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max here

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Posts posted by max here

  1. I must admit, this idea seems hard to implement in a way that supports server growth, when it appears that people who grinded the cape feels somewhat uneasy about server donations for easier attempts.

    +1 for all of you standing up for server integrity

    I guess I'll just have to grind it out like everyone else - I will console myself with the greater satisfaction in the end!  

  2. 43 minutes ago, Nympho said:

    Ahh yes in that case its a great opportunity for players to learn the inferno.

    Would this game mode have enough interested players for it to be worth implementing though?

    Good point, Personally I believe it could be worth it, depending on how many hours this takes to implement. Another factor is how easy it is to find this game mode, given a google search like "best inferno rsps". Lets say, per year 20 players finds and invests 50 bucks in unlimited attempts -> 1000 $ revenue.  I can imagine this brings in more $ than other features/expansions.  

    32 minutes ago, Echo said:

    ideally its what the instances are for, to practice the waves that you are having difficulties doing. 
    i do see the struggle in getting max gear and what not to do attempts and stuff, but as stated above, we can't have accounts in max gear / max stats roaming around confusing the economy.

    However, maybe we can lower the cost on instances? Will have to be brought up to developers and get their take.

    The purpose of an infernoman is to solely exist in the new inferno instance and not bother or roam around regular accounts at all. The question is how safely the devs can implement this game mode to prevent item dupes from happening. If it can't be implemented safely, a solution would be to have a dedicated world or a standalone infernoman server for this purpose(which could be easier to advertise).  These solutions comes with higher server costs though. 

    A lower cost on instances would help, but I feel the point of this idea is to make it as easy as possible to get started on the inferno practise. The bar of entry to get stats/gear is pretty high if this is your sole goal. It seems like a blowpipe only setup would cost 50 bucks/60M OSRS/10 hours gametime?. that's unfortunately not worth it for me. 

  3. 22 minutes ago, Nympho said:

    Interesting idea but I personally would rather not see dozens of maxed players wearing the same gear, confusing to the economy...

    I do however support the idea of a new game mode!


    Glad you liked the idea! After choosing infernoman in the tutorial, you would be limited to the inferno instance, so non infernomen would not be able to see you

    • Like 1

  4. Hi,

    First, you guys got a hell of an inferno implementation. Hands off, no other server comes close. You do have the 1.5m/attempt, which is sick, but the time to get osrs-like stats/gear is too much effort/osrs for me, and probably for a lot of other players who just joins the server to practise inferno. 

    I propose a new game mode: infernoman

    After you leave the tutorial and select infernoman mode you spawn in a new inferno instance. Here you have access to all standard inferno equipment and start with maxed stats. Infernomen can never leave this instance and the sole purpose of the game mode is to practise inferno. If you can implement the inferno perfectly, you can surely implement this in a safe way, right?

    But why should the devs spend all these hours implementing a pointless game mode??? $$$$

    Add a store item to unlock unlimited inferno attempts for the account, for let's say: 50$. You can also add store items for packages  - 10, 20, 30 attempts.  

    So I can imagine a few hours of dev time was spent on perfecting the inferno implementation. Why not spend a few more and cash out big? 

    As an attribute to this great idea, I will gladly accept unlimited attempts on my infernoman :3

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