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About Kourtmeow94

  • Birthday 06/03/1994

Personal Information

  • Biography
    <p> <span style="color:#8e44ad;"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><span style="background-color:#000000;">I'm Kourtney, I'm a huge nerd and a big music lover, I am mentally disabled, and I'm also lesbian. I enjoy video games of all kinds, from The Legend of Zelda to Call of Duty to Elder Scrolls games. I play on Xbox One so if you do too feel free to add me. </span></strong></span></span> </p> <p> <span style="color:#8e44ad;"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><span style="background-color:#000000;">Instagram - kourtmeow94</span></strong></span></span> </p> <p> <font color="#8e44ad"><span style="background-color:rgb(0,0,0);"><b>if you would like to know anything more feel free to ask!</b></span></font> </p> <p> <font color="#8e44ad"><span style="background-color:rgb(0,0,0);"><b><span class="ipsEmoji">💜</span></b></span></font> </p>

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