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Posts posted by Sonk

  1. 5 hours ago, Necromancer said:

    I like this idea, however I’d like to see it made strictly for untradeable cosmetic items. 

    With VPN’s so accessible these days, making a RaF system that rewards GP would be waaaaaay too easy to abuse. Players could make new accounts all day long recruiting themselves and taking the spoils for it. Should be implemented with caution in other words..

    That's why the accounts would have to have a certain amount of time played, and possibly a certain total level, too.

  2. Add incentives to recruit friends to play the server. 

    Based on players recruited and their time played, for instance:

    1/5/15/30/50 friend invited with 12/24/48/72, etc., hours playtime.

    Each tier offering different rewards. Could be simply GP, various untradables, skilling supplies, etc.

    Would definitely encourage existing members to invite friends, so not only boosting the servers population, but also rewarding loyal and helpful existing members.

  3. 6 hours ago, Korex said:

    Welcome to Zenyte, Sonk. I hope you enjoy your stay with us 🙂

    P.s. It would be cool if you told your discord community about us! 

    My discord community isn't gaming oriented I'm afraid, it would be quite peculiar for me to promote this server to my userbase, as much as I personally would like to.

  4. My in-game name is Sonk, I'm from Ireland, 25 years old. Been playing RSPS's for 9 years or so, ever since they were crappy little moparscape servers with barely any content. I used to be a forum administrator for a long defunct server called InnovationX/Legacy/Paradise. I also run a Discord community of around 1kish people.

    Loving this server so far 🙂

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