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Posts posted by Fourbz

  1. 4 hours ago, Jop said:

    There needs to be a certain thresh-hold on what (and if) we're going to allow voting rewards to be viable in order to future-proof the economy and how it's stabilized. If we allow an extreme amount of cash and experience from the get-go from theoretically hundreds of players, it will set the tone and set general margins for items and so forth. I do agree that voting needs to appease the general public and we can't push a set of mundane, pointless rewards because more often than not — no one is going to find it worth it. 

    You have to remember that double experience and cash will dramatically effect the server and how it eventually will lead... if players are playing on x50 (for example) and they get double experience, that's an extensive amount being put into the server by hundreds of people and it will set the tone of how quick items are obtained (due to people reaching that level quicker) the economy and so forth. 

    In my opinion, the most viable options to ensure a steady (and consistent) growth of attention to the server would be: Allowing a twenty five times boost to experience for thirty minutes (not as dramatic but still something viable) and allow a boost to coin drops and possibly increased chance of herbs and so forth (remove men and low level NPC's to avoid abuse), double loyalty points (instead of 10, 20 and so forth) and this may be controversial but ease of access is important, what do people think about thirty minutes of unlocked teleportation? 

    I'm late to the party of my own thread, so I'll focus replying to this for now as i'm in the middle of some work. I agree one hundred percent with your priorities. Keep in mind I didn't state any recommendations as to what the rewards would be, the only opinion made was the emphasis on voting and the potential for overall growth that comes with being at the top of vote servers. "My suggestion here isnt the reward itself, but to make sure voting rewards make even the laziest players realize it’s definitely worth it to vote, if they realize it on their own, players in game will be mentioning voting to earn the server wide rewards constantly if done right. 

    The economy needs to be stable, i'm very against large bonuses for donations and voting, but it needs to make it worth players time to vote, yielding more growth. I would rather have a short termed experience boost introduced to ensure voting is taking place on a large scale. The reason for experience in my opinion is this (Keep in mind, i'm not saying the rate, nor the duration) We're playing a private server, where stats are already boosted no matter what mode you choose. You also, have the option to opt for a 10x experience rate, or 50x. So even if the reward for voting consists of double experience gained for an hour, it doesn't have a large scale effect on the economy, for two reasons. 1. Everyone, has the right to vote with no exceptions, there is no player who will log in, and be unable to vote. With this being said, who cares if player 1, voted for some double experience, it doesn't effect the economy one way or another, besides speeding up the economy and perhaps driving lower tier items down abit. (Which most can already be bought, and the xp rate is 50x so isn't viable anyways)  2. If you want to vote and receive a reward that doesn't boost your experience as you enjoy the grind, alternatives could be in place such as cosmetics, loyalty points, slayer points, etc. I don't know what all would fit, but there is a wide array of options that could work without having a major impact on the economy.   


    Tldr. I don't have a set opinion on what the voting rewards need to include, but in my opinion it is a great opportunity to bring in a wide array of players. If experience boosts are an option for voting rewards, there will be no advantages in play, as anyone can vote and receive the same double experience reward. Therefore, everyone is still on the same playing field. 

  2. Currently on Rune-Server, Zenyte is blowing any bit of competition out of the water in terms of Rs2 development publicity. It is truly an amazing sight to see that the next in place advertisement thread has about one third of the comments in comparison to us. Besides that, most have about 10% of the comments and viewers. (Seriously, has everyone saw this, it is insane, Congrats Zenyte!).   With this being said, I know it is a great start and should bring in a good amount of players, however, I believe getting to the top of vote sites quickly would bring in more. I say this because the two top servers on runelocus and main voting sites actively holds 400-500 players. The thing is, the servers are kind of garbage, there’s no other way to put it. The content between the two servers is exactly the same, only differences between the two is the economic design. Th effort put into these servers isn’t minimum, but when looking at something as large as Zenyte, it’s unacceptable the amount of effort that was put forth into the current top servers and their benefits they are receiving.


    To really kick start the servers population and overall growth, I believe we could easily take over and dominate the vote pages within the first two weeks of release. In my opinion, these servers have such high votes not only because of the GP rewards to players but mainly, the xp rewards, along with the mass asvertising of voting. The first month will be the most important for Zenyte to receive a large amount of votes, fast. I believe there should be a decent amount of gp, xp, cosmetics received from voting. (Atleast within the first month and added bonuses)


    Perhaps doing small go kick starters with every vote reward mixed in with skills like every server will be fine. But the two top servers also do voting events where every one hundred votes or so, there is a server wide double xp. 


    My suggestion here isnt the reward itself, but to make sure voting rewards make even the laziest players realize it’s definitely worth it to vote, if they realize it on their own, players in game will be mentioning voting to earn the server wide rewards constantly if done right. 

  3. I especially like your bigger, more simplistic designs. This is great for the website designs, as well as the twitch handles imo. Keeping the main picture or art in focus of the color and blending helps convey the overall message. Keep up the solid work!

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