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Posts posted by Darkness

  1. @Erzafor the email part, when you register, you get an email which is absolutely generic and in a white template, I think Noele mentionned it was possible to modify it but it hasn't been done! 

    It's written something like " thank you for joining", no background, no logos, no useful links or images etc. Looks like the default email. I think there's a little liberty to send something more custom, closer to ex. Jagex emails


    Thanks alot!

  2. There's multiple small-ish? issues /suggestions I have in mind

    Forums :
    - Working footer links which redirect to stuff
    - Working header links which redirect to stuff (about/support)
    - Forum footer says 2016-2018 while we're in 2019

    - Proper homepage display on mobile (forums work)
    - Some images on the homepage /Video box /shoutbox between the banner and the body, because right now with the forum body it looks packed, brown and unatractive.

    Ranks :
    - Dragonstone/onyx/zenyte member ranks
    - Potentially all Ironman additional icon system, under your reputation icons when you post

    Other :
    - Have ingame report button open the report forum section

    Email registration
    - Email registration template looks bad/simple . Appears to be very very generic and not designed to be attractive in any form. Keep in mind this is the second thing EVERY player will have to get through to play the game, so it's a huge part of the first impression.

    Agree or disagree, that is all for me , and this is a possible reminder of stuff you forgot. Thanks!

    • Like 3

  3. Pretty darn cool to see the amazing ton of content we have on the server so far. To think this is not even close to done is crazy. Uncomparable to any other server out there!

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  4. I'd like to see quests someday here but i don't think i'd like the devs to delay the release for them ;)

    As for teleports, I do agree.  I've had Kris add more wilderness teleports since they were kinda lacking.  
    For the regulars, I feel like you kinda get used to it  - Jewelry will have a value again, and people are really gonna be trading all kinds of items, I think it'll feel like OSRS once again, which would really make the unique feel of Zenyte

  5. Hi, my IGN is Darkness/Dark and i'm a 21 years old french Canadian.

    I currently study buisness administration (2nd year), and it's going pretty well thus far :p.

    I've been in the RSPS scene for around 9 years now , and as much on runescape. I've 'developped' as a kid about 4-5 servers that averaged 100s online, back when it was popular and 'coding' was copy pasting things from Rune-server. I'm also currently a raid teacher for ironman cc and pretty active on my near-maxed osrs ironman. As for experience around private servers, like pretty much everyone else, i've enjoyed getting involved in the staff teams since I've developped a real love and knowledge about the runescape lore, community, and content. 

    I'm really hyped for this server and trying to get more and more involved in it's development stage by participating to the beta. I'm really stoked for a release that'll seriously take off and be incredibly popular, and the past 3 days have been really enjoyable, by seeing Kris's responsiveness to all the issues I managed to find.

    I'm relatively new to the project , but i'm really hoping it keeps going as smooth as i've been seeing, i'm planning to keep pushing the limits of the content to find bug, write guides in advance, and i'm looking forward to seeing everyone online. 

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