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Posts posted by Nigi

  1. I agree I love the motherload mine but the % for nuggets is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo low by the time you get everything unlocked your 200m mining xp

    maybe add it where each xp class gets a better rate. 

    25x 4% 

    10x 7%

    5x 9% or something like that

    and also maybe add some custom items to shop so u can spend your extra nuggets on if you decide to get 200m mining xp there maybe like or other mining related items 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Laxus said:

    This could potentially attract more PK'ers to the server which I'm all for, but I'm not sure that an easy mode as such is in alignment with Managements vision for Zenyte. I'm neutral, not bothered by either outcome.

    I agree this would attract a lot of pkers who don't like to take the time to train and also bring in a lot more pures for pking

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