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Rune Dragon Guide

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Rune Dragon Guide

I am not the creator of this guide, sole credits respectively goes to@Life

The Lithkren Vault contains Adamant, and Rune Dragons, both presenting their own challenge, today we're going over Rune Dragons.

I. Gear Setup
II. How to get there
III. Drops
IV. Mechanics & Tips/Tricks

I. Gear Setup

II. How to get there
Option 1
Use a Digsite Amulet, and choose Lithkren Dungeon

Option 2
Use the Portal, and go to Dungeons -> Lithkren Vault

I recommend turning Auto Retaliate off. This will prevent you from running to an NPC you're attacking while trying to loot your last drop.

III. Drops
Rune Dragons drop Runite bars, and Dragon bones every kill, a few alchables, an runes.
If you want a full list, checkout the Official Wiki here.
Some notable drops are listed below.

Draconic visage.png: Rune dragon drops Draconic visage with rarity 1/8,000 in quantity 1 Draconic Visage
Dragon metal lump.png: Rune dragon drops Dragon metal lump with rarity 1/5,000 in quantity 1 Dragon Metal Lump
Dragon limbs.png: Rune dragon drops Dragon limbs with rarity 1/800 in quantity 1 Dragon Limbs
Dragon platelegs.png: Rune dragon drops Dragon platelegs with rarity 1/127 in quantity 1 Dragon Platelegs

IV. Mechanics & Tips/Tricks

  • Rune dragons use all 3 combat styles, they will attack you with melee (Headbutt and Claws), magic (resembles a 'water wave' spell, ranged attack (shooting a single bolt at you), as well as the standard Dragonfire breath, and two special attacks.
  • Rune dragons have two special attacks, as stated above. They will shoot two electric bolts at the ground, that do AOE damage of 4-7 damage a tick for around 3 seconds. Your insulated bots will reduce the damage down to around 2-5, but you should still run a few tiles away from the bolts, but they also will follow you. The second attack, uses a range attack that hit's through Prot Missles and leeches your health and uses that to heal, which is why it's better to Protect Magic anyhow
  • I use Karils, just for the Magic defense, but Bandos Tassets and Bandos Chestplate would be ideal to tank.
  • I bring Super Antifires, because I'm using a Dragon defender for extra DPS, if you'd like to tank more with Bandos, bring a DFS, you can bring regular antifires.
  • I bring a Dragon warhammer for a spec, but it's not needed. Rune Dragons have 276 Defence, so it makes it for easier kills.
  • I also bring a Veng pouch, again it's not needed, but makes kills faster.

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