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Posts posted by Colour

  1. 1 hour ago, Vespula said:

    I was thinking about the buy limit of tickets myself but then I thought what stops people from doing it on 100 different accounts if it's 1 ticket per account for example?

    I'm sure Kris is smart & capable enough still to fix that but I'm not sure how much work that would take.

    Either way, more tickets = higher chance of winning obviously like I said but you still have to remember that it's also a far higher risk to lose BIG.

    Hello again, I was also thinking about this after I suggested 1 ticket per player. I think that with a lottery system like this there could be so many potential loopholes that could occur. Its been about a couple hours from my original comment and when I think about it more, I think it might be too challenging to implement a fair system for the economy, rather than this system being one giant money pit. 

    50 minutes ago, Vespula said:

    I do think thought that lottery could & should maybe be 10 tickets max per IP (trying to cheat could be permanent ban for main account) or something I guess?

    Even with this, it does not stop players from using VPN or other methods to potentially change IP. I think that this idea has potential but for now I do not think it is needed for the server. 

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  2. I do not have room to comment based on my donation rank but a new rank would be cool. But there should not be any sort of assistance with completing the inferno. Its a rare cape for the most skilled players. I do not think ANY KIND OF donation/rank should allow players to skip waves for the inferno cape.

  3. Not a bad idea. But I see an issue with this. I do not like the idea that you can buy as many tickets that you like. With all due respect to you Vespula, you are not hurting for cash therefore you can purchase as many tickets as you like. I think that this would be a cash grab for players in lower tiers, resulting in the players who have a bit more money having much higher chances to win. The rich getting richer. I think if something like this was implemented it should be a limit of 1 ticket payment of 5m (for an example) and everyone who enters has an equal chance of winning.


    I understand where you are coming from with saying that if you purchase more you should have a higher chance, but we are not talking a real life lottery that has millions of participants, we are talking a lottery that might have 100-200 participants, so I do not think someone should be able to purchase X amount of tickets to increase their chances of winning. Just my opinion.  

    To reiterate I am not against the idea, I just think there should be some strict rules regarding how it is played out.

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  4. Good on you for making this post @CIAit is getting to the point now where players are just being toxic in order to draw attention to themselves. Unfortunately there is so many of these types of players attempting to ruin the experience for others. The only true way to fix this is by adding these players on your ignore list. Maybe it might be time to start reducing the yell times to even longer? 

  5. 7 minutes ago, Y0m0pk said:

    Nice work! Only thing I have never really learnt is raids, maybe it is time 🤔

    Do It! I never did raids before until this server and I now have 80 KC. once you get the hang of it you'll enjoy it!

  6. I can get on board with all of this, well thought out suggestion. 

     I do not think that the idea of 1/10 drop for the emblems that are "randomly" T1 - T10 would be a good idea. I personally think the different tiers should be different drop rates, if not we could see a lot of T10's in the game which would effect their value. Would love to hear back if you agree or not. 

  7. It is not a bad suggestion, however I am never a fan of a player paying to be trusted. I think a player sure earn the right to be considered a "trusted" player. Plus I think that if players just keep using a staff as a MM or Record all Gambles this would just be as efficient. 

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