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Posts posted by Ekul

  1. I've been thinking all day at work about this, hear me out though.

    I understand the whole 'Keep it oldschool" and "no custom items" But overloads already exist in CoX.

    These would be different than they originally were, and most of the CoX ones too.

    So the suggestion, make overloads with Super Combat Potion, Bastion Potion, Battlemage Potion and Torstol (Since extremes don't exist)

    And since Extreme potions don't exist, this overload wouldn't have the same boost as the original. I feel like the 5+13% like the 75 herb CoX boost wouldn't be overpowered, that way there isn't any unfair advantage using it in the wildy and wouldn't have to area restrict it.

    I feel like 95-96 herb would be a suitable requirement. And once made it would be untradeable.

    There could also be the option to enhance with crystal dust to null the damage taken, or extend the duration from 5-10 mins. I haven't put much thought into an enhanced option.

    In summary, I feel like this would be a great addition to the game, without it being game breaking or a must have. I feel like it fills a niche and being untradeable, actually brings the demand of battlemage potions into the eco.

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