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Posts posted by Caswell

  1. Personally, I do not like the idea of having specific perks targeted at different exp rates. I do agree that additional rewards should be added to reward players that take on the challenge of such low exp rates, but perks like this go against the point of doing the lower exp rates to begin with and come with their own issues.

    1. Players that have already been 5x for a long time get skimped, because they spent this whole time without these perks. This is a small issue granted, and players would likely get over it, but still something to be considered.

    2. Choosing to go through the journey of maxing at a lower exp rate is rewarding because of the challenge it brings. These perks would intentionally make it easier. Doesn't that seem counter intuitive? If you wanted it to be easier, then go for a lower exp rate. The harder the challenge, the more satisfaction you get when you complete it. 

    3. Some of the suggestions you made were almost solely QOL, which are fine I suppose like noted herbs. Others would have hidden effects on the economy that are difficult to quantify. Say the 10% slower energy drain. This seems solely like QOL, but you are literally increasing the efficiency of the player and decreasing the amount of time it takes for them to do certain activities. This change alone wouldn't be bad, but paired with a bunch of other perks... It's hard to say how big of an effect it would have. 

    What about cosmetic rewards? Meaning separating the exp rates by different ranks, so you can see who is 5x and 10x. Or an armor set that you can get ingame for different milestones that have some of the small QOL changes you mentioned.
    Example: You unlock a helm at 250 total. This helm will note the herbs you get from herb runs. At 500 total, you get a platebody that gives another perk. Even if they don't give perks, having a full armor set by 2000 total would be cool. Idk. Just throwing out ideas.


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