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Posts posted by loltaven

  1. As exciting this is to me I don't think pushing "small" updates like this all the time would be good for the server. I'd like to see some sort of follow up written by Jakey on the state of the "Big" updates Zenyte needs. Sure these small updates are nice and cool but for Zenyte to grow and become the titan it once was it needs the needed updates not something as small as adding the abyssal bludgeon to abby demons.

  2. I honestly like the sound of these. However, a few seem a tad bit overpowered an example being the Zammy one. a chance on hit to restore 10% prayer seems a little to strong. Lets look at the Inferno the hardest piece of content Zenyte has to offer. If you could get a chance to get up to 10% prayer back by hitting mobs in my opinion would make the challenge a lot more easier. I am not against having something like this in the game but a lot of things like the perks and such should be polled. Great idea though!

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  3. I honestly don't really want to write this but I feel like I need to. I honestly don't have the same drive to log in much anymore. Not really having much fun. With my recent departure from the staff team I knew in the back of my mind this will follow suit. I just wanna say thank you to the people who were always real with me you know who you are. This community is the best community I have ever been apart of. I just wish I can see change but I sadly don't think we will ever see it. I probably will hop on from time to time but you wont see me seriously playing. I wish everyone here the best of luck. Met so many cool people here.But for the time being this is goodbye. Thank you for everything.



  4. 30 minutes ago, Krigeris said:

    I think resource collection is fine, its just buffed from rs, lobsters are faster, sharks, magic trees. As long as everything is faster, it makes sense that you'd be able to power fish lobs instead of trout/salmon, or power mine coal/gold instead of iron. I don't think it needs to be "fixed" as resource collecting on rs has always been unrewardingly slow compared to killing mobs for resources, and the current way it is make it slightly worthwhile to skill for them.

    I'm open to the idea honestly. I don't see it hurting the game.

  5. 16 minutes ago, 200M Dancing said:

    Hey@loltaven- First & foremost thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to provide us (the community & Zenytes staff-team) with an overall basis of what you experienced throughout the duration or your time as a member of staff. Nowadays, we don't receive as much feedback as we'd like or hoped too, but when we do, we like to show our appreciation by taking the given feedback into severe & heavy consideration. Without feedback being publicly or privately presented to the team, there is a common struggle at hand and that being we're unable to identify issues (hypothetically speaking if there is any of course). With that being said, I'd like to touch base on a few of your genuine concerns that you have distinguished and/or identified in this topic today.

    Server Supports have access to commands that will serve as a purpose to sustain and assist with maintaining a clean, toxic free, enjoyable environment in the event that a Moderator+ is not available. It's favorable that a role has access to commands as apposed to no access/permissions. Yes, it may cause confusion upon viewing what commands a Server Support have access too, how ever, that's why there are Moderators/Senior Moderators & Administrators. We're here to guide & assist. As you're aware it is a Server Support's primary duty to maintain the Zenyte clanchat & assist in any other possible shape or form. Reports, mutes, bans, bot busting etc are handled by our discretion. What you have to take into slight consideration is that the Server Support role is viewed as a "trial rank" - It would be highly unfair or even somewhat unprofessional to allow those who are on trial to determine the outcome of a players future. Sometimes & I say this from past experience... At times judgments can be clouded by frustration or anger. We do not wish for our Server Support individuals to become discouraged from using the commands that they are given, it's just it's in best intentions to leave the majority of the work that revolves around the use of commands to a Moderator or higher.

    In most cases, yes, this is the correct procedure. As Moderators we have access to a wide-range of sensitive information, commonly known as Punishment logs. When issuing a punishment we need to ensure that the correct punishment is being issued, and the duration of the punishment is 100% accurate. Once again, as you're aware, this is why Server Supports are asked to double check with a Moderator+ in the event that a mute is needing to be issued. We can check prior punishments, inform of the duration, and so forth. How ever, this is NOT always the case. A Server Support can apply discretion & critical thinking if a tedious situation has presented it self. Let's say there is a member of the community advertising another RSPS; A situation as such would not require double-checking. We would rather the situation be handled and adjusted accordingly (if need be) as apposed to allowing x individual to continuously spam until a Moderator+ is available or present.

    You're right, the situation that occurred today could've possibly been handled more appropriately by all of us, not by just the one individual who you are quoting in the above message. We will use this moment as a learning opportunity and hope to do better next time. 😄 

    Promotions are always a tricky one to assess. What most people fail to realize is that this game is a business & a means of living to some. Promotions can't be handed out nilly-willy, they have to be thoroughly thought out. As we all know, Life is entrusted with the responsibility of managing the staff-team, which ties in with promotions and demotions. Whilst you may be correct that promotions do not happen as frequently as they should, it always comes down to trust in the end of the day. Some people have been promoted earlier than anticipated, some have been promoted later than anticipated. It's all about how willing you are to go the extra mile to prove that a promotion should be granted or given. Like you stated Taven, I could also be wrong. I'm just stating it for how I see it as I've been apart of the staff team for well over 7 months now so I'd hope to have a fair understanding as to how things operate around here.

    In conclusion, I appreciate the topic, your time as a staff-member, and everything else you offered in hopes of making Zenyte a better place for everyone. Hope to still see you around.

