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Posts posted by Rifi

  1. 1 hour ago, Node said:

    As nice as this would be I don't really feel that this is needed. As it is, this is an OSRS server - not RS3/Pre-EOC. If your bank and your gear is organised enough, it doesn't take a minute to withdraw what you need because you know where it is. Also we have the deposit all equipment feature, so it makes switching gear less trouble than it used to be.

    I don't support this, however I'm not completely against it. If it passes and ends up going through, no issue.

    Thanks for the reply! 👍

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  2. Hey versace, while bank tabs are nice they are limited. all my tabs are filled up already for the purpose of keeping my bank clean and organized. some items that i wear on my herb runs or my different gear overlap causing this to once again get messy. it's not a huge necessity to have presets i admit but the ease of switching from one task to another is so much smoother with actual presets

  3. I've been through my fair share of private servers over the years. One thing that I've seen in a few of them is bank presets. Bank presets would make common repetitive tasks more rewarding, for example when instead of having to bank all my gear, then put on my graceful and grab my seeds and tools etc... (Which is pretty annoying at times, as i'm sure everyone understands) I could click two buttons and boom, farming inventory and gear is ready to go. This simple feature would be such a QoL update that would help attract more players and keep the ones we already have

    [Link to an example]

    I would love to know how you guys feel about this, if you're not in favor let me know why below  vvv

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