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Wind Walker

Sapphire Member
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    1h 59m 57s

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4 Iron

About Wind Walker

  1. An oversight, I'll be sure to edit them in! Thanks for the feedback! Thanks a ton! Much appreciated, will continue to edit them hehehe!
  2. Wind Walker's Comprehensive Guide to Farming & Herblore Hey all! In this post, I want to preface that This is not the fastest way of getting 99's. This is instead a guide to people that are new to farming, new to herblore, people who like to pvm and do not want to keep buying their potions, pkers who want to save a few gp, and so forth! In no way do I claim this is the fastest way. This is however, what I have found success in, and felt like sharing this with the community. Let's get into it! What you need! The Objective! The Process! To Wrap Things Up! I hope this guide/manual has served you well! I wanted to create something that did not exist for me. I was frustrated having to go on google just to find simple answers. These skills were so foreign to me and I hope this comprehensive guide did it's job in providing knowledge! If you have any questions, comments, criticism, or inquiries, feel free to message me either here, or in game! I would love to talk about it! Best of Luck! Wind Walker - - Change Log - - December 29th 2019 - Guide was posted
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