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Posts posted by lame

  1. 2 minutes ago, glitch said:

    Didn't his proposed method act as a gold sink? Frankly speaking 50x combat should make it easy to get another account to where you want it to be, so on that basis I wouldn't support this. Though I do agree there should be something to aid players, this is a RSPS after all.

    I think @SilverNova idea of having it be a limited thing and have it act as a gold sink so there is a price to doing it is a good compromise to locking your XP. If you fuck up 2-3 times then perhaps you should seek additional ways to not mess up your account or play more carefully.

    As I said either way works, it doesn't matter.

  2. 2 minutes ago, SilverNova said:

    The problem is that it makes those niche account much more common. I know that the PvP Community wants it, but it needs to be thought through by the development team.

    I mean I'm technically playing an Ironman account so literally nothing in the game will affect me, yet you don't see me supporting ::master commands and free Administative rights for all players, now do you? My proposed suggestion doesn't have as big of an impact because it is (A) a money sink and (B) a limited option. You can't do it all the time, and if you got your levels too high then it is too late to reset.

    You're talking as if anyone would support those ludicrous suggestions. This is minimal and doesn't effect anyone but the player who unfortunately ruined an account he/she worked hard on. Could even add ways to make it benefit the server like a gold sink, and you're all blindly defending this 'integrity' we should have.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Nos said:

    I personally don't agree with the idea because creating specialty accounts such as the ones you want should require a bit of thinking and effort to make. This server has tended to stay away from most things not similar to OSRS. I definitely understand that one misclick can mess it all up, but that should just add some thrill to it. No support from me.

    With that way of thinking then we should be able to change our xp rates to 1x in a specific skill. It's not just that one misclick will mess it up like RS. One misclick will mess you up 50x worse than RS. 


  4. 3 minutes ago, SilverNova said:

    Well first of all, xp locking should never be added to the game because it allows players to train other skills without training their combat stats. E.g. you would be able to see players with 40 attack, 40 strength, 1 defence and 99 hitpoints, prayer & slayer, or some other crazy combination like that. Second of all, it distrupts the mechanics of the game. Finally, yes, also because of the integrity. I have spoken about this with some people and I think that the absolute best solution for this would be to allow players to "reset" their levels for a fee and only up to a certain level. So for example you can only reset your skills twice if the skills is under lv. 60 or 65 and it will cost 500,000 coins. This is good because it gives players a chance to reset their skills without ruining the integrity, mechanics, etc of the game while also allowing for a money sink.


    Defence icon 31/31 + Coins 1000.png 500,00 Defence icon 1/1 (✓)

    Defence icon 61/61 + Coins 1000.png 500,00 =! Defence icon 1/1 (✗)

    I don't see a problem with anyone wanting a niche account, how does it affect your gameplay? I wouldn't care for either or but something needs to be done as a QOL change for those who want to make pures. Currently we have nothing to make pures stay.

  5. Just now, SilverNova said:

    It's actually very easy to not destroy your account if you play close attention. There's no way you can jump from e.g. level 59 to 61 if you are active when training your account. However, if you are AFK then of course you might get a few levels too much. But that's on you. Be careful when getting to the levels you want and you should be good. No support.

    Any skill below or even at 50 will go up extremely easy.. it's literally 50x harder than old school. Why are you not supporting, is it because you want to keep the 'integrity' of the game? 

  6. You may say something like "don't use pure builds if you can't not fuck it up" but being at 50x combat experience it makes it extremely easy to misclick and gain experience in a skill you didn't want. On OSRS you have a lot more than once 'fuck up' due to the xp rates, on here you only have one. 



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  7. I’m sorry I don’t support. There’s already way too many rewards in Slayer already and we shouldn’t fix what isn’t broken. Having multiple ways and incentives to be online earning something is always a good thing! 

  8. Smudge tags were huge back in 2014, wow I miss seeing them. I can see what tutorials you used to learn this technique and it seems like you executed it greatly. The problem with most people doing smudge tags is that they can never incorporate a solid BG/MG without it looking flat. That's a problem here with these pieces, they all look quite flat and unnatural.


