is turning their head" implicating he had messaged staff and got no response.

    The player who was "Scammed" eventually came into cc and said something as well, instantly, with no explanation or warning... he was also kicked. Maybe, just maybe... he shouldn't of said the guys name but still... there's no explanation for just brushing off a possible scam and kicking a man with no explanation.

    After this another player and myself both said that was un-called for and that he should not of been kicked but the topic should of been addressed in a better manner and not through cc "help" Eventually, Life said something like " Case resolved, next." So I said, "Next, investigate the abuse of power by great chaos" and I informed him I had mentioned how I informed Dragonic but instead of getting a response..... guess what? YUP, you guessed it.... I was once again kicked by a different staff member than LIFE (lmfao) birds of the same feather, flock together.... & Then as I'm at home tele, voicing my opinion to other players about the poor staffing, (which they had agree'd with) , guess what? YUP> *boom* Life appears and tells me pretty much to stop voicing my opinion and that I was causing drama... pretty unreal statement as some players were in agreement and I wasn't even talking to Life (which I mentioned) and he had told me that. I eventually gave up as an admin was arguing with me about something I said, that didnt break any rule.... just to say he "cba to argue" with me. Told me the 'help cc' is not for reporting. I went to dm life about the situation with great chaos also because life is an admin but his private was off and I told him I went to dm him but his private was off so I said it to him in cc... which resulted in a you know what... yup, the good old boot out of the cc.... poor excuse of staff.


    Finally! lets get to the good and positive vibes, ay?




    -'Dragonic' - Moderator 


    From the instant I pm'd this staff member he was very polite, easy to talk to and he knew all the rules. Everything he did was text book.   I have yet to run into another staff member who deserves to be staff other than dragonic. In my opinion, he should be an admin and Life should be demoted to moderator. (actually, more like normal player) I really don't have much to say other than that.... keep your eye on this guy, he knows the rules, doesn't abuse his power, very pleasant and just down to earth. He deserves a promotion in the near future.


    Thank you,






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