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Posts posted by Ferret

  1. 1 minute ago, Engage said:

    Nice guide, however I would add the different types of setups (void being prob the best if not on task?) then show slayer helm karils, and then niet helm/black dhide


    Also use the Insolated boots, those change the status damage from 5-7 to 1-2 where you dont really NEED to move. 


    Besides that, good job.

    Huge love for the constructive criticism, the insolated boots thing is a game changer. As far as the slayer helm and void I don't have access to that, which is why I just listed to use your best range gear.

    Thanks man 🙂

  2. 2 minutes ago, Ruby said:

    Awesome guide! Thank you.


    Just now, Natumayi said:

    Thanks for this amazing guide man! I'll be sure to link it towards players in the Zenyte cc.

    No problem I added pictures as well. Hopefully I get a chance to make my other guides more detailed, I made them in a bit of a rush just to help out the people who had been asking a lot.

  3. Welcome to my guide for Rune Dragons! They are a good way to make some money outside of the wilderness, and they drop dragon limbs!



    • runite bar and dragon bone each kill
    • average loot of 20k-40k (usually a rune item)
    • chance of receiving dragon limbs (also a very rare chance of visage or dragon metal jump)


    • Range with ruby bolts (e), diamond bolts (e) optional. Use your best range gear. Bring an anti-dragonfire shield. Insolated boots are VERY important for damage reduction from their special attack.
    • Inventory: 6 prayer potions, 1-2 ranging potion, 1 antifire potion, vengeance runes, and sharks.

    Getting there

    • Teleport to lithkren vault (dungeon teleports) and run slightly north, and pass the barrier to the right

    Killing Them

    • Drink an antifire potion and pray mage (you can buy antifires at the potion/food shop for 3.5k each). 
    • Stand at least 4-5 squares away
    • Use vengeance as much as possible
    • They will sometimes use a ranged attack (uncommon), nothing you can do to avoid this.
    • They have an electric special attack they will throw at you. As soon as they throw it, move 4+ squares away. If you stay in the same spot where they throw it you will be dealt 1-2 (or 5-7 without insolated boots) damage per tick and die quickly.
    • Use ruby bolts (e) and your kills will be WAY quicker. You can switch to diamond bolts (e) when they are below 80 health but it isn't necessary. 

    Good luck!


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  4. I'll improve this later

    • use the image at the bottom for rotations
    • > The purple dot is where you should stand. You will always start in the same spot.
    • > The bigger dot is Zulrah. Green means it is using range, red means melee, and blue means range and melee.
    • When zulrah is green or red, mage it. When it is blue, range it. 
    • Bring anti-venom+ and rings of recoil. The rings of recoil will kill the snakelings, they only have 1hp but you don't want to kill them yourself because you could keep damaging zulrah instead of wasting time killing them.
    • At the "jad phase" on this server it will just do 1 attack, it has a 50/50 chance of being mage or range. 
    • At the end, if you have enough supplies to attempt another kill, click the zul-andra teleport on the floor (its an object, not an item to pick up). 
    • If you die you can collect your items back for free from the female npc at zul-andra.


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  5. This guide is more specifically written for doing a bandos mass. 


    • Helm: Helm of Neitznot
    • Amulet: Fury > Glory > Strength
    • Body: BCP > Torso > Barrows Body > Rune Plate
    • Legs: Tassy > Barrows Legs > D Legs > Rune Legs
    • Cape: Fire Cape 
    • Gloves: Barrows Gloves
    • Shield: DFS > Defender > Obby Shield > Rune Kite
    • Wep: Abyssal Tentacle > Abyssal Whip
    • Boots: Primordial Boots > Dragon Boots > Rune Boots > Climbing Boots
    • Inventory: 10 super restores, 2-4 super combat (4), bones to peaches runes, dragon dagger or dragon halberd, a hammer, a rope (if it's your first trip only), and the rest food. Bring an ecumenical key if you have one


    I highly recommend going to the wilderness godwars dungeon and killing low level npcs (pyrefiends and imps) until you receive an ecumenical key so that killcount will not be required.

    Getting there

    • Teleport to trollheim, drop 2 food, teleport back home
    • Grab 2 law runes and 2 fire runes
    • Teleport back to trollheim pick up your 2 food, then run to the godwars dungeon. You will need a rope if this is your first time. Follow the map below



    Killing Bandos

    • If you do not have an ecumenical key, get the required killcount. The required killcount is lower depending on your donator rank
    • Go into the bandos room (hammer required)
    • Go into the boss chamber
    • Pray melee when the boss is alive, then pray range or use the applicable prayer for whatever is attacking you in the boss dungeon
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