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Posts posted by Octavious

  1. On 1/6/2020 at 11:28 PM, Ancient Mage said:

    Yes but make it 200m xp requirement

    I thought that 120 level meant 200m when first reading this thread. I realize that is only 100m xp now. This should be added ONLY for 200m XP in a skill. 

    • Like 1

  2. All of these are amazing. I love the Borat one though! Borat is a huge hit movie between my friends. We went so far as to rent out a bar and host a giant Borat themed night. When I saw it as I was scrolling, I got so excited! 

    I can see the progression of your skills as I scroll down. You should consider applying to be a GFX artist for the server, or opening up your own signature shop as you will make a lot of money with skills like these. 

    • Like 1

  3. Welcome, Nick! I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. I hope that you and your family are doing okay. We welcome you here at Zenyte with open arms. I'm sure he would be proud of you for striving for your CompTIA's and showing his motorcycles love. 

    I have a question for you:

    I'm at the point in my life where I'm considering moving across the country and I'm trying to find the best place to live. Chicago has been up there high on the list for me. Would you recommend living there? 

  4. Context: 

    • A lot of threads require nothing more than a comment saying, "I like this", "That's awesome", or even "I really don't like this." 
    • I find these posts irritating because they do not add to the thread itself and the "Like/Dislike" buttons accomplish what those posts say without cluttering a thread. 


    • The issue is that you can only dole out a limited number of "Likes/Dislikes" each (day, session, I'm not sure exactly when it gets reset). 
    • People want to show their support for posts/topics, but run out of "Likes/Dislikes" so fast that they result to posting replies only consistent of a few supportive/negative words.

    Potential Solutions: 

    1. Increase the number of Reputation Points accounts are allowed to give out based off of their post count. I assume it's already like that, but bump it up a lot more.
      • For perspective:
        • As someone who uses the forums fairly regularly, I find myself wanting to use the "Like/Dislike" button about 10 times.
    2. Allow for unlimited amount of Reputation Points to be given from any account if they reach a certain post count, say 10 posts. 
      • Negative to this would be people spamming their reputation up, but that is truly not that big of a problem.
        • Boosted Rep > Boosted Post Count. 

    Please provide any feedback or potential solutions you could see below.

    Thank you! 

  5. I accidentally voted on two sites the other day not knowing I had voted on the Runelocus earlier. Therefore only two of my votes reset to the 12 hour wait time while one of them was only at 3 hours for a wait time. I don't know how this could be accomplished in the game noticeboard without it cluttering it up too much.

    Maybe have it give the player a notification only when all 3 sites are available to be voted on? This could end up making players vote less often though. Or the notification will remind players to vote causing votes to spike. Depends how important people think that cash and those vote points are! I know I vote ASAP every time. 

  6. 20 hours ago, Kris said:

     and something to reclaim the lost items from. 

    Possibly a chest outside of each God's area. Each chest requires you to have an armor piece of that God's insignia on it in order to open? Then possibly have a cost for retrieving the items. Could be as simple as recoloring the gold trim on chests: Grey, Red, Brown, or Blue. 

    OR! You could have the chest right past the entrance to each God's area. Therefore people would have to achieve the necessary kill count to even get to the chest. I find that as a worthy punishment for failing your instance. 

  7. Although creating dialogue and story lines for an event quest might take up too much time, what if smaller event ideas were added?

    For example:

    - Christmas could have small carepackages that look like presents pop up around the map. They last for a minute or two and have an assortment of potential items inside? 

    - Thanksgiving event could be that all fish caught are automatically cooked for you? 

    - Halloween could be a FashionScape costume content hosted by the staff that could grant rewards to the players. 

    These are just potential ideas, but the idea of a smaller event could prove time saving while still preserving the holiday spirit. 

  8. 19 hours ago, Kris said:

    I'd rather people not hoard the supplies and then always waste them on the weekends or whenever they know the special is going to go active. It starts damaging the game that way. Rather have people guessing when to waste their supplies or whether there's even a point in them waiting weeks before being able to use them. It's just healthier having them use the supplies as they get them which is what generally happens.

