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Posts posted by Whiprealgood

  1. 1 hour ago, Hexae said:

    In terms of consequences, what did it change? You said PVP less entertaining, were you saying that it could disadvantage, and therefore, unbalance the PVP system? Is it too powerful or isn't not?

    It became the META if you didnt have PVP gear you didn't stand a chance until they added an even more overpowered set. It was also allowed in PVM and also was the META when it came to melee weapons, it causes power creep and just caused all other weapons to be unnecessary. It really became a hot topic on the server, every time they added a new weapon it was DOA and really upset a lot of players for that reason. It became why add (blank) no one will use it, we have the chaotic rapier/VLS. Though I know you haven't listed the chaotic rapier here which is good.  


    I'll be honest I have no stakes in PVP, but it was well known that after they added the PVP armor the wildy died even more and was also a hot topic of conversation. 

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  2. So i'm currently trying to get really professional with my video editing but i'd like to cut out the part of my own recording and work with someone else's footage. This is completely free (as i'm still newer at this) and my goal here is to really do some nice editing so if you're an RSPS youtuber or just someone who needs a video edited (or know someone) feel free to message me on here or also you can message me on discord! Whiprealgood#5856

    No requirements for the footage you provide, if you have a face cam recording it separately from the footage is nice to have but not at all required. Just remember footage quality is only as good as what I would receive.

    I'm just putting out feelers to see if I could at some point edit for money so good or bad feedback is very much wanted!


    Here's a video for reference on what I am capable of, I just have a long way to go.


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  3. there's great iron CC's like "irons" and "elite irons" but I don't like this idea, it's restricting. I'm no pker myself and I get why you suggest this, but if I can give you some good advice. This server is VERY close to the actual OSRS so if you need to know something feel free to look it up like your looking something up on osrs, you'll likely find the answer! 🙂

  4. Great work! anyone starting out will surely need this, I think a big point to make is to use thieving for seeds at master farmer after level 38 thieving. That early farming grind with the seeds needed goes a long way, I got plenty of money from voting alone.

    • Like 1

  5. 2 hours ago, Ziniy said:

    I mean the idea is there evntually it will be made however the need for addy ore as an ironman myself i got them through basic pvm and mlm and i do not think that it is a update that we need rn thus addy ore is really easy to get, maybe later down the line.

    I would totally agree with you if they had to make the whole mine work but it's already there and working, I was able to go right in.

    With my VERY small dev experience I don't think it really be much work to get the NPC who is already there to have a bank option, that's all we need here as everything else is already working and there. But hey i've been wrong many times before!


    Thanks for your comment 🙂

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  6. 2 hours ago, Dee1337 said:

    more too the fact that i want too cover my face and don't want too be ascociated with Runescape IRL as i work for the goverment... thanks for the comment though mate

    Sorry man i came off harsh, i'm bad at shit talk😅

  7. As an ironman fighting with others at the mining guild to get adamant ores just to finish my shaman grind it would be really fast to implement an alternate option for us. The jatizo mine is fully functional and just needs a bank in the main city to make this a great alternate option for irons or anyone to mine adamant ore. Please add this bank functionality it would be greatly apprecated. 




    There's a ton of options for rocks 




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  8. If we added magic notepaper I would want it to be restricted to the wilderness if added at all. At least it would make for some good pk's occasionally. But overall not a big fan, I've never had any issues with supplies.

    I'm not saying the gauntlet would be DOA but it would probably be pretty low on the priority list, there's a lot I would like to see the devs add first, but at some point it would be worth adding for the content.

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  9. People are weird man, personally liked your cc just got a bit boring without enough people on. Only really left because i had a bunch of friends who started playing and it is nice to be in a CC with them. I wish you the best man, anyone giving you a hard time and just flaming you is lame AF. Super weird way to behave

    • Like 1

  10. I really like your editing you put a lot of effort and energy into it. I couldn't watch with sound as i'm at work but i thought it was visually great! Also upping your resolution and bitrate (if using OBS) would make a huuuge difference for how great your video would look. Great work you definitely have some great editing skills man 

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