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99 Fishing Guide

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Hello and welcome to an easy, fast & comprehensive skilling guide! I'll be going over the best methods for fast levels, equipment, experience rates, and everything you need to know for you to get that Fishing Skillcape! Keep in mind, this was how I achieved 99 Fishing, 

I am not the creator of this guide, sole credits respectively goes to@Life



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Press CTRL + F & type in one of these options below for easlier access.

i. Fishing Gear
ii. Teleports
iii. Experience Rates
iv. Catching Fish


i. Fishing Gear

You'll want to navigate to the North West of Edgeville, where the green circle is, and trade "Jackie". Go ahead and purchase a "Small Fishing net", a "Lobster pot", a "Harpoon", a "Barbarian rod", and around 3,000 Feathers (you made need more) for a total of 13,755gp.

ii. Teleports

You'll want to head over to the Zenyte Teleport, and choose Cities > Catherby


iii. Experience Rates
 Indicates the Fishing level need to catch these fish with the Barbarian Method
* Indicates the Agility level you need to catch these fish with the Barbarian Method
* Indicates the Strength level you need to catch these fish with the Barbarian Method

Shrimp (1)
250 exp/catch
Anchovy (15)
1,000 exp/catch
Tuna (35) (55)* (35)*
Lobster (40)
2,250 exp/catch
Leaping Trout (48)* (15)* (15)*
1,875 exp/catch
Swordfish (50) (70)* (30)*
Leaping Salmon (58)* (30)* (30)*
Monkfish (62)
Leaping Sturgeon (70)* (45)* (45)*
Shark (76)
Raw Anglerfish (82)
Raw Dark Crab (85)


iv. Catching Fish

After teleporting to Catherby, go ahead and bank your Harpoon and Lobster pot, as we'll need to get around 2 inventories before we move onto Lobsters. 
We'll get around 45 Shrimps/Anchovies before we hit level 35 Fishing.


Let's go bank our catches, in Catherby Bank, deposit our Small fishing net, and grab our Lobster pot & Harpoon.
You can start catching Tunas on the same fishing spot you'll catch Lobsters on, just right click > Harpoon. Eventually, once you get past 50 Fishing, you'll begin catching Swordfish, as well.


You can either choose to catch Lobsters, or catch Tunas/Swordfish, as they're exp/catch is so close, it's not going to effect Fish per/h very heavily. (Tuna heals 10, Lobster heals 12, and Swordfish heals 14, if you're interested in what is best to keep for training.)

From here, you'll spend a few minutes fishing until you hit 76, which is the level we will need to catch a mighty Shark. If you're looking to AFK and get training supplies, this is your route, but we are here for that cape, so let's skip over these bad boys. Once you hit around 60 Fishing, let's head to Ottos Grove, and do some Barbarian Fishing.

Teleport back home, and use the Teleporter, choose "Misc" > "Barbarian Outpost".

After you arrive, you'll be located at the green circle, you'll need to head South to the Whirlpool, indicated by the red circle.

Here is where we'll be staying until 99 Fishing, you'll be able to Catch Leaping Trout, Leaping Salmon, and Leaping Sturgeon, this is AFKable, but very fast. Simply enable your Shift Drop (Options > Controls > Enable Shift Click), or as an alternative you can use a knife on them to create Row, that you can use as bait. 

Hang in there, relax, and profit.

Congratulations on your 99 Fishing, purchase the Cape from Max in the Achievement Hall at home!


Special thanks to@Life

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Thank you for this guide! Helps a ton!

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1 minute ago, xer said:

Thank you for this guide! Helps a ton!

All Credits go to Life my brotha! 

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