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    23m 28s

Posts posted by Oden

  1. 2 hours ago, Tranquility said:

    Welcome on board @Oden

    Looking forward to see you around :)

    Also, I'll look into your name-issue. (Fixed it, but seems you can't have the space. Just PM me on Discord if you want the regular name back).



    Thanks! If the space isn't allowed, I'll just stick with my previous name. Any idea why the space causes issues?

  2. Hello there. I saw the thread on Rune-Server and thought I'd hop on over. My name is Odin, but Odin was taken it seems. I also tried 'All Father', but that did not work for some reason. So if an admin can help out and change my name to 'All Father',  that'd be neato.


    I've been playing private servers on and off ever since the dreaded EOC update on RS2. That being said, from what I've seen of this server so far, I'm really looking forward to playing it. It's been a long time since I've been excited to try out a server, so take that to the bank. I can't wait to meet the community. I'll catch you all on the leader boards. Behind me of course.

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