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    1d 7h 43m 27s

Posts posted by Natumayi

  1. 9 hours ago, Psyche said:

    Be nice to see this once you have had the chance to obtain more information after release! But overall with the pointers/opinions that have been stated above I think you'll have the ability to make a brilliant starter guide for us all to take a peak at.

    Good work! And thanks :D 


    9 minutes ago, SilverNova said:

    Nice guide. I'm sure it will be a splendid "to-go" area once it has been edited accordingly based on your game time :) 


    10 hours ago, Jett said:

    This is a nice little guide for those just starting out on Zenyte for the first time. I'm sure someone will make use of this, good job.


    Thanks lads, hopefully we'll be able to help many new players, icluding ourselves with this guide!

  2. 42 minutes ago, Cringephobia said:

    Will be good to challenge you and maybe do some duo skilling/Pvm


    Best of luck!

    Is this an invitation? :)

    I’d love to do some pvming and skilling with other lads of the game.

    Bank standing skills are always so lovely. You get to have wonderful conversations with various members of the community.

  3. e17db6a6c1093aa11ea3f5b0d5dcb532.png

    latest?cb=20180424002328 Attack 1/99
    latest?cb=20181017211100 Strength 1/99
    latest?cb=20181017210139 Defence 1/99
    latest?cb=20180424010757 Prayer 1/99
    latest?cb=20181017211502 Ranged 1/99
    latest?cb=20181017210132 Magic 1/99
    latest?cb=20180424010809 Runecrafting 1/99
    latest?cb=20180424011103 Hunter 1/99
    latest?cb=20180424005312 Hitpoints 1/99
    latest?cb=20180424005727 Agility 1/99 
    latest?cb=20180424011014 Herblore 3/99 
    latest?cb=20180424011020 Thieving 1/99
    latest?cb=20180424010841 Crafting 1/99
    latest?cb=20180424011032 Fletching 1/99
    latest?cb=20181017211656 Slayer 1/99
    latest?cb=20180424005736 Mining 1/99
    latest?cb=20180424010903 Smithing 1/99 
    latest?cb=20180424010912 Fishing 1/99
    latest?cb=20180424010923 Cooking 1/99
    latest?cb=20180424010933 Firemaking 1/99
    latest?cb=20180424011002 Woodcutting 1/99
    latest?cb=20180424011047 Farming 1/99
    px Construction 1/99 
    Stats icon Total Level: 32/2277


    Pets I've got along the way of training my skills up to 99.

    1. Unclaimed

  4. Heya Zenyte,

    I'm Yoep, 21 years old and I live in the Netherlands.
    Apart from gaming, I love to spend time chilling, swiming and drinking some beer with my buddies.

    I've been a part of the rsps community for bout 8 years now.
    In these 8 years I've had the chance to work with some servers, whilst playing and enjoying them.

    I've played many servers so people might remember me as:' Antsui, Krypto, Top Fe, Nacyto, Natsuke and Natumayi' .... and so on.
    If you do remember one of these names, feel free to hmu in-game, on discord or on the forums for a chat.

    Can't wait for the server to release, I'd love to meet you all!


    See ya in-game!

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