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Posts posted by AndreYoung

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    <p>My name is Andre, I'm 25, and CS (Computer Science) student. I have a background in Python, C, HTML, CSS, some JavaScript, Lua, and currently learning Java.</p>

    <p>I've been interested in technology since I was 5 years old, when my brother introduced me to RuneScape. I found myself on the weekends going to my father's house, and playing on the web RuneScape, chatting (killing chickens) with my brother, having the legendary "O.G." name LoneWolf697. This was only just the beginning, when I received my first flip phone which was a Boost Mobile, I was amazed at how so much technology could be in such a little phone. I've always loved mathematics, and appreciated technology (which we sometimes take for granted) but I wanted to do more then just sit back and watch more and more people create newer tech. I wanted to learn!</p>

    <p>I joined the Military one year after my original degree I thought would be enjoyable (marketing). I was a Financial-Technician/Marine Corps Shooting Team (2019-2020). I've Traveled across the country from Japan, to Hawaii, and competed in Georgia, Alabama, California, Ohio, Virginia, Delaware, and the list goes on! Throughout my Marine Corps Enlistment, I taught myself how to code this is where I saw my true potential. I've always loved problem solving, and creating things. I'm also a musician, and love post-production/Mix/Mastering (started playing Drums when I was 6, Piano 10, and Guitar at 12). I taught myself how to play these instruments through tutorials, without knowing this was a form of "finding a solution to a problem". Fast-forward to today where I see the world in "0s and 1s" and the nerd. I'm excited to be apart of the Zenyte team, and look forward to meeting each and everyone of you. Thank you! </p>


    <span>- Andre</span>

    <span>Junior Content Developer</span>

    <span>Development Team</span>



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