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HCI Creatine

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Posts posted by HCI Creatine

  1. 26 minutes ago, Lestat said:

    I’ve put a lot of thought into a balanced supply crate for Ironmen and here is what I’ve come up with:

    The Iron Supply Crate Drops:

    Grimy Herbs

    -Low Level (x100)

    (((think Guam, marrentil etc.)))

    -Mid Level (x25)

    (((Think Ranarr, avantoe etc.)

    -High Level (x10)

    (((think torstol, Dwarf weed etc.)))


    -Any Seed (x10)

    —- can range from onion to redwood trees, low level higher % drop rate—-


    100x any ore except:

    25x rune/adamant/mithril

    Raw Food

    —- 100x Of any raw fish ranging from shrimp to shark. Lower level higher % drop rate—-


    - 100x any except:

    —-x50 redwood/magic/yew/mahogany/teak


    25x of any set of ingredients needed for a specific potion

    So this is the most tedious part of being an Ironman is grinding out the secondary requirements for potions. I propose that the supply boxes have a higher chance of dropping these for iron or every time + one of the others. 

    The secondary ingredients drop in sets for the potion, meaning enough of every secondary ingredient needed for the potion to meet x25

    For example: 25x snapegrass for Ranarr, 25x wine of zamarok for ranging pots etc. 

    The lower level the potion the higher % drop chance for that potions secondary ingredients. Add an announcement in chat for the individual onlythat says “you received the secondary ingredients for (blank) potion”... this would help irons to learn and see what ingredients they need and to start working towards the herblore needed to make those potions.




    Support! I think you've been around long enough and have played on ironman mode long enough to know what you're talking about.

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