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    1d 7h 43m 27s

Posts posted by Natumayi

  1. I would love to see these vote tickets being added. But with this ticket system, we need certain rewards to be changed in price.

    Many rewards are underpriced in my opinion. A herb box and seed box can easily be obtained through 1 day of voting. It would be nice to need more vote points to obtain these items.

    It would also be nice to see the following items being added for the following prices:

    • 15 minute bonus exp book. 5 vote points. (This book will grant you 15 minutes of x1,5/x2 bonus exp in a random skill.

    • 30 minute bonus exp book. 12 vote points. (This book will grant you 30 minutes of x1,5/x2 bonus exp in a random skill.

    • Rune package 15 vote points. (This package will give you 2500 runes of choice when opened.

    • Custom skin color of choice. 250 vote points.(purple/green/blue/red/orange/white/black) 

  2. 16 minutes ago, Engage said:

    I’m going to agree with extending the timer by 1 minute with each rank because of the simple fact that OSRS has longer timers “technically” and we are trying to be as close to OSRS correct?

    Agreed, +1 support.

  3. Thanks for creating this guide man!

    Many players often ask where and how kraken is killed. I’ll be sure to link this topic in the cc whenever this question pops up again.

    Great guide!

  4. 2 hours ago, SilverNova said:

    Afaik your suggestion is already live. Not a single invididual has been promoted due to their staff application, with the only exception being Ruby & Life but that's a different story. Apart from those two, literally no one on the team has made an application.

    Like SilverNova said ^

    I don’t support the suggestion. Even though what you said about friendly politics, this can easily be moderated by the actual staff team.

    Players who aren’t helpful and simply hunting for a staff position are easily tracked.

  5. Just now, Ferret said:


    No problem I added pictures as well. Hopefully I get a chance to make my other guides more detailed, I made them in a bit of a rush just to help out the people who had been asking a lot.

    Looking forward to that! 😄

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