    Although my question completes contradicts your last paragraph, is there a chance that we can be notified a day in advance on the forums about a double XP event? That way we can at least clear our IRL schedules for incessant grinding? 

  9. It was truly a toss-up for between Theatre of Blood and Construction. Construction is just one of my favorite skills to train as I love the act of designing an ostentatious house. I've never actually been able to complete Theatre of Blood in OSRS though, so it would be awesome to try and test my skills here. 

    I voted for Priff as well, but I imagine that would take incredible Dev time and commitment and I would rather see that time be dedicated to the first two options. 

  10. I feel like your thread has not been given any feedback because people are having a hard time understanding you. My recommendations would be to break it up from one paragraph, to smaller bits of information. Example:

    So in game as most of you know you donate from shop you can get bond's. 

    • Well when you buy bonds it takes away from total donated.
    • So when you buy to many bonds it can put your account into the negative like mine is done $ -20.00.

     So here is my idea:

    1) When you donate you get bond's

    2) Ingame if you want to use bonds for cradits and total donated you can, but if not, you can just sell and it wont lower your total or turn you into the negative zone.

    3) But you would also have to remove bonds from the store

    Leave me some thoughts/feedback 

    Now if I were you, I would go back and re-phrase a lot of these comments. I don't know if English is your first language, but some of it was difficult to understand. If you would like some help constructing sentences out of your ideas, you're more than welcome to send me a pm on the forums and I will do my best to help you out! 

    Hopefully this helps 🙂

  11. I don't think most of the people who still play some form of RS could have ever guessed that they would continue playing this game for so many years. One of my friends jokes around with me and tells me it's just a few graphics away from playing an Excel spreadsheet. Oh well, I still love it and it looks like you do too. I loved your story of how you started playing the game. I could almost feel myself back in the computer lab at school making an account and checking over my shoulder to see if the teacher was headed my way.

    I hope you enjoy the server and stay active on the forums. I would love to see more from you! 😄

  12. Start watching at 0:33 for the ride of a lifetime. 

    You snapped your keyboard?! LMAO! That is some rage right there, man. Why were you even boxing that guy to begin with? 

    You almost got killed by a guy you thought was a bot! Hahahaha

    • Although that did look like a game glitch.

    I loved the video. That cracked me up. Keep posting and I'll keep watching! 

  13. I love the format of your post. 

    On 11/27/2019 at 2:17 PM, Nympho said:

    Love the minimalistic use of words and the thread itself. A very visually appealing post!

    I could not agree with that more. 

    As for the account itself, I play a Hardcore Ironman on OSRS and I find skilling to be pretty dreadful without combat. You have to be a patient soul to gather all of those supplies manually. ESPECIALLY for Runecrafting. I wish you the best of luck when you get to that skill. 

    Overall though, you have made great progress and your updates are impressively consistent and fast. At this rate, you might just max out by the end of the month! 🙂

  14. Welcome back to the RS/RSPS scene. What Pokemon game(s) are you playing? Definitely get around to posting your digital graphics thread as soon as you can! I love seeing the forum threads decorated with the amazing art that players produce. 

  15. First off, I wanted to applaud you for such a well-written post. Even in OSRS, I know that toxicity levels can be high when a group is crashed at GWD. Luckily there are so many worlds that this can usually be avoided outside of peak game play times, but since Zenyte is only one world, I see the urge to make it instanced. A "death" feature would have to be put in place though, because dying in an instance and losing all of your items is less than ideal. Every other instance has a death and item retrieval mechanic. Implementing this into GWD would be wonky, but if done correctly, extremely useful. 

  16. ZMI was only successful because of the mass amount of people who used it on one world, therefore creating the follow train. I think it would be kind of miserable to do without that mass line. 

    What do you think about that, Leclerc?

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