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Posts posted by Dante

  1. Hey! I personally think otherwise seeing as before he was staff he would answer a lot of questions, and were more or less always right. He has a lot of time played in-game. Is there any chance you have any screenshots of what he said that was wrong? I'm a bit curious.



  2. The entire point of the wilderness is it's a dangerous area. There is no reason if you are going out past 20 wilderness that you would NEED to bring your untradables. This is also the same mechanic in OSRS and I feel like it's a good one. If you have a better alternative other than just removing the mechanic please make a new suggestion thread explaining it. This thread will now be closed.

  3. TL;DR Daily Challenges aren't rewarding beyond the beginning of the game and don't reward the player well enough mid/late game, also could be cool if there was currency for completing daily challenges to potentially skip/block tasks.


    Mostly fluff but feel free to read.



    Hey everyone. I have been playing on a 50x/25x HCIM since the server has released (died twice btw) and I usually do my daily challenges, and one thing I do like about them to start off is that they sometimes require you to gain some levels in the skill you get rewards for before you can actually complete the task, and the levels needed aren't usually to far off from the stats you currently have.


    As of recently I started off a 5x account and noticed that the case is very different seeing as the difference in stats compared to required ones for daily challenges aren't changed at all even being on a lower experience mode. For example, I could have 10 fishing and get a daily challenge of fishing 100 swordfish. It could take some time to get which is fine, but seeing as my stats are low right now it isn't much of a hassle to grind out some levels to complete a daily challenge. I worry that at higher stages and mid to late-game it'll become a lot more difficult to get challenges done before they run out especially if you don't have the time to grind 8-10 hours a day.


    Just wanted to get my thoughts out before I came out with my actual suggestion. In short, I think the Daily Challenge Rewards should be buffed so there is some sort of incentive to complete them mid to late-game.

    I think that daily challenges should be multiplied based on the experience you would get from completing the task opposed to it being a certain number multiplied by your experience mode. This is a photo of the experience I got for completing a Thieving task versus the experience reward for handing it in. I'm sure that at lower levels it is nice since the experience seems to be very high in comparison to what you got for actually completing it, but eventually it doesn't seem like it's really worth going out of your way to complete certain tasks.


    There is also no type of shop/currency as far as I know for Daily Challenges, it doesn't seem very useful to go mine 400 coal ore and 100 addy ore for like 120k smithing experience when you get way more in the first place for attempting to 'Smith 100 Addy Bars'. It would be cool if you got some sort of tokens or something to either skip daily tasks or reset them/change to another one, so if someone is looking for a challenge in a skill that is more difficult to train it's worth completing the other ones to try and get that task later. I'm sure I can expand more on this later but this thread is already getting long enough, I know I can't be the only person who is thinking this. Daily Challenges could be so much better.


    If you have anything to say or have a better idea please leave a comment, thanks for reading my suggestion/rant.


  4. This was one thing I was looking for when I started playing the server and was surprised there wasn't a toggle-able option to turn it off, or even set it to friends like you can with Public, Friends, and Clan Chat. Even when people are just going back and forth flooding yell chat when they can definitely just take it to PMs, for cases like that it would be nice to just turn the Yell channel off completely. 

  5. Very straight-forward, would be nice to have something at the bottom of topics to see players currently viewing a topic, I know we can see players who have viewed it but would be nice to see if people are currently viewing topics. Not sure if there are any negatives to this, couldn't think of any myself.

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