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Posts posted by Zerg

  1. What's up guys, had some good feedback on the last post so figured I'd make another one with my recent drops and what i've been up to on the server.  I came back to the server about 2 weeks ago starting with a 10m bank and only untradeables and managed to get pretty lucky with the rebuild, enjoy.


    My first attempt at a solo raid, died 5 times and only had 24K points but managed to get a purple!


    these arcanes are already starting to get annoying lol



    First good item! can't complain!

















    Hopefully you guys enjoy these little updates because I like posting them!




  2. 52 minutes ago, Rolex said:

    Not bad, especially the ancestral bottoms. Split raids right?

    Yea bottoms were great to get sold for 525M , and yes all split for the past ~ 15 or so we've done 4+1s and it's around 1/6 for getting a purple.

  3. Hey guys, i just came back to the server around a week ago and have been on the rebuild and figured i'd share the drops i've gotten on the way to 50 KC.






    I plan to make some more progress updates and other posts like this hopefully you guys enjoy!

  4. Got a random shaman task and hadn't had luck since my first hammer, i finished the task and had nothing better to do so figured i'd stay for a couple extra kills and it sure did pay off 😎




  5. Hey all, sorry i don't have the full loot tab but I figured i'd post my current loot from revenants after nearly 6,000 kills to show you what you can expect from Revs on an average drop. All these kills were done skulled which gives you a better chance at hitting the RDT for any Emblems, or rev weapons. Hope to see more of you guys enjoying revs and making money from them!




    Some of the items are a bit random like the zulrah scales and what not but all the rune items etc are all from revs, I will keep updating and plan on saving this tab if you guys enjoy stuff like this.


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  6. very nice guide, i can't struggle enough to players to just get their farming up WHILE training herblore and just using the herbs they get from farming. It's free XP and patches grow every 40 minutes scaling with whatever donator rank you are, for new players this is a great way of money making, and getting your herb to 99 if you are wanting to make anti venoms / whatever else high tier potions you need for money making.

  7. I agree, you can only do godwars so much before the game feels more like a chore than having fun with friends and having a decision of doing what you want. Everyone is depending on raids to turn out for a smooth launch and go well, if it doesn't, i don't see a very good future for this server unfortunately.

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  8. Hey guys, last weeks progress log had some really good feedback and i enjoyed reading the comments so i figured i'd keep these going as lons as you guys are enjoying them.

    Last week we ended at a total of 99M bank, and 1587 total level and boy did we get some nice drops on the way, lets get into it.

    Monday started off with our daily Armadyl trip but we didn't get anything the first but binged on the second and managed to pull an Armadyl Chestplate very early into the trip! R6Pkhs5.png

    Just a few kills later we got lucky enough to hit the table again but unfortunately it was only a helmet, was still good for us since we now have a free armadyl item to get killcount with, without having to use the book. 58OHhRY.png

    Our next task was to try out greater demons since i was on task and hoped we could get lucky at Zammy and man did we, 17th kill of the trip and we managed to pull a SOTD which drastically changed me and my friends bank considering we still weren't that rich/had good gear at the time.nt5XF8o.png

    I managed to upgrade to a bandos godsword to make our godwars trips a little easier while the rest of the group focused on getting total levels to make our super combats/pray/brew etc, we have kind of been playing the server as a group ironman since the economy still hasn't really stabled out yet and you can't always get things on the GE that you need at the time, Content was our farmer / pot maker fuck you was our thiever / seed-getter and crafter for certain jewellry (recoils for zulrah etc) and i was focused on big drops like zenytes from Demonics, getting us a blowpipe from zulrah and other tasks.


    The next day we went to bandos with our newly acquired BGS and managed to pull another hilt for one of our members to upgrade to! CWGu1Yu.png

    We started focusing more on bandos to get us all Godswords and try to upgrade to max gear in preparation for raids and lucky enough we landed on another hilt to give our 3rd and final member his upgrade to a BGS! 2WWkDbe.png


    After achieving a BGS for our whole group we took a little break from PVM to do our own things and skill, and go for certain diaries so we had a small break from PVM for a couple days, I was focusing on getting us zenytes and managed to hit the jackpot fairly early, on my 2nd trip we managed to pull a Zenyte shard which was used to upgrade to a Torture. vi1q6w6.png


    After going around ~ 400 kills dry i got a bit sick of demonics and decided to try our luck back at bandos again, i'm not sure what's up with us pulling hilts, but surprisingly, we managed to pull another one! In around ~ 1,000 bandos kills from mine and my groups KC combined, we've had 5 hilts, 5 boots, and only 1 Bandos chestplate, still hunting that tasset! yzJSMVW.png


    2 hilts in 1 trip within 30 minutes of each other! ejKoAV8.png


    Onto the bank and updated stats after 2 weeks! As I said in the beginning of the post we started at a 99M Bank and ended at 1587 total level so the progress is very nice to see and feels like an achievement, this week we end with a total bank of 352M and a total level of 1913! I did a few diaries but nothing big, i'm currently focusing on 95 smithing for ardougne diary and a few other things but mostly we are still trying to make money for max raids gear in prep for the update.




    I'm going to end this weeks post with the amazingly lucky dragon warhammer i managed to get after only 1 night of camping shamans, I hope to see you guys back next week if you guys are still enjoying these, let me know in the comments if you enjoyed or would like me to keep posting! 


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  9. Hey guys, I started Zenyte roughly a week ago and figured i'd do a little progress log and see if people enjoy them, if so ill continue posting cause I like seeing how far i've come.



    This was my groups first PK that really got us started with able to upgrading our gear and moving on to barrows etc which really helped us, our banks were only about 1.6m at the time so this was huge for us.

    After that we moved onto barrows where i got torags legs and was able to upgrade to a whip to go to bandos and our tank bought a crystal shield, we ended up scoring big and getting a BCP! 


    This was massive for our trio group and we all upgraded our gear tremendously and moved onto saradomin where we hit another huge drop which ended up being an ACB and ended up selling for 75M 





    It feels so good seeing the progress you put in actually paying off and our group being to upgrade our gear. we've loved the server so far and it's been so fun for all of us. 


    Here was the starting bank around ~ 3 days ago 7062f9e6f10f27c168c7daedb6e62fad.png


    and this is what we've upgraded to from the splits etc jaLBnLQ.png



    Hope to see all you guys around in the server and if you enjoy little updates like this let me know i don't mind putting in time to uploading more

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