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Posts posted by Jaedmo

  1. Great idea, Tom. Personally, I love it. As you said, the start of most servers is overlooked. With a server as in-depth and content-thick as Kris, Tommeh and Noele have made this one, it'd be a shame for people to skip that content with 10 actions of any kind. 

    It will be polled in the near future to see how many people would like something similar to this system, nothing set in stone but something along these lines.

    Great suggestion.

    • Like 1

  2. Thanks for writing up the thread, Mtarik, looking forward to seeing you update it more.

    As you saw I've been looking for ideas, a few of these I've written down already. However, the HCIM exp change, duo ironman mode and title system are ideas that can be considered. 

    HCIM Exp Rate -  Will depend on whether we will be going with multiple game modes most likely, this will all be polled soon. But even if we stick with one exp rate, it would be cool to have a harder rate that has little effect on regular players which would be HCIM.

    Duo Ironman - As Kris said it's a bit iffy, can be quite confusing and having two people kind of defeats the purpose of the ironman. This is more something people agree to do and do on regular accounts. 

    Title System - I don't really like Titles. They work well and they can be cool depending on how many there are and what they're given for. But that many titles can get clunky. And especially considering we're aiming for pretty vanilla OSRS look and feel, having 50 titles or so that are from RS3 isn't a great look. Alternatively, these titles can be added to people's Yell or something like that.


    Love the ideas though, keep adding more :)

  3. It's a bit dodgy that you pretty much copied the entire Wiki guide. But at the end of the day, copy their game copy their guides right?

    But please try to use your own content in the future. Their guides are great and I'd love to see a heap of them on here, but always give credit if you fully copy.

    It also gives your guides a 'personal flair' that you won't get using other people's guides. 


    Edit: Video was good though.

  4. Can you show and example of what this would do? I don't really understand the code you've posted.

    Edit: I imagine it'd be a plugin that allows you to have more. If you manage to find it let me know, otherwise i'll keep scanning the acp.

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