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Posts posted by SilverNova

  1. On 12/6/2019 at 8:42 AM, Octavious said:

    You have the locations of these monsters for some of the Slayer Guides, but not all of them. Do you plan on updating this when you can? 

    I've only put locations for Konar because she requires you to KILL them in SPECIFIC locations and for Krystalia because the NPCs in Wildy might not be as common knowledge as NPCs in the Slayer Tower. So in other words; no.

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  2. 11 minutes ago, Baka said:

    I honestly do not believe the devs have any current plans or ideas to release content for x10/x5 players. We like to make updates and ideas that benefit everyone in some way rather than just one specific game mode or exp rate. As is, I like the way things are ran with the exp rates. Grinding on a x5 is purely for the grind and bragging rights.

    The shield is really cool, and I love the idea, but looking at the bigger picture I don't see it being implemented anytime soon.

    Really? I'm pretty sure they promised they were working or were planning to make something back when the server released 😞 .

  3. I'm a hundred percent sure that we won't have double xp weekends every week. Previously the founders of Zenyte would activate BONUS (not double) experience on specific occassions. E.g. if the server went down for an extensive amount of time, if there was a special event or if there was a big bug that had an impact on a majority of the players. I'd like to keep it that way because the game is already easy enough and adding experience modifiers makes it way too simple.

  4. 1 hour ago, mystorieman said:

    Great Guide. Simple yet efficient!

    Pro Gamer, Big Brain move here though... Do not drop the glass you make. Instead sell it back to the charter for a profit! It is less clicks and you actually make money doing this method! 

    Shout out to my boy Deadface V for helping me realize this!

    Updated the guide. Thanks for the info.

  5. 9 minutes ago, ily said:

    @SilverNova For clarification, I've read most of the other daily challenge suggestions which is part of what motivated me to make this post in the first place. Also, me pointing out that you didn't add any constructive alternatives to this current thread doesn't mean that I'm arguing, you are the one who is coming off super aggressive. (tons of condescension/swearing in all of your posts, whereas I've done my best to keep this civil.) .


    I cba to keep replying to each other's points because you'll just continue to cherry pick the meaning of what you said and this post isn't intended to become an argument.

    My original argument was "Fashionscape isn't really an "incentive". You'd just be pouring dead content over dead content. /.../". If you can't take feedback or if you're looking for rainbows and ponytails then you're in the wrong area. I gave you my opinion on it. What you do with that opinion, is up to you.

    For the record, you initiated the argument by claiming that I have no alternative to bring to the table. I don't even have to suggest anything. I could just say that your suggestions blows, and move on with my day.

    EDIT: I've actually suggested an improvement for daily tasks way back when Zenyte just launched. Maybe search for potential suggestions of the same caliber before you claim that someone doesn't offer constructive alternatives.

  6. 1. Never said that someone is more important than anyone else. I'm saying that it isn't worth spending time on adding content for a low minority when they can get access to the same content through other more useful methods

    2. It isn't, but I am fairly sure that everyone would prefer doing the A/B/C examples in comparison to collecting cosmetics

    3. If you wouldn't care, you wouldn't argue with someone that doesn't agree. You would take it, and move on.

    Besides, I think you missed the main point which is the fact that it has been suggested a multitude of times and not gotten through.

  7. 51 minutes ago, ily said:

     Fashionscape is a harmless addition to the game and it's also gatekeeped by the fact this is an RSPS. On osrs if you wanted cool cosmetics you could just pay like 500k-1m for them or via things like randoms/minigames. It's really not that big of a deal to have them added into the game.  Although, I heard they are adding clue scrolls so If this idea were to happen it wouldn't involve clue scroll items but rather items like diff colored naval, minigame cosmetics we don't have yet. So many players agree the challenge system is dead and that they would do it if it were better.



     Also you are just commenting how my suggestions aren't good (in your opinion), yet I don't see you offering any other alternatives.

    How exactly does that change a thing? The people that hunt different items to show-off their sense in fashion are part of a minority. Most people here don't give two bleeps about cosmetic items without value. They prefer to spend their time on gathering money, training their skills or beating the various bosses in the game. What you are proposing isn't going to change anything, and we will have to wait less than a month after this is added before someone else makes a complaint about how bad the daily tasks are.

    Perhaps you are new to the game, I personally don't know as I took quite an extensive break from Zenyte, but there have been several suggestion threads on how to improve daily tasks. I'm personally not a parrot and I prefer not to have my suggestions saved on a document so that I can copy+paste them when someone asks for alternatives. That's what the damn forums are for. You can the previous suggestions linked below.

    Sorry to say lad, but I'm pretty sure that your suggestion is going to be declined as there have been a multitude of similar suggestions with (in my opinion) better alternatives.

  8. 3 minutes ago, ily said:

    @SilverNova they might be worth doing if you're low level but when you max they really aren't that great. I'm not saying the xp rewards are bad but they are pretty much equivalent in xp to just doing the normal methods for the skill for the same amount of time as the challenge would take. If you want players to go out of their way to do them then they need to actually feel rewarding.


    Also the purpose of adding more incentive to doing them is because it's pretty much dead content once you reach mid/late-game.

    Fashionscape isn't really an "incentive". You'd just be pouring dead content over dead content. Those that play the game for Fashionscape are typically those that don't care about progression.

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