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Posts posted by BobHarlie

  1. Hi I'm BobHarlie, I'm a HC iron-man here on Zenyte. I've literally only been playing for a week, but in that time I have hit some minor milestones. Nothing to big, but a decent strong start. I noticed however that there wasn't alot of guidance for new ironmen. So I decided to make my own for the newer people.. So here we go..

    DISCLAIMER.... I AM A MOBILE ONLY HC. If I can do it. You can do it to!

    So starting off. I would recommend doing the tutorial, which is a cutscene not a playable. It shows you around home and what things are. Plus it gives you a little bit of starting cash to.

    So. The Very first thing I would do if I started again would be to activate your 2FA. If your on mobile it can be tricky. But it is do able. Start off by typing ::2fa. It gives you a brief tutorial on how to do so. IF YOUR ON Mobile. You need to view the page in desktop mode in order to progress.

    Enabling the 2fa not only secures your account but gives you around 250k per vote you do. And for me that funded all my runes and lower level needs.

    Your second step would be to vote due to the cash pile you get at the start which is invaluable.

    You have 2 options from here. The most efficient option and I'll explain in a second, would be to go to Wintertodt, reason being the damage you receive at wintertodt can be negated to 0 damage as long as you have 10hp. You still need food for the first 60 percent of its HP though as the damage is reduced with the bosses health.

    You get alot of resources from WT which is why I initially did it. But the XP from their is ridiculous. I'm order to not get Rekt upon your first go of WT. You need warm clothing. Their is a list on the official Osrs wiki of clothing. But the most accessible for you at the minute would be..
    Fire staff - mage store at home
    Bear hat - melee store at home
    Bug Lantern - slayer store at home.


    Now even with these you will still take damage until you get 2 pyro pieces so make sure you still bring food!

    Now the question is. How can I do Wt at this level. Let alone efficiently. Well it's entirely possible. Using my method not only do you get Lots more exp per hour, but you get alot more drops per crate to..

    So I will try to shorten this as much as possible as this could be a guide I do in itself at a later date.

    In order to gain maximum efficiency you need maximum points. After 500 points in WT you get a crate. Now what most people don't know is that every 500 points gives you another roll on your crate meaning you can get multiple stacks of items from your crates. A short example is 6k points could potentially get you 12 items from your crate. You will need a Tinderbox, hatchet and a knife.

    Now onto the strategy. Now despite what some might say Quick games are defintely not what you want as an iron man. Or any player for that matter. You want to burn 2 braziers and no more. Revive only 2 pyros until you get to around 40 percent then leave them both to die. With only 2 braziers lit they will never extinguish and the bosses HP will regenerate in this time you can chop as many roots and fletch them Into kindling as you want. I would recommend that if your brand spanking new. To only go for about 3k points to begin with to get used to it. And not panic from damage ticks. But essentially with a few warm clothing  you can end up soloing with 0 food. And getting 10k crates!

    Make sure you fletch your roots for maximum points and exp!!  I got myself to 99 fm and had around 74 Fletching at this point. The exp is slow on Fletching at first but it scales with you level. So as you level your Fletching it will increase 10 fold.

    IF you cant be bothered with wintertodt and you want to just get out there. I would recommend using your starter weapons at chickens. As it requires no runes/ammo and can get the first 50 levels out the way pretty quick.

    If you need a melee weapon you can go to lumbridge Castle basement where the RFD chest is and buy the Cleaver as it is the same stats as rune scimitar. You can also buy mith - barrows gloves from here also


    Next is runes.. My best tactic without rune crafting is to teleport to a 4 locations and buy their stock. And just run laps around them to stock up. All which are easily accessed by the teleportal at home. These places are
    Lunar Isle -  misc tele
    Varrock - aubury
    Mages guild - yannile - 68 magic req
    Mage arena - wildy teleport


    Now I want to talk about a few features to point you in the right direction

    So we will start off with the HP chest at home. This recovers ur hp, prayer and your run energy.
    Majorly useful for my barrows strategy which I will talk about shortly


    Next is your altar, so if you go to home to the most northern building and go upstairs is the altar. You can right click to change your spellbook and also use bones on this for bonus exp.


    The main floor underneath has the vote shop and loyalty shop. Right click for the loyalty shop

    There is also the wise man and mac. The wise man is donator claim and mac needs no explination

    Jackie at home is the npc that sells all your tools and essentials for an ironman

    There is also another npc here that if u right click you can buy an amulet of accuracy. Bis till you get a power ammy.

    Lastly as parting info. You can also get a mythic Cape by teleporting to corsair cave in the dungeon teleports and go up the ladder to the myth guild. You can buy the Cape and also a dragon dagger, long, mace and battle axe!



    The very last thing I want to talk about is barrows. I want to cut this short though so I will briefly explain my method.
    Buy an ibans staff. Buy death and fire runes. And some basic gear. You want at least prot from range and mage prayer. As you can safespot the rest. Teleport to morton and run east. Kill ahrim and karil normally. Then find the tunnel without killing anyone else. Once in the tunnel everytime you open a door you get a chance to find a barrows brother. You can run into the long tunnel on the outside and back into the tunnel room with the ladder repeatedly to force the spawn. If your in the ladder room you can use the ladder itself to safespot. Or if your in the long tunnel then you can use the Speckled rocks to safespot. The normal ones are not safe spotable. So make sure its possible by testing it on a mob. 1 side of the long tunnel doesn't work and is in access able so make sure to navigate to the right side. I can usually do one barrows run with no prayer pots using this method before teleing to home to use the recovery chest. Not efficient but very very good early on for runes as long as you don't go over 87 percent rewards.

    That's all for now I guess just wanted to share my very minute bit of information for you people wanting to make HC irons.

    P. S wildy slayer. I do it at my own risk. But it is worth it and you rarely see people. Just be ready to lose your status.

    P. S. S I got my Rune CB very easily from Crazy  Arch. Bring tele tabs food and mage. Pray range. Can also get odium shard 2. And the malediction shard 2. And cannon balls. Along with the odd prayer potion.


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