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nuck chorris

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Posts posted by nuck chorris

  1. 3 minutes ago, DOGDICK39 said:

    Cringe, no one is botting, take your tinfoil hat off.
    Post proof, oh wait you can't.

    Can confirm all the accounts posting in support of this are SB, the biggest cringelords on the server who were getting flamed daily by pvmers for harassing them, now the tables turn and they complain like there's no tomorrow.

    Nope, I'm not part of SB, I'm not even an active pker unless I want to have some fun with a real life mate. I hate sb aswell but obviously the problem is with pk clans in general and your clan is the most disgusting I've ever seen anywhere. names like "getcancer49", not toxic in the slightest, right?

    No proof? HVR and Kingredarrow have seen you guys botting on friday, demanded you to reply and nothing came of it. You didn't reply and just continued, also attacking kingred and hvr in the process because obviously it was programmed to attack any player. Even if you weren't botting, you are ragging every single person going to wilderness canoe for 3 days straight, that alone should be a banable offense.


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  2. Definitely agree. They should've been banned on Friday already and hearing they were doing this for 3 days straight (friday till now) is really disappointing. They are also toxic and insulting and definitely should have all their accounts banned and all their wealth removed. If they traded over wealth to a clan member, wipe his bank. If they traded it to a mule, ban that account, also ip ban them anyway.

    They are not just running a rag bot script, but at the same time also locking down black chins, which some people train hunter at. they also auto attack everyone going to revs (unless they're currently fighting each other for whatever reason) and they also automatically attack people at wilderness bandit camp. So they're actually harmful scripts, harassing and annoying players.


    Also: ACTIVELY ragging someone should be a punishable offense aswell, even without a bot script. ragging = bullying / harassing / wasting someones time and preventing them to do something they want to do. Should be banable.

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