    I just wanna thank you for taking time to go over my feedback. Like I mentioned before I love everyone on the staff team. I just don't see myself going anywhere as a staff member at this time. I hope all of everything I said made some sense. Thank you for everything sorry I was such a let down.  I believe in zenyte and the staff I'm sure you guys will make the correct choices going forward!

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  6. I personally enjoyed my time as staff, I have no bad blood with anyone on the team. But longer I stayed on the staff team the more I noticed how things weren't really that great to begin with.


    Server Supports:

    First off let me start off with the Server Support role (this part isn't going to include the people just the role in general)
    I find it very.... weird. As a Server Support the role is to: Provide Support in the Zenyte CC nothing more nothing less. I'd like to point out and ask why does the Server Support role have access to commands that I think only mods should have? Good example would be muting. It was brought to my attention that I have to ASK to provide a mute. Why give the ability to mute when you have to ask permission to mute people? If we're going with that logic mods shouldn't issue bans without asking a Senior Mod before hand. I personally think the mute commands for server supports should be revoked.


    Regarding a server supportI have in question and again no hard feelings I wasn't perfect as well:

    Mrclawz: I have only seen him answer maybe 4-5 questions since he has became staff. When he is online I only see him afking at home or doing pvm content and not really providing much support in the help cc. I have also been told that he has sent rude messages to people prior to becoming staff which in my opinion isn't a good thing. (Pretty sure that can be verified in logs).



    The moderation team I feel like is a 50/50 on caring and not caring. A recent event where a player threatened another players life at home where everyone can see wasn't handled right away and was "being looked into" and "waiting on life's response for it". I find that very concerning since the role as a moderator is to enforce the rules not bend them and wait for someone else to handle the issue. Personally I would like to see more moderators in the US timezone. I also would like to add that I would like to see the moderation team show a bit more effort. Show that they care. The fact that I'd have to reach out to a moderator when they're online on discord and not in game is a bad feeling. I know people have lives and can't play 24/7 but I would rather have mods that play the game then some that dont play a lot. Lastly I'd like to mention WE NEED MORE MODS. I cant stress that enough.


    Now the only moderator I wanna mention would be Gepan but for good reason.

    He mainly is on the forums and doing a great job at it if anything instead of being a mod I want to see him be a forum admin since he doesn't play a whole lot.


    Senior Moderators:

    As for our own Senior Moderator again like I mentioned above I'd like to see more people be added to the Senior Moderator list, maybe one more person. Since Conhamer is our only Senior moderator I wanna just say thank you for starting to be active in game again. The more staff we have in game actively chatting with the community the better. I don't really have any complaints for Conhamer I think hes doing just fine.


    To our two admins. I first wanna say thank you for what you have done for the community so far. My only complaint with the Admin role is that I'd like to see at least one admin active in the US timezones. I know this was addressed when I suggested we need a better way to handle 2fa requests so people don't need to wait for hours. But I personally think we need more then just that. In the future I'd like to see an admin that can be on around US Timezones to handle admin stuff when people need it.


    As for our manager I have no hard feelings for you Life you gave me my Support role and I wanna start off by thanking you for giving me the chance. But I do have some complaints for you. I personally think you should try to be more active with the community and playing more. Your the team leader you look over everyone on the staff team. I personally think if you tried to be a bit more active in game besides sitting there I think that'd help with community growth. Being a manager you're the face of the staff team. I only really had like one good conversation with you as my time as a staff member. I'd like to see you be more active in the staff channels. As for promoting people I think you should go about it in a different way (I could be wrong about this so feel free to correct me). I personally think you should promote people who put in the time and effort and people who really care about the server and not promote base on time being there. Idk I could be wrong on that but again feel free to let me know.


    Overall thoughts:

    As for the server as a whole I love it here and I'd hate to see it die. I want to see the staff team put in the effort to chat with the community open up a bit. Maybe do more polls and ask what people would like to see happen differently. I think Zenyte can be so much better if we have a staff team that either doesn't want to put in the effort for change or doesn't care we as a server will die and we're already experiencing that. I wish everyone on the staff team the best of luck and I don't have any bad blood with anyone there. You guys are great but could be better I know you all can be. Anyways I hope my feedback made some sense I didn't want to single anyone out I tried to type this all out without being biased at all. I hope we as a community can see improvement in the staff team as a whole.

    A healthy and strong staff team is what I'd love to see and ill maybe reconsider and reapply. Thank you for your time sorry if this seemed all over the place.

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  7. Welcome to Zenyte! As stated if you encounter any bugs or anything that may feel off don't be shy to mention it in the correct section on the forums or via #bug-reports on discord! If you need any help at all don't hesitate to pm me or ask in the Zenyte CC!

  8. In my opinion I personally think the dairy armour should still have their stat requirements. Example being the wilderness sword 4 being the same stats as an Adamant sword which requires 30 attack to equip which isn't asking for much. Can check for yourself here: Wilderness Sword 4

    As for the barrows gloves I think having a 40 Def requirement is fine. 

    All in all, I am open to the idea of the stat requirements being lowered or removed since I know pures cant use the rfd gloves. But my stance on the dairy armour will stay the same. Also if my example regarding the wilderness sword 4 is wrong then I apologize, just going off what the wiki has stated.

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