    I hope to see more newer stuff from you soon! 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Chance said:

    1) No one said anything about personal backgrounds.My mention of being a front end developer outside of Zenyte does not pertain to my real job, it pertains to services I do for other servers. I'm in the digital marketing business in real life.
    2) I'm simply saying, people designing signatures for their own personal gain should not be given a rank simply for doing so. Zenyte does not owe you for posting your work and selling sigs for ingame GP. That is your own personal endeavor. It's not worth an incentive. 
    3) I believe I've already touched base on how the "little signature shops" comment came out wrongly. I support anyone willing to trade their graphics for ingame incentive. I'm not patronizing you I just think it's chasing clout to ask for a rank just because you picked up a hobby. 

    This is a runescape private server. An RSPS needs to create incentives for pk activity, loyalty programs, event participation. Not for people to create signatures and sell them for ingame GP. As I said, if you design FOR the server, I could understand a rank a bit more, but even then I think the current system with the award being given for it works well enough, that's personal preference.

    Let's stop bouncing around my criticism of this idea and getting our feelings hurt please. I'm not criticizing any designer here, I'm saying myself included as a designer, I do not see the point in Zenyte creating an incentive for people to design. It is not the servers' responsibility to create artists. 

    I believe we're having some miscommunication..

    I'm not saying I should just "get" this 'Designer Rank' just because I think I'm good at it or that I'm experienced with it. I do also believe that the user should have to be actively doing something for the good of the server/community to keep the rank. I do not agree with solely giving the rank to people who've only done free/paid work for the server. Either way I believe work should be required to obtain the rank. 


    Having a (graphics) community inside of another (RSPS)community is never a bad idea and it only promotes more exposure. 

  10. On 6/26/2019 at 4:41 PM, Pixels said:

    No support for a rank. If the staff team want to a point someone to do SOTW/M they can simply do so and use an award as a prize. A "gfx artist" rank isn't really needed. All it mostly does is cause arguments about who's better at what. 

    @Chance designed the one of the damn logos we're using and he doesn't even have a "gfx artist" rank. He has a forum award. This isn't like all the other copy-paste servers out there. Zenyte is out to be unique in more ways then one.

    You don't need a rank to demonstrate if your a gfx artist or not. The forum section is right there. Show everyone what you got. They're remember your username more than they will for your "rank". Trust me.

    I was top 5 in the invite contest. Based on your logic I should have a "Discord inviter" Rank.

    I'm sorry but I've been playing RSPS's for just about a decade and Runescape in general for far more than a decade. Let's quit pretending like RSPS's have invented the wheel over time. There's always a (for lack of a better word) 'meta' when it comes to private servers and there are fads. "This isn't like all the other copy-paste servers out there. Zenyte is out to be unique in more ways then one."

    Zenyte is an amazing server with what seems to be a good staff team, but stop kidding yourself by saying we aren't like everyone else. We are. The only difference between any RSPS is management and revision. That's all. You guys are talking as if we are actually doing something original here. We aren't original. What we're doing has been done many many times before over many years. I personally believe Zenyte will be one of the few to stay populated and prosperous but let's stop acting like the developers are creating something new. We're just imitating OSRS with some QOL changes.

    But since we're throwing out personal backgrounds.. I'm a marketing and social media manager for a business in my city and have been able to increase sales immensely ever since I started working there. Want to know how? Incentives. Nobody wants some lousy award that you hover over that just says "Good job you've been used as cheap labor!" They want the recognition that the rank would get them. 

    On this post I'm simply asking for an introduction of the rank, I would flesh out all the ideas completely if it were to get any traction by staff members. I'm willing to volunteer my own time for free to set up competitions, events, etc. 

    Also to the comment about "my little signature shop". Please don't patronize me. I only design online for people to give myself advantages in the games I play. Freelance Graphic Design stopped being worth it after 2014. That includes logos, signatures, advertisement banners, etc. (Unless you're hired on by a business being paid 4-5 figures)

  11. 3 minutes ago, Monk said:

    Great work, something I could never really master is a proper glow in a dark environment and it looks like you have mastered just that!

    Well done.

    Thank you! You should check out my tutorial if you want to learn more on how I do the lighting. That one is more simple than the rest but you'll get the gist! I've been doing this style for a long time now 😛


    I appreciate the kind words!

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